Atlantic DAC - Incoming

That's about the best you can say about tubes, they look pretty.
Matter of opinion that!

You say tomato, I say ToMAAHto. LoL

I don't really like most SS Dacs...DRY..need a glass of water to endure a listening session.
When I go to the symphony, a concert or local venue, the last thing I want the music to sound like is tubes. I want it to sound live.

You should go more. I roughly went to 40 live classical concerts last year, if not more. Now in September itself in one week I have 4. One thing I definitely do not hear is violins from top and bass from bottom like your speakers do.

These are mostly at Barbican, some at Wigmore Hall, Southbank, etc...Luxuries of living and working in central London.

Apologies to the mods - but really did not see why Jim was on this thread if he did not want to contribute
You should go more. I roughly went to 40 live classical concerts last year, if not more. Now in September itself in one week I have 4. One thing I definitely do not hear is violins from top and bass from bottom like your speakers do.

These are mostly at Barbican, some at Wigmore Hall, Southbank, etc...Luxuries of living and working in central London.

Apologies to the mods - but really did not see why Jim was on this thread if he did not want to contribute

I only entered to discuss "industrial design doesn't matter" comments. I usually stay out of the sandbox where tubes are discussed.
I only entered to discuss "industrial design doesn't matter" comments. I usually stay out of the sandbox where tubes are discussed.

That's fine there are many of us who care for the sonics alone. And that is a personal choice. But then no need to take the thread downhill by going on a tube dac thread and suggesting points to diss it in a generic fashion. Normally, we would not go on a Wilson Alexx/Sabrina thread to say how the robotic looks and the crossovers cause us a problem. Sure, if you compared the Atlantis to a SS dac and liked the latter, feel free to add.
When I go to the symphony, a concert or local venue, the last thing I want the music to sound like is tubes. I want it to sound live.
Have you ever heard a Level 7 Lampi Dac? If not, then its hard to converse with you. It not about sounding tubey at all...
That's fine there are many of us who care for the sonics alone. And that is a personal choice. But then no need to take the thread downhill by going on a tube dac thread and suggesting points to diss it in a generic fashion. Normally, we would not go on a Wilson Alexx/Sabrina thread to say how the robotic looks and the crossovers cause us a problem. Sure, if you compared the Atlantis to a SS dac and liked the latter, feel free to add.
I guess you misunderstood my initial response to your post #39. My response just mimicked the last line of your post. I then agreed with Wisnon's post that it was all a matter of taste (or opinion.). It was your post #45 that pissed me off. Seems, as if you actually believe that their is a "best" in this hobby that is right for all.

There are many reasons why we own the individual pieces of gear we do. I have never tried to steer anyone to my choices.
Have you ever heard a Level 7 Lampi Dac? If not, then its hard to converse with you. It not about sounding tube at all...

i have only heard the Lampi at last years RMAF. I could not separate the individual DAC from the rest of the unfamiliar gear in the room.
I guess you misunderstood my initial response to your post #39. My response just mimicked the last line of your post. I then agreed with Wisnon's post that it was all a matter of taste (or opinion.). It was your post #45 that pissed me off. Seems, as if you actually believe that their is a "best" in this hobby that is right for all.

There are many reasons why we own the individual pieces of gear we do. I have never tried to steer anyone to my choices.

My post followed getting pissed off on your previous two. Either we are misunderstanding or miscommunicating. Anyway let's drop it.
OK, to recap, some sharks like their gear to look good and some don't care how it looks. Both camps however want it to sound good. Glad we've got that cleared up.
NOW, where are all the Atlantic DAC's???? Are they stuck in the Atlantic? Really would like to hear some fellow sharks impressions. Especially from those with experience of 7's and GG's.
OK, to recap, some sharks like their gear to look good and some don't care how it looks. Both camps however want it to sound good. Glad we've got that cleared up.
NOW, where are all the Atlantic DAC's???? Are they stuck in the Atlantic? Really would like to hear some fellow sharks impressions. Especially from those with experience of 7's and GG's.

Good things come to those who wait. [emoji51]
OK, to recap, some sharks like their gear to look good and some don't care how it looks. Both camps however want it to sound good. Glad we've got that cleared up.
NOW, where are all the Atlantic DAC's???? Are they stuck in the Atlantic? Really would like to hear some fellow sharks impressions. Especially from those with experience of 7's and GG's.
In the meantime...there are some first impressions over at Audiocircle.
My thoughts exactly. I miss that wonderful Lampizator sound. When you get your demo, I'd like to come over with Bruce and have a listen. I can easily see one in my future.

Cool, man. I'll be happy to have you guys over.

Hopefully I'll be up and running with an Atlantic in the next couple weeks.
Mike, I just joined so I could get my Atlantic Dac too...

I'm waiting even more patiently for mine. dum de dum de dum LOL.