Adding to the B7 Fan List - A B7 Review!

I have one of these bad boys coming...

Mike is that:


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[TD]This is a rare chance to try one of the legendary RCA 5U4G tubes made for the military. This is a 5U4G (sometimes called by the military designation VT-244) black plate and is date coded 13 week of 1959. It is new old stock in the original military box, and has the large coke bottle shape glass. These are among the best 5U4 rectifiers ever made. Try it in your amp and hear for yourself what others have been talking about this tube! Satisfaction guaranteed. High bid gets the tube shown here. IL residents pay 9% tax, outside of Il there is no tax. We ship worldwide, all shipping is by first class mail or parcel post only.



Some kind of double D getter military tube I saw on Ebay once for $250?
Yes, that's it. Military grade as well. NOS.

I have to thank BruceLet for putting me on to his source and snagging one of these rare gems.

Ya gotta have a tube guy nowadays to snag the good stuff. People are holding on tighter nowadays. I think i have exhausetd the barn, but should return to see what else he got recently.

I am less concerned about NOS for Dacs, as the tubes are bareley stressed, given that they are used to POWER amp duties.

I got a pair of very weak WE vintage 101ds landed here for just $100 from Ebay and they have ben working for MONTHS. NOS, the pair would run $1600 on Ebay.

Ya gotta have a tube guy nowadays to snag the good stuff. People are holding on tighter nowadays. I think i have exhausetd the barn, but should return to see what else he got recently.

I am less concerned about NOS for Dacs, as the tubes are bareley stressed, given that they are used to POWER amp duties.

I got a pair of very weak WE vintage 101ds landed here for just $100 from Ebay and they have ben working for MONTHS. NOS, the pair would run $1600 on Ebay.

How would you compare Cunningham CX-345 to 101D and EML mesh/solid plate 45? And I'm curious if anyone has heard Cunningham 45 and Elrog 300B in the Lampizator? I wonder if it'd be in the middle of the road between EML and Elrog.
How would you compare Cunningham CX-345 to 101D and EML mesh/solid plate 45? And I'm curious if anyone has heard Cunningham 45 and Elrog 300B in the Lampizator? I wonder if it'd be in the middle of the road between EML and Elrog.

Cunningham is more lush midrange than either.

EML 45 mesh plate is getting a lot of buzz.
Sweet. I have the GE-JAN version, but have not tried yet!

I shudder to think it beats the metal base GZ34….

Tomorrow or so, I hope to get the mesh plate EML45s.
Sweet. I have the GE-JAN version, but have not tried yet!

I shudder to think it beats the metal base GZ34….

Tomorrow or so, I hope to get the mesh plate EML45s.

Would love to hear some feedback on EML 45 solid vs mesh plate in the Lampi.
Radio…I think you can find that at the Audiocircle forum or on the B& tube rolling Facebook page.

I can tell you that Lukasz says mesh thrashes the solid plate (see hsi FB page).

April 14 ·

Just got new tubes - for all the Big 7 tube rollers out there - I have MESH 101D's from Full Music. Something new to try.

My short test reveals that the mesh 101d full music is somewhere in between regular psvane and WE psvane. But it tends to hum more. The big surprise is from full music 2a3 which is super silent in hum department and as musical as the best WE. My test winner. Overall Mesh45 Emission Labs has an edge over all of the above.

May 6 ·
The mesh 45eml knocked me down in the first round. Bastards...

Yea I've read Lukasz's opinion on 45 mesh. However, music taste many times dictates EML mesh vs solid plate preference. I have read feedback from some people on tube/audioasylum that they prefer EML solid plate compare to mesh. The reason being, solid plate was more dynamic and has better bass OTOH mesh has more air extension. Some did report that EML mesh was more forward than solid plate. But all this was in the context of an amplifier not Lampizator. Hence I'd love to hear more feedback esp listening to rock music.

Lampizator Big 7 tube rolling : Chapter 2 - Getting Glass HOT !

Updated about 6 months ago
In the mean time let's jump back to LampiztOr B7 tube rolling fun ;)

As I said 45 is my favorite little triode and I have nice stash, so it is enough to try and have some opinion about. I have been listening through my toyboy Yammy A-08 s amp for the purity sake, as he is build to play 45, so I could be sure there will be no other triode type " pollution " there to de-focus my observations. As pure as we could get then it was a session comparing different kinds of type 45 through the 45 based SET amp and TAD based Horns.

Here is as it came : I compared EML 45 Solid plate , EML 45 Special Edition Globe pair , Acturus 45 Single plate from 40'ties and GLOBE 45 RCA pair from 1928 ;- )

It will be the best to spread the test to describing mid-range, highs and bass for every valve (tube) result as they had been very different and in fact one might actually prefer particular valves for their balance.

With Solid Plate EML 45 - all is there. It is a modern sound, full bodied, rich and very spacious. TOP choice for someone who don't want to mess around with NOS valves and wish to own top notch all rounders.
Bass from them is like you have no chance to hear from any NOS ever ;)

40's Acturus are very good everyday listening all rounders. They don't have an extension ,micro-dynamics and clarity of SP EMLs, but they supply solid liquid sound with excellent mid range. For the money, they are no brainers giving the fact that they can be bought for 8 time less than EMLs. I guess most of American ST glass would sound similar in the Big 7 circuit, but expect more variation when comparing them in amp. I know what I am saying- remember Yammy? I've been there before ;-)

Anniversary Globe RCA 45. Those valves are just stunning on mid-range. If that is your poison you will not probably find any other 45 around which will play this range more natural, more sweet or more musically. Sound comes totally unforced and listening to the music through is nothing but the pleasure. This are my favorite NOS valves ever on any AMP I tried them in and they certainly confirmed their quality here in Lampi Big 7 too. Extremely difficult to get a good pair today, but if you are lucky enough to do so you will be rewarded million times ;-)

Globe EML45s - these are the best modern build 45's in my opinion. The way they played in B7 DAC showed them as a clear winners and all notes I made during these tests are actually matching these I put into my notebook during various comparisons of different 45 based amps ;-)

That includes Yammy , Welbornes, Kernoff , AN and few DIY ones I had a great pleasure to enjoy. Basically with all EMLs to my ears GLOBE are best , then MESH Plates , and then Solid Plate.
Bear in mind that EML Mesh plates had been vastly improved and a recent version with 24 karat gold grid wire is the best they ever build. Same applies to GLOBEs. To describe it modest: Read again what I said about EML SP45s above. When you switch to Mesh Plates , you find the sound to be even more relaxed, creamy and voluptuous. It is also much more AIR between the notes with those valves. The Only gentle lead that Solid Plates holds in on a Bass authority. The margin is small, however for the shout out results quality have to be noticed. THEN...., when you switch to Globes you will hear almost the same SWEET and LOVELY mid-range as you got from RCA GLOBEs. It's not into the same extent ,sadly but it is as close as modern valve can do. Again on extension ,both high and the bottom , NOS Globe has no run against EML. In EML camp only that ones are the Jacks of ALL. Solid Bass control of SP45 ,and creamy mid-range of MP45 in one. It doesn't loose on feeling of air, comparing to Mesh but it certainly have a"different" , very own " sense of AIR " . I know it sounds weird , but it really is very difficult to find the right way to describe that. Must be heard anyway before anyone decide to buy any of those I described above. It applies to my taste - yours might be different - bear that in mind!;-)

Hope that all of you reading this here will find it at least useful ;- 0

Be prepared for PSVANE's WE 101D replicas listening soon for the full picture of LampizatOr Big 7 voicing possibilities available ;-)
EML 45 globes are unfortunately not available anymore. :( So, it seems the newer version meshies are superior. I'm also curious about Psavne WE 101D replica. All the feedbacks on them has been either love or hate. Btw, I've read the 101D replica impression from this Facebook group. But more data point would certainly be helpful.
Globes are available. Mike scored a pair…
Recently, there was some kinda group buy for $800 a pair…say 6 months ago. If I hear of any mopre limited run group buys, I will PM you.