visit to Suncoast


New member
Apr 12, 2013
I was recently in the Tampa area and took a ride down to Sarasota to visit with Mike and Suncoast. First off his shop is beautiful. All the bells and whistles from perfect room acoustics to some seriously beautiful and great sounding gear. Even though he knew i was visiting and not buying he set different stuff up so i could hear it. He was as gracious of a host as i could possibly imagine. his 3 rooms at the shop were loaded with todays top gear and pretty much has something for everyone. We went through couple pairs of Magico, usually not my style but m3's were eye opening and not your everyday Magico sound and i really like them. heard 2 different Harbeth models. i really like Luxman gear and it sounded great with the Harbeths. My theory is usually if it dont have big light bulbs sticking out of the top i dont care about it. But Luxman seems to be such a great value in these days of absurdly rising prices, and all in one box!!
Then (the part i was waiting for) we headed to Mikes room at his house and that was incredible. My style, horns and flea watt amps and vinyl records!!! loved that system, duos and 300b's and kronos. to me is audio heaven.
If your anywhere near there and have some time dont hesitate to go visit Suncoast. Mike is as i mentioned IS a great host, a great guy, a wealth of audiio knowledge and a pleasure to spend the day with.
I was recently in the Tampa area and took a ride down to Sarasota to visit with Mike and Suncoast. First off his shop is beautiful. All the bells and whistles from perfect room acoustics to some seriously beautiful and great sounding gear. Even though he knew i was visiting and not buying he set different stuff up so i could hear it. He was as gracious of a host as i could possibly imagine. his 3 rooms at the shop were loaded with todays top gear and pretty much has something for everyone. We went through couple pairs of Magico, usually not my style but m3's were eye opening and not your everyday Magico sound and i really like them. heard 2 different Harbeth models. i really like Luxman gear and it sounded great with the Harbeths. My theory is usually if it dont have big light bulbs sticking out of the top i dont care about it. But Luxman seems to be such a great value in these days of absurdly rising prices, and all in one box!!
Then (the part i was waiting for) we headed to Mikes room at his house and that was incredible. My style, horns and flea watt amps and vinyl records!!! loved that system, duos and 300b's and kronos. to me is audio heaven.
If your anywhere near there and have some time dont hesitate to go visit Suncoast. Mike is as i mentioned IS a great host, a great guy, a wealth of audiio knowledge and a pleasure to spend the day with.

Genuine passion. Awesome.
Steve, very neat to see you reconnecting with something you helped start! Did he show you any hockey trophy's???
Mike’s the real deal. Great guy and friend. He just so happens to sell high end audio gear and is passionate about doing it right!
Ha! Thanks Doug. Any sign of that new Leben?

It was set afloat from Japan on some makeshift Kon-Tiki years ago. Haven't seen hide nor hair of it. I'm guessing that it's hiding in some unknown cove somewhere along the Oregon coast.

FWIW, I will make it down to your neck of the woods one of these days to listen to all this modern sounding audio gear. I just need to get government clearance first.
It was set afloat from Japan on some makeshift Kon-Tiki years ago. Haven't seen hide nor hair of it. I'm guessing that it's hiding in some unknown cove somewhere along the Oregon coast.

FWIW, I will make it down to your neck of the woods one of these days to listen to all this modern sounding audio gear. I just need to get government clearance first.

Ha! Maybe you and Paul can team up for dual clearance.

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