Gryphon Mojo - Dynaudio Contour 60


New member
Jan 10, 2018
Somerset, UK

I have Dyn Contour 60's with the Diablo 300. (Mirus pro DAC and Melco NiZH/2) The sound is incredibly detailed and full of texture with superb mid range, sound staging, decay etc.. But, I'm finding it lacking a bit of 'sparkle'; a bit too polite, if you will. Speaker cable is Naim SL and XLR's are HFC Reveal. (These are not the source of the issue.) It also needs to be played loud to engage the listener in any kind of emotional way. Previously I ran Naim electronics with these speakers and didn't suffer from any lack of engagement. Quite the opposite. But I didn't get the same detail, texture, decay, midrange etc. either and these were the main driver (sic) for changing. I'm looking at Mojo as the solution but haven't yet been able to make the 8hr return journey to hear a pair.

Questions for the experienced, meantime :

1) Will the Mojo deliver a little more 'excitement' without losing the delicacy and sophistication of the C60's? I don't mind losing a little of the C60's bass prowess..

2) Is there a significant difference in presentation/SQ between Mojo and Mojo S? Or is it mainly cosmetic?

Any educated observations very gratefully received.

Many thanks.
Oops - if I could delete this post I would.. But maybe this will help someone in future.. I just discovered that (picking up on something a poster said on another thread) reducing output level on the dac and turning up the volume on the Diablo has pretty much sorted my issue. I was outputting at 0.00dB and didn't realise that line level is actually -8dB. Result is much 'sparkle' - Gilmore's guitar now wales as it should instead of being polite.. The C60's can stay!
Sadly it’s not over yet. After 4 hrs of listening I find I have too much bass boom. The spkrs are 4’ from back wall and 2’ from sides. I’ve got some bass panels in the room already. There’s an excellent thread here comparing C60’s to Magico S3 and especially how latter are tighter in the bass. But they’re too expensive for me right now and I’m thinking the Mojo’s must be designed to work optimally with Grtphon electronics. I’ll try plugging a baffle in the 60’s but if all else fails I’m back to looking at Mojo. So - if anyone has any experience with them, would be great to hear. Thanks!
Bit of an off-tangent suggestion but, if you prefer to keep the Dynaudios, you might want to consider active bass traps from PSI Audio - they have a UK dealer.

Even though I have EQ options on my DAC and speakers in a fairly damped room, the PSIs have helped me quite a bit with the bass overhang / boom.

I have heard the Diablo 300 with Wilson Benesch speakers (Endeavour / Discovery II) as well as with the Gryphon Pantheons. All 3 combinations sounded good and I couldn’t say that there was any excessive bass or that the non-Gryphon speakers were not a good match.
Thanks Nicoludio - they look excellent but that's a ton of cash for me! I'll try more work on placement and the port bungs that come with the Dyn's. But, I'm very keen to know how Gryphon's own (Mojo's) would sound.

Mr P - especially the C60's! I found Naim to approach SQ in a lean, aggressive way. I found it very thrilling but too bright on leading edges. There was much less midrange to the music than G produces. The Dyn's contained the etching, somewhat (that refined Esotar 2 tweeter) without downgrading the front row thrill factor too much - because Naim so heavily biases it. The Gryphon is much more refined, smooth and full/evenly balanced throughout the range in its presentation - 'neutral'. Partnered with that the Dyn's' presentation is more a few-rows-back and a little too far in the other direction. It's much better since I turned the dac down to line level output and plugged the usb cable into the dedicated port on the Melco instead of one of the non-optimised usb accessory ports - idiot. But may be not quite enough; plus the new bass issue..

So, Mojo... I'm also curious about the new Dyn' Confidence 30, though it's probably a bridge to far, regardless..
Dyns sound best with fast, lean amplification. Try an Audionet SAM G2 integrated.

Or if you prefer changing speakers maybe some Magico A3.
Dyns sound best with fast, lean amplification. Try an Audionet SAM G2 integrated.

Or if you prefer changing speakers maybe some Magico A3.

Yes Anatta, this is exactly my experience with the C60’s. They’re an amazing speaker esp for the money. Thrilling with Naim and the Plinius I tried. Much less so with my Diablo and the Vitus I tried before it. But so detailed, textured and neutral.

I’ve thought about Magico but some say they’re a little bright? Perhaps not with a smooth Diablo. I should try to get a pair in to demo. There are also a pair of used S3 mkll avail and cheaper Mk1. But the mkll are a bit too rich. Do you happen to know if there’s a substantial SQ difference? I don’t really want to give up the Diablo. It’s a great investment in every level.

Hi eagle3333
I just read your comment on the Magico , i listened to the A3 at a dealer coupled to PS Audio , and loudspeaker cables was Tellurium if i remember correctly but not the model. I would say the A3 is very coherent from top to bottom with very good definition . I also remember that i thought they where to the warm side of neutral. That could also be due to the use of PS Audio or the speaker cables.
I also remember on my train trip back from the audition that i did not think that these are speakers i just have to own, but suspect it could have something to do with cabling or PS Audios sound. I didn't find them good in delivering at big 3D soundstage.
My comparison for 3D soundstage is Wilson Audio Sabrina / Sasha 2 with ARC Ref.6 / ARC 150 / CD9 / all Nordost Valhalla 2 cabling , i think that can help when there are others here with better knowledge than i have. :)
I heard most Gryphon speakers, and I must say I don't like the Mojos.
A bit too boxy sound.
I do like their bigger models.
And their electronics are top.

I would start with minutely positioning the speakers.
And treat the room.
Ask for professional help.
You'll be surprised of what your current gear is capable of.
And it'll be cheaper than purchasing other speakers.
Thanks Flemming/Bart. Room is treated somewhat but I could add bass corner traps behind the speakers and on front wall instead of the huge mirror.. Also, my room is 24' x 12' which I think is a bad ratio in terms of standing waves. I'm adjusting speaker position - have found that coffee mug coasters under the rear feet tip them forward just enough to liven things up at listening position..

Never read the 'boxy' thing before. But then, I have read very few real life, buyer reviews on the Mojo. In fact, I think I only found one and that wasn't very informative. Does anyone buy them?!
According to an article I read, Flemming Rasmussen, Gryphon's founder who just retired, was planning to use as his home retirement system, Mojos and a Diablo 300.
I hope you find the sound you are searching for. I have the Contour 30 and have a BNIB pair of Contour 60s, on ice for the moment while a dedicated room is being built. I agree w/ you regarding the sound of new Dyn Contour line. I don’t think it can be beat for the money. My Dyn’s are in the context of a McIntosh system - MC601 power amps - which drive the 30s perfectly. My set up is opposite of yours, bass shy, as they are sitting in a big common living space. Another 6 months and my all Dyn surround system will be ready to be installed (C60, C30, 25C, and (2) Sub 6). Can’t wait.

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j3 that's going to be a heck of a system. You won't find the C60's bass shy. Nor overly bassy either. Superb balance in the right size of room, with mine being just marginally too small I suspect. But more treatments would sort. Previously I ran a Mc C2500 valve pre amp with Naim power amp. The C60's were just spectacular. Plugging the dac into the specialised usb port on my server has made a huge difference; as did finding the line level setting for the dac. Final tweak has been to slightly tilt the C60's forward, up on their back feet. It's a glorious sound that you can listen to all day. I'd just like it a tiny bit more forward - which a different nature of amp would achieve; but then I'd probably find it more fatiguing; and I'm not changing the Gryphon. All the 'units' in the system inc the C60's are stupefyingly good in their own right. I could probably live with current set-up and enjoy all music genres, forever.
Good day!
Though I am new to this forum, I own the Gryphon system for many years.
Model Mojo is great!
The level of Mojo is much higher than Contour and Confidence from Dinaudio.
I highly recommend listening to Mojo and Diablo 300!
This is just for your room size!

j3 that's going to be a heck of a system. You won't find the C60's bass shy. Nor overly bassy either. Superb balance in the right size of room, with mine being just marginally too small I suspect. But more treatments would sort. Previously I ran a Mc C2500 valve pre amp with Naim power amp. The C60's were just spectacular. Plugging the dac into the specialised usb port on my server has made a huge difference; as did finding the line level setting for the dac. Final tweak has been to slightly tilt the C60's forward, up on their back feet. It's a glorious sound that you can listen to all day. I'd just like it a tiny bit more forward - which a different nature of amp would achieve; but then I'd probably find it more fatiguing; and I'm not changing the Gryphon. All the 'units' in the system inc the C60's are stupefyingly good in their own right. I could probably live with current set-up and enjoy all music genres, forever.
Just saw this thread - sorry I am late to the party. I auditioned the C60s and I loved them. Bang for buck they are right up there. But I went for Magico for a number of reasons - mainly because they were more coherent and produced a more vibrant and detailed sound. I also used a Diablo 300 with them and it was a superb combination. If you are not getting dynamics out of this combo IMHO (without having tried this combo) it has to be an issue with something in your system other than the Diablo.