Do you use an integrated in your main system?

Thank you Alex. That could be fun. I’ve had other darTZeel gear. It’s on the list.


Slightly more than your $10k budget, but the darTZeel LHC-208 is a good choice. Let me know if you'd like to give it a try :D

Please share your experiences, I’m interested in some of the gear you have had and are using now.

I think the one thing my current exercise has reminded me is that really is no universal right component for all situations. Until recently I was running my Grandinote Shinai through some Tune Audio Marvels and was thinking that the Shinai was the best integrated I had personally heard. An opportunity presented itself for me to get hold of a pair of Soundkaos Wave 40 speakers and this was a speaker I was super interested in but the cost was holding me back from a brand new pair. Lo and behold the Soundkaos speakers arrived and after settling for a while I was well and truly smitten, at this point they were still being driven by the Shinai and sounding pretty good too. Then I started reading around and some articles and reviews made me wonder if there was more to be had from the Soundkaos speakers.

I had read that the Bakoon range of amps were a good matchup for the Soundkaos speakers but lack of UK distribution put paid to being able to audition one in my system. It was really by accident that I read a review on 6 Moons of the Crayon Audio CFA1.2 and how this amp was cut from similar cloth to the Bakoon range. As luck would have it not only did Crayon now have UK distribution but had also introduced a new amplifier that word had it sounded superior to the CFA1.2. That amp is the CIA-1T it is pretty plain looking box compared to the CFA1.2. I arranged to have one sent out for an extended audition, thinking in my mind how can a unit half the price of the Grandinote even come close, especially given my high opinion of the Shinai. Here we are two weeks later and in the case of driving the Soundkaos speakers I think the Crayon is superior. The Soundkaos speakers are quick and full of finesse and the Crayon seems to show these subtleties more clearly than the Grandinote. In valve terms, although they are both solid state devices, the Grandinote is the punchy, meaty push pull while the Crayon is the airier SET. Having said that the Crayon is like an SET with huge cojones :) This has surprised the heck out of me.

I also have a previously purchased Jadis I-50 that is yet to be slotted into the rack. I have hopes this might be right in the middle of the Grandinote and Crayon models. First and quick impressions gleaned while just making sure it actually worked were that it had all the lush musical sounds of previous Jadis models I have heard but was also more “modern” sounding and lighter on its feet. It does of course also look simply gorgeous. More to follow on the Jadis I think.

Meantime I am seriously considering pulling the trigger on the Crayon but still also wondering deep down if I could let the Grandinote go.
I absolutely fell in love with the Soundkaos wave 40 speakers. A wonderful efficient speaker.
I think the one thing my current exercise has reminded me is that really is no universal right component for all situations. Until recently I was running my Grandinote Shinai through some Tune Audio Marvels and was thinking that the Shinai was the best integrated I had personally heard. An opportunity presented itself for me to get hold of a pair of Soundkaos Wave 40 speakers and this was a speaker I was super interested in but the cost was holding me back from a brand new pair. Lo and behold the Soundkaos speakers arrived and after settling for a while I was well and truly smitten, at this point they were still being driven by the Shinai and sounding pretty good too. Then I started reading around and some articles and reviews made me wonder if there was more to be had from the Soundkaos speakers.

I had read that the Bakoon range of amps were a good matchup for the Soundkaos speakers but lack of UK distribution put paid to being able to audition one in my system. It was really by accident that I read a review on 6 Moons of the Crayon Audio CFA1.2 and how this amp was cut from similar cloth to the Bakoon range. As luck would have it not only did Crayon now have UK distribution but had also introduced a new amplifier that word had it sounded superior to the CFA1.2. That amp is the CIA-1T it is pretty plain looking box compared to the CFA1.2. I arranged to have one sent out for an extended audition, thinking in my mind how can a unit half the price of the Grandinote even come close, especially given my high opinion of the Shinai. Here we are two weeks later and in the case of driving the Soundkaos speakers I think the Crayon is superior. The Soundkaos speakers are quick and full of finesse and the Crayon seems to show these subtleties more clearly than the Grandinote. In valve terms, although they are both solid state devices, the Grandinote is the punchy, meaty push pull while the Crayon is the airier SET. Having said that the Crayon is like an SET with huge cojones :) This has surprised the heck out of me.

I also have a previously purchased Jadis I-50 that is yet to be slotted into the rack. I have hopes this might be right in the middle of the Grandinote and Crayon models. First and quick impressions gleaned while just making sure it actually worked were that it had all the lush musical sounds of previous Jadis models I have heard but was also more “modern” sounding and lighter on its feet. It does of course also look simply gorgeous. More to follow on the Jadis I think.

Meantime I am seriously considering pulling the trigger on the Crayon but still also wondering deep down if I could let the Grandinote go.

small world !! think it was me that followed on your review on the shinai on the wam
Sorry guys, but my experience is a little different. Yes, is true, i never try any high end integrated like most of you. But it was a long run with integrated amplifiers, like Sansui AU X711, NAD S300, Copland CSA28 and Classe CAP 101 (and some others with no pedigree! :rolleyes:)
For me, the option is for sure a pre power combo, and when i have time ($$$), a dual monoblock amplification. I have tried a mono combo from Arcam and noticed a clear step forward.
Some time ago, I said to the Portuguese dealer of Lyngdorf that i do my reservation from advance to the mono amps when they have it. First client here! :hey:
I use a NAD c375BEE modified by Rowen (Rowen Swiss Power option- tweaked preamp section & negative output impedance for the power section). It is now capable of circa 750wpc into 1 ohm.

I run 2 Heil speakers on it, nominally 6ohms each. Never a power issue. Not practical to push beyond 1pm on the vol knob, as I have neighbours! Sonically, it performs at a similar level to the Job 250 monoblocs, but has a remote control and 4 output posts (A+B) more flexible suitable for my current setup. Bass control is outstanding.
I love my vintage McIntosh MA230 integrated amplifier. It is the first integrated amplifier McIntosh manufactured. It has a solid state preamplifier and a 30 watts per channel tube amplifier on a single chassis. The 7591 outputs tubes make very sweet music. It's not modern or high powered but it drives a pair of JBL 4312A speakers very well.


Wasn't Vinnie talking about coming up with a larger amp module? Would sure make it attractive to a bigger audience.

I believe Vinnie gave up on a more powerful amp module for the Lio. He stated that he could not fit it in the current chassis. Maybe he will come out with a larger integrated in the future. I would jump on one of his integrated's if it was 100-150wpc which would allow a wider range of speakers.

Vinnie is a great guy. I talked with him a while at Axpona 3 years ago. That's where I fell in love with the sound of the Lio and Harbeth speakers. A very organic, natural and smooth sound with a killer midrange. I could have listened to that system all day. And the Lio has been improved since then with cleaner power and a much better DAC.
Until recently I used a Hegel H160 in my main system as an integrated. Also own a Magnum Dynalab MD-208 that I use in another system, and even a PS Audio Elite Plus which is still going strong after more than 30 years!
I've used integrated amps from the beginning with only a brief and unsuccessful foray into separates. The thought of optimizing a system around separates has been for the most part too daunting for me. Between the need for more racks, cords, outlets, space and usually money I've stayed with integrateds. To date I've had the following: Krell S300i, Simaudio I7, Luxman 507u, Vitus RI-100(on loan), Luxman 590AX, Coda CSIB

That said, ultimately my future destination is separates. (I'm particularly interested in the Luxman combo as well.)

With my systems fully optimized I have been quite satisfied with integrated amps but honestly at your level of equipment I'm not sure I could do it without feeling I've left performance on the table. Pretty much all of the reference level integrateds I've seen still look quite compromised compared to their separates brethren. I think you do get a big advantage in synergy with the short signal paths and optimization between functions in an integrated at their price points. But beyond being very value and space conscious I would go separates. I do however wish more manufacturers would push the boundaries with integrateds. For example I would love to see a c900u/m900u level integrated from Luxman. I would choose it over their separates for the sake of simplicity. I often feel the disparity between separates and integrateds is too large. That's just my 2 cents anyway!

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Great question. I promised myself that before I did anything rash, I’d demo the Luxman M900u. Although not an integrated, this makes sense to match my preamp and by all accounts is stellar.

If that doesn’t work out, I’d like to check out the T+A PA3100HV. That looks great and is supposed to be smooth and sweet on top with balls.

I miss my Naim and have to think about what else is on my list.

I do have a Pass XA25 on order, so that could be perfect and a lot of fun.

So what's your integrated list, Joe?

Am biased of course and haven’t worked out your price point, but is the Gryphon Diablo 300 on your list?

Very happy with the Luxman L-590AX Mark II so far. Just arrived yesterday. Sounded pretty damn great out of the box and this morning it really sounds fantastic. Driving the Harbeth 30.2 effortlessly, it sounds plenty ballsy yet velvety smooth with midrange sweetness that is very addicting. Does not leave me wanting something else, I can see myself spending years upon years with this combo which is very musical and non-fatiguing. Exactly what I was hoping for. I've owned enough much higher end gear to be confident in what I am hearing. ;)

If there’s something I really want, I’ll reach for it. I just don’t want to spend a lot if I don’t have to. In the grand scheme of things, the Diablo is not “too” much.

I really need to hear whatever I decide on but yes, the Diablo 300 is on my list.


Am biased of course and haven’t worked out your price point, but is the Gryphon Diablo 300 on your list?


I’m so happy for you. I absolutely love Luxman. That’s why I am so intrigued by the M900u. I’ve been looking hard at both the 509 and 590.

I have to be honest, since selling off a lot of gear, I’m feeling a renewed sense of freedom with less of an obsession. It’s kind of nice.

Very happy with the Luxman L-590AX Mark II so far. Just arrived yesterday. Sounded pretty damn great out of the box and this morning it really sounds fantastic. Driving the Harbeth 30.2 effortlessly, it sounds plenty ballsy yet velvety smooth with midrange sweetness that is very addicting. Does not leave me wanting something else, I can see myself spending years upon years with this combo which is very musical and non-fatiguing. Exactly what I was hoping for. I've owned enough much higher end gear to be confident in what I am hearing. ;)
I was just looking at some of the Luxman units on Music Direct site and noticed 2 Esoteric Integrated units. F05 and F07. Does anyone have experience with the Esoteric Ints since the CDPs get so much love?
Thanks Joe! I am happy with the integrated, it's a lot of bang for the buck. No doubt there is a bit more to be had going M900u and C900u for example but at more than 3x the price the diminishing returns kick in really hard. :) Of course it may not be a good solution for someone who really does need much more power that the M900u would deliver!