KR Audio PX25 vs 242 vs the rest...

Trying to resurrect this discussion after a few years as it almost directly applies to my current scenario. I have a Lampizator Golden Gate and am trying to really optimize the incredible sound quality it is capable of.

Thusa far, I have tried several 300B's, 101D's. None are giving me quite what I desire. I'm currently using the Lampizator supplied EML 5u4g, with the KR Audio PX4's I do have a couple other options for the rectifier, buy would like to sort out the other pair first. of I am looking for an overall balanced sound, with solid bass reproduction, but more liquid midrange and sparkling highs. Any suggestions as to my best tube options would be greatly appreciated. I know there is a ton of knowledge and expertise in the group who were communicating in this discussion.

A friend is about to loan me a very nice NOS pair of 45's. Not sure where that will take me.
Trying to resurrect this discussion after a few years as it almost directly applies to my current scenario. I have a Lampizator Golden Gate and am trying to really optimize the incredible sound quality it is capable of.

Thusa far, I have tried several 300B's, 101D's. None are giving me quite what I desire. I'm currently using the Lampizator supplied EML 5u4g, with the KR Audio PX4's I do have a couple other options for the rectifier, buy would like to sort out the other pair first. of I am looking for an overall balanced sound, with solid bass reproduction, but more liquid midrange and sparkling highs. Any suggestions as to my best tube options would be greatly appreciated. I know there is a ton of knowledge and expertise in the group who were communicating in this discussion.

A friend is about to loan me a very nice NOS pair of 45's. Not sure where that will take me.

I would definitely recommend the KR 242’s if your dac can accomodate.
It’s a crazy tube, very dynamic and full of life.
I would definitely recommend the KR 242’s if your dac can accomodate.
It’s a crazy tube, very dynamic and full of life.

Thanks, but I am afraid it might well be too dynamic. I'm looking for more warmth.
Thanks, but I am afraid it might well be too dynamic. I'm looking for more warmth.

The Western Electric 300B reissues have the best midrange of any of these tubes. They are not as dynamic as the 242s. They definitely have a sense of warmth. They respond well to different rectifiers.
Tubes have a few factors that can lead to a type of sound
the 242 is a very high gain set tube in fact I don’t think there is one that is higher
the px25 is a close second
To my ears it’s a 300b sound but faster due to its gain
it is warm of neutral to me as well where the 242 is less more neutral
the recti used has a big effect on the sound in a Lampi
so if the recti is low power it may slow the rise or speed of a fast tube
I think it’s due to it running out of head room
a high power recti is much closer to a SS recti sound again more head room less dc droop
faster = more gain of tubes but only if the recti used has the head room
this is my take on tubes
The Western Electric 300B reissues have the best midrange of any of these tubes. They are not as dynamic as the 242s. They definitely have a sense of warmth. They respond well to different rectifiers.

Just to double check, you are referring to the actual reissues made by Western Electric ($1500 per matched pair) as opposed to the Psvane Western Electric reissues ($850.00).

I would love the opportunity to try them, but unfortunately don't feel that I can spend $1500.00 just to see if they work well in my DAC. If they don't, I'm out a lot of money.
Tubes have a few factors that can lead to a type of sound
the 242 is a very high gain set tube in fact I don’t think there is one that is higher
the px25 is a close second
To my ears it’s a 300b sound but faster due to its gain
it is warm of neutral to me as well where the 242 is less more neutral
the recti used has a big effect on the sound in a Lampi
so if the recti is low power it may slow the rise or speed of a fast tube
I think it’s due to it running out of head room
a high power recti is much closer to a SS recti sound again more head room less dc droop
faster = more gain of tubes but only if the recti used has the head room
this is my take on tubes

I greatly appreciate your thoughts, Al. I have an actual 5R4GY STC BRIMAR (FOOTSCRAY) to try out, which I will do asap. Can also access, for not too much money, an NOS Mullard 5AR4/GZ34 if you think that would be worthwhile to try. I was also pondering the purchase of an NOS Haltron (RCA) 5U4G. Any thoughts would be extremely helpful.
Just to double check, you are referring to the actual reissues made by Western Electric ($1500 per matched pair) as opposed to the Psvane Western Electric reissues ($850.00).

I would love the opportunity to try them, but unfortunately don't feel that I can spend $1500.00 just to see if they work well in my DAC. If they don't, I'm out a lot of money.

Yes, the actual Western Electric reissues.

$1500 is a lot to pay for tubes that you aren’t sure about! However, they have a pretty good resale value if they don’t work out. Lightly used pairs should be worth at least $1200, if not more.
Yes, the actual Western Electric reissues.

$1500 is a lot to pay for tubes that you aren’t sure about! However, they have a pretty good resale value if they don’t work out. Lightly used pairs should be worth at least $1200, if not more.

Thanks, I had not realized they would bring that much for resale, lightly used.