Gryphon Mojo S Review

Alex/Mike - I'm missing the big soundstage of my previous floor standers. The Mojo is very good, especially as the volume goes up, but would a pair of subs give me a bigger soundstage as well as more extended bass, especially at lesser volume levels? Pity Gryphon don't make a 3-way smaller than Pantheon! Thanks.

Hi Ian!
If you use a subwoofer, then of course it will improve your bass situation.
But personally, my opinion.
Subwoofer and Mojo will not be easy to work correctly in tandem.
Since Mojo has a 4th order filter.
We have already done such an experiment.
And the bass then was either late or ahead of the speakers. True, we did not do this for long.
Hi Ian!
If you use a subwoofer, then of course it will improve your bass situation.
But personally, my opinion.
Subwoofer and Mojo will not be easy to work correctly in tandem.
Since Mojo has a 4th order filter.
We have already done such an experiment.
And the bass then was either late or ahead of the speakers. True, we did not do this for long.

Hey Alex! Thanks a lot for the thought. I wondered about timing and phase, too. I saw a picture on the FB Gryphon page of a dealer demo of MojoS and sub's, which got me thinking. I'll think about. Still waiting for the Flow cable so I won't do anything until I've tried it. I don't necessarily need the lower bass; mostly I just want to open up the stage and mid range a bit.. Saw your latest great video :)
Hey Alex! Thanks a lot for the thought. I wondered about timing and phase, too. I saw a picture on the FB Gryphon page of a dealer demo of MojoS and sub's, which got me thinking. I'll think about. Still waiting for the Flow cable so I won't do anything until I've tried it. I don't necessarily need the lower bass; mostly I just want to open up the stage and mid range a bit.. Saw your latest great video :)

So the Argento Flow speaker cable is in. Only has about 6hrs on it but initial impression is sound with a little more body and soundstage and a slightly rolled off top end. Very 'musical' and less irritating of my ears at the top end than the Guideline I picked up. I'll put another 24hrs on it before a critical listen tomorrow. Decision has to be made Friday. Right now, I miss the higher resolution of Guideline but appreciate the increase in stage and the slightly 'more relaxed' listen.
So the Argento Flow speaker cable is in. Only has about 6hrs on it but initial impression is sound with a little more body and soundstage and a slightly rolled off top end. Very 'musical' and less irritating of my ears at the top end than the Guideline I picked up. I'll put another 24hrs on it before a critical listen tomorrow. Decision has to be made Friday. Right now, I miss the higher resolution of Guideline but appreciate the increase in stage and the slightly 'more relaxed' listen.

The Flow was very good. Much more open and less 'thick' sounding than Serenity. After another 24hrs on it, the top end seemed just about spot on. It increased size of soundstage as I'd hoped and produced a very refined, smooth sound that was effortless to listen to. But it snatched just a tiny bit too much pace/energy from the music. The additional 'body' it brought to the sound was a double-edged sword. So I'm going to go for Gryphon VIP and hope it does everything without compromise. If not, I'll go back to Flow and probably be happy into my dotage.
The Flow was very good. Much more open and less 'thick' sounding than Serenity. After another 24hrs on it, the top end seemed just about spot on. It increased size of soundstage as I'd hoped and produced a very refined, smooth sound that was effortless to listen to. But it snatched just a tiny bit too much pace/energy from the music. The additional 'body' it brought to the sound was a double-edged sword. So I'm going to go for Gryphon VIP and hope it does everything without compromise. If not, I'll go back to Flow and probably be happy into my dotage.

The VIP speaker cable has been in for 3 days. It's utterly sublime. Almost all the music I've played thus far sounds quite different to previous renditions. The midrange is more beautiful, the bass is more expansive and impactful when called to be; the highs are extended without any smear or edge. Music just sounds utterly effortless and silky smooth. It's so much more relaxed when called to be; notes hang in mid air and decay with such delicacy; yet, at the same time, it's also faster and more furious when it needs to be, too. Blackest of black backgrounds. Phenomenal detail retrieval - I want for no more. I don't know how Gryphon pulls all this off. It has completely freed the Diablo 300 to show off its full potential - it is staggeringly good.

In this system, the Jorma and Argento are not on the same level. Music now sounds 'correct' and I'm no longer listening to hifi.

For anyone reading these experiences for research purposes, my recommendation, increasingly and if you have the budget, is to do yourself a favour and take a holiday from trying to make different manufacturer products work together, with all the attendant angst and costly mistakes and buy into an all-encompassing brand whose sound you like. Gryphon plays it how it is; no frequency hikes for fake-big bass; no tubey added warmth; no thinness masquerading as detail. (I'm not affiliated, just very happy after years of blind alleys). That said, if you're looking for a speaker cable that does what they all claim to do, but frequently don't - i.e. utter transparency with no perceivable colouration or bias and total neutrality - VIP should be on your list to try.

(Disclaimer - if you like tubey warmth and frequencies fiddled-with to make the music play in a certain way, I am not knocking it!)

All that remains for me now is to audition Essence with a view to moving exclusively to Class A :)
So the Gryphon was the winner in your opinion?

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So the Gryphon was the winner in your opinion?

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Well, my comment was aimed at the technical recording job. I'm wary of judging anything reproduced on my Mac laptop! What I hear is a very smooth, holographic, laid-back D'Agostino and a faster, slightly less refined but more snappy Gryphon. I'm very sensitive to highs/leading edges these days and regret I liked the D'Agostino presentation far more than I wanted to. That's as much as I can bring myself to admit. But what it's like in reality I'll never know. It probably comes down to personal preference in the end as they're clearly both staggeringly good. I can say, assuredly, in my room, Diablo 300/Mojo S/VIP spkr cable is sounding wonderful. With a view to even more soundstage and organic sound Essence is firmly on my radar now. Stay safe and well.

Well, my comment was aimed at the technical recording job. I'm wary of judging anything reproduced on my Mac laptop! What I hear is a very smooth, holographic, laid-back D'Agostino and a faster, slightly less refined but more snappy Gryphon. I'm very sensitive to highs/leading edges these days and regret I liked the D'Agostino presentation far more than I wanted to. That's as much as I can bring myself to admit. But what it's like in reality I'll never know. It probably comes down to personal preference in the end as they're clearly both staggeringly good. I can say, assuredly, in my room, Diablo 300/Mojo S/VIP spkr cable is sounding wonderful. With a view to even more soundstage and organic sound Essence is firmly on my radar now. Stay safe and well.
We have a pair of these coming in on trade if anyone is interested.

PM me if you’re interested.

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Hi everyone,
any of you have ever tried or know if there are differences between the Gryphon Mojo and the new Gryhpon Mojo S. ? thanks
Thanks, Mike. I was thinking REL S510. I prefer the smaller size of Dynaudio Sub 3 but worry that, like my Dyn floorstanders, they may be too slow in my context. Do they need to be in phase- ie same distance from me as Mojo or, if they come in below, say, 60hz will it make no difference? I know nothing of sub culture so your knowledge is welcome and appreciated. Thanks.

Ran into this old thread.. For those interested, some additional 'data points' from my ears & experience:

On using subs: I am using stereo (2) REL G2 subs together with Mojo S and very happy about the integration & sound. I set the RELs to start to roll off from 24Hz, so the 'support' is down low & subtle and mostly pays off in the midrange & image stability and scale. I love the combo in that it can be tweaked to give a huge sound in a smaller listening triangle (I sit approx. 3m from the speakers) and room, combined with exceptional imaging & integration of the soundfield that a large floorstander simply cannot do in those conditions... I do not experience timing issues in the bass with the RELs integrating with the Mojo's.

On comparisons to Dynaudio Confidence range: I previously had The Confidence 20's. Cannot speak for the larger Confidence models. I found the difference in character most striking. Mojo being a far more extravert speaker, more bold, with more air and a bigger sound and stage. Mojo is also more transparent to sources and cabling. The AMT tweet has more air and microdetail then the Esotar3. The Confidence 20 is very composed, more introverted sound, provides a slightly smaller but extremely precise and true picture of the size and position of instruments, but because of that also slightly less 'in your face' (which can fit a smaller room better). The esotar3 (impressive) is more dense than the AMT and is more true to treble colour, is more saturated. There is more tone to a sax with Esotar. More air to that same sax with AMT. It is what you prefer. I think the ideal amplification for both differs a lot, the Dynaudio benefitting from a more extraverted, ballsy, less controlled amplification (Octave tubes for example). My ASR Emitter II Exclusive Battery (the definition of ease, control & authority) matched better with the extrovert nature of the Mojo S. In performance/price terms, the C20 is way ahead of Mojo s (at 2,5 x the price). This might relate to / be explained by larger numbers, bigger R&D budget at Dynaudio and Gryphon being a slightly more "boutique" brand. I went with the Mojo S anyway when a used pair came by... I use Stealth Reverie Premium speaker cable.

I wonder what you guys think of this new Gryphon EOS 2 replacing the MOJO S at a far lower price point, deserting the AMT and moving to a dome tweeter. THeir sales rep (naturally) stated the EOS 2 is the clear better speaker. :-) To me, it feels a bit like a marketing & product placement induced change (for the entry level product) that needed to wait for the old chief Rasmussen to retire... But I don't know... I shortly heard the EOS 2 under show conditions... I couldn't say...


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Ran into this old thread.. For those interested, some additional 'data points' from my ears & experience:

On using subs: I am using stereo (2) REL G2 subs together with Mojo S and very happy about the integration & sound. I set the RELs to start to roll off from 24Hz, so the 'support' is down low & subtle and mostly pays off in the midrange & image stability and scale. I love the combo in that it can be tweaked to give a huge sound in a smaller listening triangle (I sit approx. 3m from the speakers) and room, combined with exceptional imaging & integration of the soundfield that a large floorstander simply cannot do in those conditions... I do not experience timing issues in the bass with the RELs integrating with the Mojo's.

On comparisons to Dynaudio Confidence range: I previously had The Confidence 20's. Cannot speak for the larger Confidence models. I found the difference in character most striking. Mojo being a far more extravert speaker, more bold, with more air and a bigger sound and stage. Mojo is also more transparent to sources and cabling. The AMT tweet has more air and microdetail then the Esotar3. The Confidence 20 is very composed, more introverted sound, provides a slightly smaller but extremely precise and true picture of the size and position of instruments, but because of that also slightly less 'in your face' (which can fit a smaller room better). The esotar3 (impressive) is more dense than the AMT and is more true to treble colour, is more saturated. There is more tone to a sax with Esotar. More air to that same sax with AMT. It is what you prefer. I think the ideal amplification for both differs a lot, the Dynaudio benefitting from a more extraverted, ballsy, less controlled amplification (Octave tubes for example). My ASR Emitter II Exclusive Battery (the definition of ease, control & authority) matched better with the extrovert nature of the Mojo S. In performance/price terms, the C20 is way ahead of Mojo s (at 2,5 x the price). This might relate to / be explained by larger numbers, bigger R&D budget at Dynaudio and Gryphon being a slightly more "boutique" brand. I went with the Mojo S anyway when a used pair came by... I use Stealth Reverie Premium speaker cable.

I wonder what you guys think of this new Gryphon EOS 2 replacing the MOJO S at a far lower price point, deserting the AMT and moving to a dome tweeter. THeir sales rep (naturally) stated the EOS 2 is the clear better speaker. :-) To me, it feels a bit like a marketing & product placement induced change (for the entry level product) that needed to wait for the old chief Rasmussen to retire... But I don't know... I shortly heard the EOS 2 under show conditions... I couldn't say...

I just came across this. Thanks for the valuable contribution, especially re: subs - do you have them in the same plane as the speakers? I agree with your summary of Dynaudio sound against Mojo. Matches my experience. I went with Mojo S for that reason of greater excitement; it was addictive. Interesting you ask about EOS 2. Did you hear them, properly, yet? I thought about doing so but read they're designed for close-wall placement, which I can't do. Also, Alex (Technical Pie) wrote on another forum that he prefers Mojo S sound to the new EOS sound which he suggests is a regrettable departure from Gryphon norms. His comments seem to chime with all that you say.