Really Bummed Out

At least you will have plenty of time to "take it easy", and get in some listening time. Godspeed on your recovery.
I was out yesterday for my regular weekend hike, when I tripped and fell and broke my right shoulder. I was by myself so I had to walk 2 miles to my car and drive 20 miles to the hospital, then a two hour drive home last night. Wow, talk about painful and exhausting. First major injury in 25 years of hiking and climbing.

Sorry to hear that Ken. Look after yourself & get well soon buddy! Think of it this way, while you're recovering you'll have more time to listen to your tunes :audiophile:.
I was out yesterday for my regular weekend hike, when I tripped and fell and broke my right shoulder. I was by myself so I had to walk 2 miles to my car and drive 20 miles to the hospital, then a two hour drive home last night. Wow, talk about painful and exhausting. First major injury in 25 years of hiking and climbing.


So very sorry to hear this news! Feel so badly for you Ken. Heal well and quickly - remember music is one of the best medicines!

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Ken...very sorry to hear about your injury but as everyone else said, thank God it was not worse and that you had the fortitude to get yourself to a hospital.

Wishing you a speedy recovery but make sure to do all that the PTs tell you to do. Hang in there.
Try to get well soon, no lifting audio gear otherwise.

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Not sure how I missed this, hope you are healing well. Man, I can't imagine how painful that must have been. If you drove home I'm assuming no pain meds either?

Two thoughts though.

1. Uber. Then you could have taken the meds

2. On the bright side at least you weren't like the hiker who fell, got his arm caught under a boulder, then had to hack his arm off with a pocket knife to hike out and save himself.