My new Kronos Pro


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL

Putting it together...




First impressions: smooth, silky and silent.

The Kronos Pro is simply the best turntable I have ever heard. As good as the Kronos Sparta is, the Pro is better. Better separation, more natural decay and an overall smoothness. I won't say it's leaps and bounds better than the Sparta, because the Sparta is incredible - the best turntable I had ever had in my system by a large margin. But the Kronos Pro is better. It gives you everything the Sparta gives you and more.

We see people on the audio Merry-Go-Round all the time. In my opinion, Kronos is a destination source.

Count me as a VERY happy owner.

A Kronos owner posted this today on the Kronos FB Page: "The sound spectrum and aural experience of Kronos elevates the listener to a realm of almost spiritual experience which is an Oriental Reality. Kronos offers a sound spectacular with a spectacular sound !!! Congrats from India ....."

I couldn't have said it better myself.

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This is a magnificent acquisition! It pains me a little to hear the Kronos because nothing sounds as good. And the WAY it sounds good is not subtle or esoteric. It sounds smoother, more musical, more real than the other really great stuff.
This is a magnificent acquisition! It pains me a little to hear the Kronos because nothing sounds as good. And the WAY it sounds good is not subtle or esoteric. It sounds smoother, more musical, more real than the other really great stuff.

Well said!

Given the PITA factor and cost of tapes, I have to say my Kronos Pro is the greatest source I've ever heard - all things considered. It was the first time I heard the Kronos Pro at CES 4 years ago and it still is today.

I have such a greater appreciation for the Kronos Pro now having it in my system. The affect of eliminating or almost eliminating all micro vibrations is amazing. There is such a natural decay to the instruments and a natural flow - no "stop/start" which is caused by micro vibrations.

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Congratulations, Mike!!!!!
That tonearm isn't bad either :)
The only downside (that I can see/hear) of the Kronos is that you can't mount 2 tonearms at the same time. If you have the Black Beauty tonearm, you *can* have more than one wand, and easily replace them, so in effect, you can have several different cartridges mounted on different armwands, and just pop them in and out.
Glad your happy with what I think from hearing it once is a really great table . A well set up table at this level is a force of nature when it comes to music.

Let us know what you think of it as time goes on mine still brings me wonder at how good it sounds. Had to smile at your tapes are PITA as they are sorta what the 1 and 0 crowd say about what you just bought.

I always say anyone who has less records than me needs to try harder. Any one who has more than me is crazy and I hope crazy is a good think cause I am buying more every week.

Enjoy if you have Delta Time play that on a good table that record shines
Congrats Mike - I'm envious:congrats:

I heard the Kronos at 2015 RMAF GTT Audio room as front end for YG Acoustics Sonia 1.2's. Arguably the best sound at the show. The sound was palpable.

If I ever seriously consider a turntable this one would be on my short list.
Beautiful Mike , Congratulations to 076 from 083!!

A great table for sure , I'm running it through its paces to get a sense of its attributes, it certainly shares many characteristics of outstanding suspended tables but as for how it fares vs. a TW Acustic Black Knight or a Kuzma XL4 .....stay tuned. The choice of arm may be the clincher in that little contest.

Enjoy !!
Congrats Mike - I'm envious:congrats:

I heard the Kronos at 2015 RMAF GTT Audio room as front end for YG Acoustics Sonia 1.2's. Arguably the best sound at the show. The sound was palpable.

If I ever seriously consider a turntable this one would be on my short list.

Yes, Bill's room was very impressive. BayStBroker and I spent quite some time there.