Best server for Lampizator


New member
Nov 1, 2018
Its difficult to compare different server. Especially I m not sure if those server can beat my current multiple box solution.

I m using sonictransporter i7 with roon and hqplayer. Its powered by uptone js-2. Then the signal is passed throught audio switch and router powered by LPS. Then from lan, The data is passed to Ultrrarendu and a iso regen powered by LPs1.2. The SQ is good, beating some cdt even with tidal streaming. I feel the weakest link can be the cabling connecting those devices.

Any one has experience changing from similar solution to a dedicated server? Thanks.
I have not, but have a similar interest.

There are a couple decent threads on Agone and audiophileStyle regarding the Innuous server products, where some are stating sig improvement over similar setup / config as yours. Mine is similar as well, but using fiber.

Specifically a two box type of system vs direct to DAC.

It’s obviously very subjective and comments are to be take with a grain of salt. Innuous is all but one of several products/manufacturers available, but seem to be get positive reviews

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I have test the new Aurender Acs10 against my sonictransporter + ultrarendu-lps1.2. The Aurender win.

But at that time, the sonictransporter has normal switching power supply and the cables between are just stock cables.

I am really interested in a well cabled and powered and even well clocked multiple box solution against some high end server.

There is advantage in multi box solution because there are less emi and rf intervention, but the data passing thru those cables can be subject to emi rf. The path is long and jitter can occur in anywhere.

The Innuos doesn't seems to have enough power to do upsampling for Lampizator. I believe its good for bit perfect playback. But it can sound good just like the Aurender ACS10.
Just the right topic at the right moment :-)
Up to today I was using Auralic Aries Femto and tonight I will have installed by the manufacturer personally LDMS (Lukas Domansky) music server. I've heard it last Sept in quite (to me) brutal system and it sounded sublime. I know it is being used in several insane systems with great results. But more details and experiences I will share towards the end of the week...
Its difficult to compare different server. Especially I m not sure if those server can beat my current multiple box solution.

I m using sonictransporter i7 with roon and hqplayer. Its powered by uptone js-2. Then the signal is passed throught audio switch and router powered by LPS. Then from lan, The data is passed to Ultrrarendu and a iso regen powered by LPs1.2. The SQ is good, beating some cdt even with tidal streaming. I feel the weakest link can be the cabling connecting those devices.

Any one has experience changing from similar solution to a dedicated server? Thanks.
May I ask a few questions
how does the uptone js2 power the sonictranspoeter. ??
What type or kind of dc atx is used to feed the internal mainboard ??
A side note
having both Roon and hq is a good combo but having them on one machine no matter how powerful is not
do you have Roon sever or full Roon GUI ?
Next try a free download of j river shut down Roon and hq player
set it up Simple. Use DLNA for your ultra rendu.
My guess is a leap in dynamics and details. Look for how music grows from small to big and his fast it happens. I had all you have on a more complex 3 pc setup.
Wow a lot of info! Greatly appreciated.

I just connect the JS-2 with the sonictransporter with the supplied DC cable. I dont know how things work in the sonictransporter.

The roon and hqplayer are both in the STI7. The roon should be a full roon except that its a linux version. Some function is disavled. The hqplayer is embedded version.

What would be the problem if they are together? I have another PC in the room. Do you think I should host the roon there and use the hqplayer alone in the sonictransporter?

What would be the purpose of the third pc? Is it the Naa, like the ultrarendu?

I really hope to use roon because I have got used to the control and its integration and tidal and qobus. Or do you mean jriver just sounds better?

Wow a lot of info! Greatly appreciated.

I just connect the JS-2 with the sonictransporter with the supplied DC cable. I dont know how things work in the sonictransporter.

The roon and hqplayer are both in the STI7. The roon should be a full roon except that its a linux version. Some function is disavled. The hqplayer is embedded version.

What would be the problem if they are together? I have another PC in the room. Do you think I should host the roon there and use the hqplayer alone in the sonictransporter?

What would be the purpose of the third pc? Is it the Naa, like the ultrarendu?

I really hope to use roon because I have got used to the control and its integration and tidal and qobus. Or do you mean jriver just sounds better?


I’m guessing @alrainbow might be referring to having Roon and HQP on say a laptop connected directly to DAC?

I would think that the sonictransporter with ROON Linux and HQP embedded (located in another room) streaming to an endpoint (mU) would be ideal.

Using a properly implemented fiber network may even raise the performance even more.

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Ok. The less active programs the better the sound
roon is a heavy cpu usage. It loads all of your library in your ram alone
not music but all it needs to use
album art
album data.
In my setup I have about 32 TB I needed 16 gb to load
see my point no matter what OS it's a pig lol.
They say to use server and have Roon core on another machine
so if you can load Roon core be it GUI or server and use your best machine on hq and as you have a rendu naa from hq
you should hear it alone
this is a good start
I’m guessing @alrainbow might be referring to having Roon and HQP on say a laptop connected directly to DAC?

I would think that the sonictransporter with ROON Linux and HQP embedded (located in another room) streaming to an endpoint (mU) would be ideal.

Using a properly implemented fiber network may even raise the performance even more.

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Not to be rude but it does not matter how powerful the pc is. But it does help to run Linux at it's less resource hungry. I'm not looking to argue here either
i don't sell products
i do build my own
I do help others
I do get help from a person who sells and makes severs that man is extremely
skilled in software and has helped get to heights I never could rise too.
My point is Simple I don't post about what I don't know to be truth. I test all I claim
using fiber is making things worse as it's more complexity in software and hardware
the rendu is a fine product alone a good cat 6 shielded or even better cat 7 shielded
is far better then any fiber. Just saying
Not to be rude but it does not matter how powerful the pc is. But it does help to run Linux at it's less resource hungry. I'm not looking to argue here either
i don't sell products
i do build my own
I do help others
I do get help from a person who sells and makes severs that man is extremely
skilled in software and has helped get to heights I never could rise too.
My point is Simple I don't post about what I don't know to be truth. I test all I claim
using fiber is making things worse as it's more complexity in software and hardware
the rendu is a fine product alone a good cat 6 shielded or even better cat 7 shielded
is far better then any fiber. Just saying

I was answering the OP and trying to infer what you your response was specifically, no arguing by me :) either. Not sure what you were addressing me specifically about as I was not claiming any absolutes. Just making a few observations based on my experience as you are.

Having a two pc setup -> a high end wkst running Roon Server and HQP in a “laundry” room and outputting to an endpoint (mU or whatever) in the listening room gives fantastic results in my experience. That is only one of many options and one that I use so have experience with that config.

I run a fiber switch (along with my high wkst, NAS in laundry room) and run fiber from switch to listening room which goes to endpoint running LPS and then to Lampi. I control music (GUI) from tablet in listening room. Works beautifully for me.

On my Roon Server running HQP (upsampling to dsd) doesn’t come close to using 16gb of mem. Peace

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I very much appreciate the input of Alrainbow. In fact, that's the answer I am looking for. Some knowhow from someone who have real experience. I, too, hope to get the best SQ from the a reasonable investment. I am still in the multi-box camp. I believe multi-box solution can have less interference. The major problem is the complex cabling and the noise getting into those cables. I have test DC cables, they make big SQ difference. There are some new expensive servers which I am tempted to try though. Getting them is the last resort as it would end my journey of mix and match.

I find that the power supply and clocking have big SQ impact. I am using LPS 1.2 for my switch and a zerozone LPS for the router and network box. The switch and router, which are ocxo clocked, is from a brand called Apodidae here from Hong Kong. These two gears have improved the SQ no less than adding ultrarendu+ultrarendu. I am using DIY Cardas cables with Oyaide connectors. There are some companies in HK which make some audiophile dc cables which I am going to try soon. Tweaking those network and cabling is my focus in a year.

For fibre, I am tempted to get opticalRendu or better still the Signature rendu with fibre input. Alrainbow, do you think it won't be better than the ultrarendu? Could you explain more about your claim on fibre?

For the server, I echo Alrainbow that It may be really better to separate the operation. Actually my sonictransporter ocassionally will suddenly stop playing music, usually when I am doing hqplayer upsampling while the room is doing library scan. Worst still, I need to reboot hqplayer which is troublesome.
Yesterday I have studied this topic and find that someone has similar issue. And by separating roon and hqplayer, the problem is solved.

Today I am going to try seperating Roon(in my room) and Hqplayer(sonictransporter) to see if it make a difference.

Finally, I still have the curiosity to know if the multiple box solution can match or exceed those one box solution, like the SGM, memory player, Lampizator SK, Antipodes or Innuos etc. Its difficult to have a direct comparision.
I have tried the seperate setup. Roon in my pc in the room with wifi connection(not audio pc, just common desktop, with switching power). Hqplayer in sonictransporter.

The SQ actually degrades quite a lot. I believe in the multi-pc setup. But the networking, power , cabling and the PC itself are playing very important role in the equation... maybe finally I need to get multiple sonictransporter to do the job done at the end ( I am not technical enough to setup my own audio pc).
Reg optical use its not that it's bad in concept after all it's true Galvanic isolation. But for it to work we need software , lps power at both ends and it's bandwidth limitations
i think keeping things simple wins
for anyone who uses a rendu or any naa or raat end point keep this in mind
it has its own software to run and its most always Linux
I'm not against Linux but it does have its own sound unlike windows
so it too adds its thinner sound. This maybe needed in some systems too.
Many feel network interface is the future and it has its virtues too.
Having said this if it's not needed I for one don't use it.
In my pacific dac I use the network input
And it sounds great but my usb is still better.
How far I go to make it better is complex.

Now reg a 2 pc setup is this.
Both PCs need to be good and lps Powered.
If one does not Upsample like me a I5 cpu Is fine
network sws and routers on lps yes a must.

In my setup i use three PCs
one is a nas sinology crack
two is a player pc it runs Roon or j river
three the dac pc it can run Or j river out to dac
all use a gig speed Network SW lps powered
I have tried slower less audio pc set ups for the player
it does not sound good.
Same if one uses an End point with a player on it
if it's not a fast I5 and lps powered pc
I tried the low power types ok of just an end point
now I also have tried Linux
win 10/2012/2016
2016 by far is best. And yes all the custom stripped down Versions
there is something about 2016 and it's not found in the others
I even made triple boot machines to have a level playing field
so when I read about severs and they use OS not being 2016 I know
how they sound already
1 Fiber
I have used a local diyer's fiber box which integrate two media-sconverter, fibre connections and dual LPS and clocked inside a single chasis. There is SQ improvement when I was using Oppo 205 before Lampizator Atlantic plus. However, after the A+, the improvement is smaller and I found out the ocassional drop out of the Roon playback is caused by the fiberbox. It just started happening in some day. So now, I don't have a fiber box. But SGC is making opticalrendu soon, I believe they have the capability to make complex things simple. Just like the ultrarendu.

2 Storage PC
How important is the spec of the storage pc? In Hong Kong there is some ocxo NAS which is not cheap. I understand the cost is high because of the ocxo clocks and the expensive SSD. And I haven't tried it yet. I have test an external HDD drive vs NAS both powered by LPS. The different is not big. So I haven't not yet explored this area yet. But I can see some server makers are focusing on this area. Like the SGM which uses onboard ssd(PCI) to shortage the communication while the memory player have some jitter reduction scheme to guide the storage of SSD.

3 Multiple PC setup
Would you recommend the following setup?
Synology NAS + Roon PC(simple i5, maybe a Innuos or Sonictransporter i5) - HQplayer PC(sonictransporter) - Endpoint(ultrarendu).
"I have tried slower less audio pc set ups for the player " Do you mean the roon pc or the hqplayer pc in my case? Without DSP, the roon should not be very heavy.

4 Pacific's Lan
Surprised to know the lan of pacific is not as good as the USB. Except I know that the Lampi's usb is really good. If so, the lan port is not useful. One should use a well powered naa as end point. However, I can understand some people prefer more tidy, less complicated setup.

5 Linux vs Jriver
If its just a tonal difference, its acceptable to stay with Linux. Sonictransporter OS is quite robust even after a lot of hard reset or sudden power off. And I believe hqplayer filter can change the tone a bit in order to adjust to personal preference.

Just the right topic at the right moment :-)
Up to today I was using Auralic Aries Femto and tonight I will have installed by the manufacturer personally LDMS (Lukas Domansky) music server. I've heard it last Sept in quite (to me) brutal system and it sounded sublime. I know it is being used in several insane systems with great results. But more details and experiences I will share towards the end of the week...
Before Lukasz comes to you he visited me a few weeks ago.
The presentation of LDMS was very promissing, I tried both usb connection using Apricity unpowered cable and RJ 45 with a simple switch and generic cable.
Although Lukasz prefers usb I was quite pleased with ethernet connection.
I am looking forward to have LDSM for week or so to carefuly evaluate the sound of LDMS and compare it to my W20.
The latter is now on test with Jcat top of the line Signature LAN cable and LAN and usb conditioner.
I am very much impressed with those two elements, the improvement is significant.
I connected the usb socket of the conditioner to the W20 and ethernet one to RJ 45 input of the Pacific.
Better resolution, soundstage , definition and tone, hard to belive but true.
Usb cable between W20 and my Pac is unpowered FTA Callisto- as you know:)
Btw the usb board of my Pac was upgraded with Crystek more precise clocks and a new power supply to Amanero board.
It resulted with more analogue sound compared to standard solution.


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I have been building servers for some 7 years back long enough to be in the dark ages
pre any thought of servers built for the purpose. It was simple build it fast build it with what ever was the big thing anyone was talking about but
back then and even now CPA was the place to hang. And anyone who did any programming were above god himself.
Well gods get replaced too it digital audio.
So some 5 years ago I found out about two people
who in my world began the audio nirvana we are in
one is a man named Paul pang the other is audio Phil
One man made the many tweaks that still apply even today
the second is the one god left standing after many years of godly killings
he was the programmer. The man who actually made the mods some use now.

Now the man golum speaks of is both of the past giants in one
he is the godly programmer and the nerd in tweaking to perfection

Anyone who tweaks like me knows there's a fine balance in making it better and making it worse as we apply layers of therm.

This man has helped me reach levels I never could without him.
He is a tech in power , and programming as well a very meticulous builder
me I make it work get the cover on lol. He makes it look great in and out. Then does what no one else does he uses parts he makes and software he writes.
He uses an OS most all run from as it's very technical. But the rewards are amazing. A must hear. Many severs have there own sound and tweaks that make it so
but he makes servers that can sound as needed and he can make the changes remotely even after its setup and playing. No one does this.
For any one who wants to hear one come see me on nyc
or email him the man is way below the ultra high players Cost.
A honest audio builder who loves great sound and knows how to make it so in in your system
this is pc we all need and never get.
Before Lukasz comes to you he visited me a few weeks ago.
The presentation of LDMS was very promissing, I tried both usb connection using Apricity unpowered cable and RJ 45 with a simple switch and generic cable.
Although Lukasz prefers usb I was quite pleased with ethernet connection.
I am looking forward to have LDSM for week or so to carefuly evaluate the sound of LDMS and compare it to my W20.
The latter is now on test with Jcat top of the line Signature LAN cable and LAN and usb conditioner.
I am very much impressed with those two elements, the improvement is significant.
I connected the usb socket of the conditioner to the W20 and ethernet one to RJ 45 input of the Pacific.
Better resolution, soundstage , definition and tone, hard to belive but true.
Usb cable between W20 and my Pac is unpowered FTA Callisto- as you know:)
Btw the usb board of my Pac was upgraded with Crystek more precise clocks and a new power supply to Amanero board.
It resulted with more analogue sound compared to standard solution.

Marslo, I'm curios how the Ldms sounded in your system?

I also have the Lampi Pac and AG duo Mezzo's. My current server in Nucleus + through ethernet, which I'm happy with, but am still interested in improving the digital streaming. I would probably be going with Lucas's smaller model, as I don't need upsampling, eq, or huge storage.
Hi Al
It’s Steve from Sound Insight - We are expecting the Lampizator here in a few weeks and would like to speak to you about music servers.