Hegel - Made In China - Who Cares?

Just to refresh the focus, Mike's original question was, does "Made in China" bother you or is it a case of "who cares? I'm getting a great product at a great price!"?

True. I don't think anyone will complain about getting a great product at a great price. However, it is possible the circumstances providing that great price might present a moral dilemma. For example, stolen gear is usually available at a great price. Not the same, you say. Yes and no.
I personally don't care. I think their products are excellent.

I dont care either...........however after hearing 2 of their Int Amps and their CDP and their H20 Amp......the brand is not my cup of tea......I found nothing out of the ordinary about Hegel's sound and thus Hegel reminded me of the likes of Cambridge Audio and how that brand Int Amps and Power Amps sound.......
[…] I know Hegel owners are very happy with their products, but I'm curious, as someone who does not own a Hegel product and might be shopping for a new amp, new integrated, whatever, does "Made in China" bother you or is it a case of "who cares? I'm getting a great product at a great price!"?

Does made in China bother me? It depends but increasingly the answer is ‘No’. Having worked for a European audio company who manufactured its product in China I have seen first-hand how Chinese manufacture can benefit both shareholders and end customers.

The bottom line is that well managed companies who have outsourced their manufacturing to China have their own management team in place in China. Not only that, they also have their own parts sourcing and QA teams resident. Sensitive parts such as those containing proprietary technology are imported and securely stored and the whole operation is annually audited. While rising, China’s manufacturing costs are competitive as are their shipping costs to global locations.

The ‘depends’ qualification simply boils down to an understanding on whether the above paragraph holds water?

Of greater concern is the potential of misrepresentation. If you stamp Hegel, Oslo, Norway on the back of a product you must accept that some end customers will read that to mean manufacture in Norway.

I would feel more comfortable buying from a company that doesn't hide where its products are made. Assuming Chinese manufacture is true, Hegel would be well advised to change its back plating to read, ‘designed in Norway, manufactured in China’. Done properly there is no shame in that.
I dont care either...........however after hearing 2 of their Int Amps and their CDP and their H20 Amp......the brand is not my cup of tea......I found nothing out of the ordinary about Hegel's sound and thus Hegel reminded me of the likes of Cambridge Audio and how that brand Int Amps and Power Amps sound.......

You obviously haven't heard them in a good system.
You obviously haven't heard them in a good system.

Yes I did and at different times with diff speakers/ gear, but my view/opinion still stands. YMMV of course, but that's what makes this hobby so great. We can all listen to the same gear and have diff opinions and still respect one another's view.
I can't think of two solid state amps in the same price range that have a more different sound than the Mc601's and Hegel H30 - and I've owned both. The Mc601's provide endless hours of extremely musical, fatigue free listening. The Hegel is more of your "Euro" sound. Clean, precise, balanced, yet still musical. Both are awesome and I would love to own them both again!
The pay rate is low in China compared to USA or others but their are good things from China. It is not a land of rip offs cheap junk and dishonest people that poor and stupid people build. Their is plenty of stupid right here at home along with dishonest with lots of rip offs to boot.

I don't know what your job function is in China, but I hope it's not teaching English. :P"Their is plenty of stupid people right here at home" is actually pretty funny. The proper word in this context is 'there' and the next word for proper grammar would be 'are' and not 'is.'

Lots of good people in China doing good work with out a WHITE GUY in site. If a product is heavy on labour cheaper labour will have a edge.

Now there is a profound statement Mr. Obvious. :rolleyes:

Some of you are starting to sound like the KKK

No, some of us are tired of the Chinese hacking into every government and corporate computer and stealing our technology and our personal identity information. I don't know if you read the news or not, but the problem has reached epidemic proportions. In case you missed the lastest news flash, the Chinese have hacked the OPM network and have stolen the personal information for over 20 million government/DoD employees (as well as contractors who work for the government) and their security clearance investigation files. So yeah, a 'few' people are pissed off right now.
I don't know what your job function is in China, but I hope it's not teaching English. :P"Their is plenty of stupid people right here at home" is actually pretty funny. The proper word in this context is 'there' and the next word for proper grammar would be 'are' and not 'i

Now there is a profound statement Mr. Obvious. :rolleyes:

No, some of us are tired of the Chinese hacking into every government and corporate computer and stealing our technology and our personal identity information. I don't know if you read the news or not, but the problem has reached epidemic proportions. In case you missed the lastest news flash, the Chinese have hacked the OPM network and have stolen the personal information for over 20 million government/DoD employees (as well as contractors who work for the government) and their security clearance investigation files. So yeah, a 'few' people are pissed off right now.

Oh good the grammar police are back.

And the USA never spied on anyone right

I like China so shoot me
This thread is starting to sound like a 60's communist rant, fix your own before bagging someone elses!
On one hand, I believe that if a company charges thousands of dollars for a luxury item, then it should have enough pride and respect to support its own countrymen. And not just with tax revenue.

Yet on the flip side, I understand the reasons why companies turn to places like China for manufacturing. When you get right down to it, the only time I ever grumble over the 'made in China' sticker is when a company either misleads its customers into believing that it's not, or worse, when a company outright lies about the fact.
Oh good the grammar police are back.

The grammar police wouldn't have paid you a visit if you hadn't made the wisecrack about "stupid people' in a sentence where you had two grammatical mistakes. I hope you appreciate the irony because I do.

And the USA never spied on anyone right

There is a difference between spying on another country for legitimate defense reasons vice hacking into the servers of the U.S. government and the largest defense contractors. China doesn't need to invent anything or spend money on research and development, they just steal the intellectual property of other countries. There have been literally billions of dollars spent to develop the F-35 and China has hacked all of the defense companies who developed the F-35 and absconded with the data that our country and others have paid dearly for. No company is immune from the Chinese. Watches, golf clubs, purses, and clothes are all fair game to the Chinese for counterfeiting. Hollywood can't even get a new movie into the theaters before China has the DVDs for sale. If any country has intellectual property that China wants, they will steal it through any means possible.

I know you are from Canada and I don't know how much news you read, but the U.S. is constantly prosecuting Chinese people who live in the U.S. and either work for the DoD or they are contractors who work for defense corporations because they get caught stealing classified information and sending it back to China. Whatever business you are involved with that brings you to China should have already warned you that the information on your laptop and cell phone will be compromised by the Chinese. I'm sure they already know all about you. I have already been notified that my personal information has been compromised and I have never been to China.
The grammar police wouldn't have paid you a visit if you hadn't made the wisecrack about "stupid people' in a sentence where you had two grammatical mistakes. I hope you appreciate the irony because I do.

There is a difference between spying on another country for legitimate defense reasons vice hacking into the servers of the U.S. government and the largest defense contractors. China doesn't need to invent anything or spend money on research and development, they just steal the intellectual property of other countries. There have been literally billions of dollars spent to develop the F-35 and China has hacked all of the defense companies who developed the F-35 and absconded with the data that our country and others have paid dearly for. No company is immune from the Chinese. Watches, golf clubs, purses, and clothes are all fair game to the Chinese for counterfeiting. Hollywood can't even get a new movie into the theaters before China has the DVDs for sale. If any country has intellectual property that China wants, they will steal it through any means possible.

I know you are from Canada and I don't know how much news you read, but the U.S. is constantly prosecuting Chinese people who live in the U.S. and either work for the DoD or they are contractors who work for defense corporations because they get caught stealing classified information and sending it back to China. Whatever business you are involved with that brings you to China should have already warned you that the information on your laptop and cell phone will be compromised by the Chinese. I'm sure they already know all about you. I have already been notified that my personal information has been compromised and I have never been to China.

You are a writer and a good one grammar is a important thing to you but not to me. Some of the smartest people I know could care less about grammar.

As to the news it is just a point of view and once in a while it is the truth thats a bonus. The news in each part of the world is part news and mostly playing to the people in that area. In China the news is tightly controlled yet in a city park you may and can find a man with a bucket of water a brush on a long pole. He will write the news on a sunny day on the walk ways only there to read for a minute then gone.
Is it the truth sometimes just like any other news.

Your outrage is all your own enjoy it. Your trying to tell me I do not get it or am not in the know. In what I do I work with a small group who share info and buying power to nudge the events to what we can profit from. The market , the dollar, strikes and Governments are all part of the Game. I do not do business in board rooms I have been places so remote I am the only white guy any one has ever seen in that village. No bathrooms no five star anything hell no one star anything I have returned home so sick it takes weeks to function again once with SARS. I do it for profit a lot of it for a guy like me. Sorry you got hacked, been their done that and far worse . I like China, a lot of what you say has truth to it, but I have found far more honesty in China than any where else I have done deals. South America is a far scarier place the reason China is so in the news is money . Simply they have the most money because people like me found it safer and more profitable than any where else we could find. It is all risk and reward (luck is good to) I risk my self and my own money . Maybe I should have learned better Grammar in its place I learned a hell of a lot more and not by watching the news. I do not even own a TV . Big screen yes for movies.

You want to watch something and learn something look the other guy in the eyes :)
Mark.......Good call. This thread has been a battle.

You can't start a thread called "Made in China-Who Cares" and not expect it to quickly become political anymore than you could start a thread about a politician and expect that politics won't come up.
You can't start a thread called "Made in China-Who Cares" and not expect it to quickly become political anymore than you could start a thread about a politician and expect that politics won't come up.

Well it was moving right along until you mentioned the government then it got sidetracked just a little bit.
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]English is not my first language so please ignore any grammar/ mistake.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]The last time I checked, it was a hifi hobby forum.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]I went away for 3 days and ….what? 6 pages for this thread already and growing fast? [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Being a Chinese, I mean China Chinese, not one of those Asian looking guys living around the corner in your great free world coutries, it must be suicidle to post my views in such a thread. However, I will give it a try,[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]The HEGEL products, I am surprised that many of you only know by now they are made in China. From day one, they are, execpt maybe(and it is a big maybe) the flagship model(H30?). I heared its manufacturing is contracted to Shanglin Audio(who makes great sounding CD players and owns YBA) based in South China. And please don't be offened if Hegel is sold off to Shanglin in a few years time. For your info, Furutech is a Japanese registered company but owned and operated by Taiwan Chinese, and Luxman too,shocked? [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]My point is , why should a product be judged by its manufacture of origin and even the nationality/race/colour of its manufactuers? [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]All products are “Designed by Human and Made on Earth”.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]As to counterfeit products, I am ashamed that it is what China is famous for right now,but the market is mostly to the overseas demand (non audio) .Believe me, if you knew the the business I am in, you would know that I despise those criminals as much as your guys do. The government is mostly to be blamed for it because the law imposes too little penalty on such offence [/FONT]([FONT=Times New Roman, serif]3 to 5 years imprisonment is simply not dettrent enough). But I believe it is a historical phase, and China will grow out of it.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]I still owe a Raidho X1 view post to this forum, if I am not banished by then....[/FONT]