PC had a total hip replacement yesterday!

Puma Cat

Well-known member
Apr 5, 2013
East Bay, CA
Just underwent a total hip joint replacement yesterday. Went in for prep around 10 AM, had surgery around noon, spent the afternoon in recovery and was discharged last night and came home.

I'm up and moving about last night and this morning with my walker. I only had to take 1 x 5mg Percoset yesterday at 5 PM in the recovery room last night and 1 tablet last night before bed, but I've been on regular Tylenol since.

Most of my discomfort is just muscle soreness and stiffness, as if you overdid a workout in the gym.

I get up and move around every half an hour and change positions frequently.

Given the discomfort I've been in for the better of a year now, this is a walk in the park.

Amazing what they can do these: total hip replacement at lunch, home in the evening.

Cheers, gang.
Glad it all went well. I’m sure it will be worth it.

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Here is hoping for a speedy recovery. That is amazing. I am facing an eventual knee replacement and not looking forward to it. Your story gives me more comfort in the anticipation. For me, pain killer meds are worse than the pain. I hope to avoid them as much as possible.
OMG, feel better. It’s definitely getting pretty amazing what they can do now. I’m sorry you had to go through it but the future will be so much better. Good luck!
Great to hear that the procedure went well and once you recover you should be feeling like new again!!

Here is hoping for a speedy recovery. That is amazing. I am facing an eventual knee replacement and not looking forward to it. Your story gives me more comfort in the anticipation. For me, pain killer meds are worse than the pain. I hope to avoid them as much as possible.

Here's my advice about the knee replacement: just do it. It's amazing what they are doing nowadays, and your qualitiy of life will so SO much better. You'll probably go home the same day or possibly after 1 overnight stay. I've had knee pain from my hip and back problems, and as I am sure you know, a bum knee can make you absolutely miserable. I agree with you about pain killer meds; I don't like them at all, and am hoping I can completely recover using just straight 'ole Tylenol (which is what I am using now...)

My advice: don't wait and continue to suffer. Just get it done and get on the road to recovery, and have a happier quality of life.
Here's my advice about the knee replacement: just do it. It's amazing what they are doing nowadays, and your qualitiy of life will so SO much better. You'll probably go home the same day or possibly after 1 overnight stay. I've had knee pain from my hip and back problems, and as I am sure you know, a bum knee can make you absolutely miserable. I agree with you about pain killer meds; I don't like them at all, and am hoping I can completely recover using just straight 'ole Tylenol (which is what I am using now...)

My advice: don't wait and continue to suffer. Just get it done and get on the road to recovery, and have a happier quality of life.

PC,Thanks for the encouragement. My general practitioner physician is the hold up. She says not yet. Meanwhile I have stopped cycling and hiking. Walking two miles on pavement makes me feel like I am doing more harm than good. I am going to force the issue if I can ever get in for an exam. Now they are only doing virtual visits via "My Doctor Online". I cannot even do that because I do not have a smart phone, my iPad is too old, and Google Play does not work on my W10 laptop. It only works on some Chrome books.

What a joke. Virtual knee-replacement? I don't think so. Maybe curbside?:rolleyes:

I would hope for a winter-time replacement. I am still hoping the outdoor community pool will open. Last year I swam 3910 laps (112 miles). This year not even a toe-dip. Swimming does not hurt my knee.
PC,Thanks for the encouragement. My general practitioner physician is the hold up. She says not yet. Meanwhile I have stopped cycling and hiking. Walking two miles on pavement makes me feel like I am doing more harm than good. I am going to force the issue if I can ever get in for an exam. Now they are only doing virtual visits via "My Doctor Online". I cannot even do that because I do not have a smart phone, my iPad is too old, and Google Play does not work on my W10 laptop. It only works on some Chrome books.

What a joke. Virtual knee-replacement? I don't think so. Maybe curbside?:rolleyes:

I would hope for a winter-time replacement. I am still hoping the outdoor community pool will open. Last year I swam 3910 laps (112 miles). This year not even a toe-dip. Swimming does not hurt my knee.

Here's my 2¢: 1) get a SmartPhone or even a used iPad. 2) get a referral to another doc or to an orthopedic surgeon. Or, get another doctor who will provide you a referral. The line your doc is giving you is the classic medical run-around: 1) wait 2 months, see if it gets better 2) it not better in two months, they provide referral to a PT (all of whom have injured me, never helped me) 3) if PT doesn't help, then they okay a cortisone or PRP shot...then wait 4-5 months, if that doesn't help, only then will they consider surgery. We (and your doc) know where this is headed....better to get back to a good quality of life than be getting the run-around.

My experiences and advice, FWIW.
Glad your hip replacement went well. May you have a quick and full recovery as well.
Congrats! I had both hips replaced last year at age 57. Feel like a new man! A walk in the park. They both feel as good as new. With yours, did they go in through the front or side?
Congrats! I had both hips replaced last year at age 57. Feel like a new man! A walk in the park. They both feel as good as new. With yours, did they go in through the front or side?

Posterior, back part of the side as that is how my surgeon was trained. And he has superb credentials, MD at Johns Hopkins, residency at Harvard Medical, then a long stint at Mass General. Also, Kaiser also only has 3 MDs that do anterior replacements, and I have heard it can cause some lingering numbness in the quads for quite a while. The docs at Kaiser tell me the outcomes for both approaches are effectively identical, and Kaiser Antioch does 1700 hip replacements year.
Stay away from the turntable, streaming digital only - to a speedy recovery!

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Wishing you a fast recovery, Puma Cat. You’ll be dancing again in no time!
