Gryphon Essence amp & preamp


Active member
Nov 27, 2014


Oh boy..
Re: Essence

Gryphon Audio Designs
Essence Stereo and
Monoblock Power Amplifiers

“Technology is not driving us, we like to drive the technology in a direction that serves us and our goals.”
Gryphon founder, Flemming E. Rasmussen

In the year 2020, the Gryphon celebrates 35 years of exploration and innovation, widely acknowledged as one of the most influential high end brands in Scandinavia – and the world. The Gryphon name has long been established as a hallmark of excellence in every aspect of audio design from amplification to loudspeakers to digital playback.

It all began with the very first Gryphon power amplifier, the Gryphon DM100: 100 Watts, pure Class A, selectable bias, dual mono, extreme wide bandwidth and so much more. Born a classic, the Gryphon DM100 immediately established itself in high end circles as one of the most acclaimed amplifiers of all time.

Done the Gryphon way from the very beginning in 1991, the Gryphon DM100 defined honest, involving and utterly musical performance, paving the way for our current flagship model, the Gryphon Mephisto.

Gryphon Essence possesses the same big heart as its top of the range predecessors, the Gryphon Colosseum and Mephisto, with levels of control and resolution similar to those which defined its bigger brothers.

Essence is your direct music conduit with sonic neutrality, textural purity and dynamic ease, defined as much by what we have left out as by what we have put in.

Symmetrical AC power polarity for the two-channel version will improve transient response, soundstage depth and ambience retrieval.

With an ultra-wide frequency bandwidth (0.5 Hz – 350 kHz, +0 dB, -3 dB), Gryphon Essence is conservatively rated at 50W (8 W), 100W (4 W), 190W (2W) in stereo, Class A and at 50W (8 W), 100W (4 W), 200W (2W), (Monoblock), Class A.

These exceptional figures guarantee stability with any loudspeaker load. The dual mono design employs a custom-built shielded, high current toroidal transformer. The output stage and driver stage employ separate power supplies for effective isolation of the output stage from the input stage. A separate transformer for control and display circuitry isolates them from the signal path.

Now, Gryphon Essence takes us closer in the never-ending quest for a more natural and convincing musical illusion. Years of experimentation and extensive research in the fields of circuit topology and component quality and reliability have resulted in the development of an amplifier that impresses immediately with its ability to cruise effortlessly through even the most demanding musical passages, regardless of volume level. As a result of the constant high power reserves available at all times, the Essence simply does not “see” the speaker, so its reactive load cannot degrade amplifier performance. Unlike other high-power amplifiers, Gryphon's no-compromise, pure Class A topology allows the Essence to offer extreme power reserves on demand, combined with refinement and delicacy in musical presentation.

It is our fundamental philosophy that all electronics in the playback chain must ideally be neutral and not add or subtract anything from the recording, no matter how “attractive” such distortions may be. The Essence is by nature a product for the fortunate few who can afford such a statement, just as it is a product for the increasing number of audiophiles who seek purity in the reproduction of music, a product for music lovers who respect both the musicians and recording engineers enough to refrain from adding or subtracting anything in relation to the original intention of the recording.

Circuit topology
Power is the name of the game and the Essence is equipped to take on even the most vicious and nightmarish of loudspeaker loads. The output section uses Sanken bipolar output devices which have demonstrated extreme reliability in addition to outstanding sonic performance. The Essence Stereo employs 20 transistors per channel, while the Essence Monoblock features 40 of these devices per unit. These transistors can be called upon to deliver massive amounts of momentary peak power without overload.

The separate driver section has its own power supply from individual windings on the custom-made toroidal transformers. Unique mechanical design ensures optimal thermal tracking between drivers and output devices. The driver section features its own generous bank of high quality capacitors.
The power capacitor bank in the Stereo version is an astounding 440,000 µF array of exceptional capacitors, and 880,000 µF in the Monoblock edition, in both versions bypassed by high quality polypropylene capacitors throughout the power supplies.

The unique, non-invasive protection system offers reliable, fuss-free protection without compromising signal purity and signal path simplicity.

When DC or HF is detected at the input, the amplifier mutes until the error condition is corrected.
The output signal is constantly compared to the input, so that, in the presence of a difference which exceeds predetermined limits (typically a short circuit condition), the amplifier mutes until the error condition has been corrected.

Heatsink temperature is constantly monitored by a thermistor. In the event of overheating (temperature in excess of 90° C), the amplifier will shut down. Normal operation will resume when a safe operating temperature is reached.

Global negative feedback is non-existent and DC coupling employs DC servo circuitry. Internal wiring in the signal path is kept to an absolute minimum.

Gryphon Essence utilizes a completely independent transformer and power supply for display and control circuits, effectively preventing digital noise generated by these circuits from reaching the amplifier circuits.

Class A
True Class A operation has always been a Gryphon benchmark, simply because nothing in our experience can match the sonic glories of pure Class A.

Unfortunately, true Class A is even rarer today than when we originally introduced the DM100. Rising consumer awareness has forced some manufacturers to stop making outrageous, unsubstantiated claims of Class A power ratings that only exist in the fevered imagination of some marketing "expert".

Still, there is a growing number of so-called “new” Class A topologies based on automatic biasing which somehow allows the amplifier to sense when the bias should increase to ensure constant Class A performance!

If such a thing were to work as claimed, it would be tantamount to a re-writing of the laws of physics. In order for an amplifier to be able to increase bias and stabilize thermally to instantaneously meet the dynamics of the input, it would have to be able to predict what is going to happen next on the recording. Auto-biasing can by nature only respond to something that has already happened and the bias will rush up and down in a desperate attempt to follow the last note.

Put bluntly, there is no such thing as a free lunch when it comes to pure Class A, so we state with no apologies: True, pure CLASS A means heavy transformers, very large heatsinks, lots of heat, lots of electricity, expensive parts and costly assembly.

We appreciate and endorse every effort to conserve energy and preserve our global resources, but our research into efforts to obtain Class A performance from alternative amplifier topologies makes it clear that there simply is no substitute for the sheer magic of pure class A.

However, based on thorough analysis of typical listening situations, we have devised Gryphon Green Bias (green for substantially reduced environmental impact). Green Bias offers true, pure CLASS A with considerably lower power consumption.

Any combination of Gryphon preamp and power amp with Green Bias control allows the user to select the amount of Class A required to run his speakers fully in Class A at any given time, taking into account such factors as speaker sensitivity, room size, musical dynamics and overall volume level. Programmable Class A bias is an efficient, convenient means of reducing power consumption without compromising Class A performance.

While Green Bias does not offer the extreme low power consumption of Class A/B, or even the low power consumption of “auto-biasing” systems, it does offer significantly lower power consumption without sacrifice or compromise of even a fraction of its pure CLASS A performance.

Gryphon Audio Designs
Essence Stereo
Essence Monoblock Power Amplifier

• Dual mono configuration
• Zero global negative feedback
·​440,000 μF (Stereo) or 880,000 μF (Mono version) capacitor bank
·​Balanced dual differential Class A input circuitry followed by a high-speed voltage amplifying Class A stage
·​Fully regulated low noise power supply for all voltage amplifying stages
·​DC servo coupling
·​Frequency-independent damping factor
·​Polypropylene capacitors for local power supply decoupling
·​Four-layer up to 70 μm copper printed circuit boards
·​One custom-made 1350 VA toroidal transformer
·​Separate power supply for digital and analog circuits
·​Soft Start turn-on prevents triggering of fuses in the home electrical system
• Gold-plated Swiss Neutric XLR socket for one balanced input per channel
• Gold-plated custom-built binding posts
• 12 V DC link for power up and down
·​Automatic Green Bias setting or manual Low/High bias
• Flash memory upgrades via PC or Key-fob
• Non-invasive protection system
• RGB LED bar indicating Bias High, Low status.
• Standby current consumption < 0.5 W
·​​EU CE approval
·​Designed and built in Denmark
Specifications: Stereo version
·​2 x 50W @ 8 W, 2 x 100W @ 4 W, 2 x 190W @ 2 W at 115V/230V AC supply
· 20 very high current bipolar output transistors per channel
• Output impedance: 0.015 W
• Bandwidth (-3dB): 0.3 Hz to 350 kHz
• Power supply capacity (both channels): 440,000 μF
• Gain: +31.0 dB
• Input impedance, balanced (20 Hz-20 kHz): 20 kW

Specifications: Monoblock
·​1 x 50W @ 8 W, 2 x 100W @ 4 W, 2 x 200W @ 2 W at 115V/230V AC supply
· 40 very high current bipolar output transistors per monoblock
• Output impedance: 0.0075 W
• Bandwidth (-3dB): 0.3 Hz to 350 kHz
• Power supply capacity (both channels): 880,000 μF
• Gain: +31.0 dB
• Input impedance, balanced (20 Hz-20 kHz): 20 kW


·​47 x 24 x 46 cm (WxHxD), 45 kg net. each cabinet.

All specifications are preliminary and subject to change without notice.

About the Gryphon
Since its inception in 1985, Gryphon Audio Designs of Denmark has earned a worldwide reputation for state of the art performance, intuitive ergonomics and stunning aesthetic design. Celebrating our 35th anniversary in the year 2020, the Gryphon is among the select few High End brands to offer complete system solutions incorporating digital sources, amplification and loudspeakers.
Re: Essence

Gryphon Audio Designs
Essence Preamplifier

The Gryphon Essence pure Class A amplification system has been developed based on the experience acquired and lessons learned from our top of the line Gryphon Pandora preamplifier and the stereo and monoblock Mephisto power amplifiers. Gryphon Essence exudes authority and maintains absolute control of your loudspeakers, with rarefied finesse to reveal even the subtlest variations in any style of music.

Gryphon Essence represents the perfect symbiosis of musical authority and effortless ease.

The strictly dual mono configuration achieves the shortest possible signal path with minimal internal wiring. In the interest of ultimate fidelity, superfluous circuity such as tone controls, balance controls, headphone connections, mono switching, polarity inversion and more have been banished from the signal path, thereby reducing interchannel crosstalk and signal path coloration to an absolute minimum.

As delivered, the Gryphon Essence Preamplifier is a pure line preamplifier with two balanced XLR input and three single-ended phono inputs. With no internal wiring, the only cable are a short ground lead, display ribbons and AC power wiring mounted in a shielded channel from the rear IEC socket to the power switch to minimise 50/60 Hz interference.

Exhaustive investigation and auditioning have preceded the selection of every component part and many original, proprietary parts have been custom-designed and built exclusively for Gryphon.

Because we lavish attention on each aspect of the circuit and fully grasp the purpose and behavior of every single part of the whole, Gryphon’s design team can optimize performance in every, before moving on to the next step. This ensures simplicity, a short signal path and a unity of purpose with a single, well-defined objective: musical purity.

The range of microprocessor controlled, fully adjustable menu items include input naming with up to eight characters, maximum level, start level, input level matching up to 8 dB, AV throughput, user selectable display brightness (100/75/50/25%, Off), default restoration and Gryphon Green Bias. The Gryphon Essence Preamplifier can be configured with a 0 dB AV throughput for ideal integration with the owner’s separate multi-channel installation.

As an optional extra, the Essence can be fitted with either an MM/MC phonostage or a digital to analogue converter. The phonostage is a Gryphon dual mono design based on the acclaimed Legato Legacy.

If you are using a compatible Gryphon Class A power amplifier, you may choose to connect the Green Bias control link for automatic regulation of user selectable Class A bias between the sockets marked GREEN BIAS on the preamplifier and on the power amplifier.

Menu-Activated Functions
Maximum Level selects and stores in memory a maximum volume setting which cannot be exceeded, manually or by remote, until you re-set this function. This effectively protects your power amplifier and loudspeakers from expensive accidents.

Start-Up Level selects and stores in memory a default volume setting which will automatically be set by the preamplifier every time you turn it on.

Level Matching can be pre-set to automatically match the levels of your low-output and high-output sources. Matching is executed via the volume attenuator, with no additional components in the signal path.

Green Bias (active only when the Gryphon Essence is attached to a Gryphon Class A power amplifier via the Green Bias control link). Green Bias allows you to automatically switch between operation in 50%, 75% or 100% Class A with no sonic degradation.

The Gryphon Essence Preamplifier offers the option of installing either a Gryphon phonostage or Gryphon DAC module at time of original purchase or at a later date. If your system consists of both analogue and digital sources, the DAC module can be installed and the Gryphon Sonett phonostage can be purchased as a stand-alone addition.

Modular Options
The Gryphon DAC module is the perfect match for the Essence Preamplifier. With the module installed, the Essence display monitors the active digital input, sampling frequency, PCM/DSD format and selected digital filter setting.

At the time of original purchase or as the need arises at a later date, the Gryphon Essence can be fitted with a specially designed Gryphon DAC module based on the innovative, award-winning Gryphon Kalliope digital-to-analogue converter. The module adds four digital inputs (USB, balanced AES/EBU 115 Ω, TOSLink optical and BNC S/PDIF 75 Ω). USB can process PCM up to 32-bit/384 kHz as well as DSD (on Windows OS up to DSD512, on Mac OS up to DSD128, on Linux OS up to DSD128 DoP); via BNC S/PDIF and AES/EBU digital inputs up to192 kHz/32-bit PCM and via TOSLink up to 96 kHz/24-bit PCM. Format compatibility of the various inputs is subject to change without notice.

This future-proof digital module is ready for any current or foreseeable high resolution digital format.

PS2 MM/MC Phono Module

Gryphon Audio Designs has consistently offered unwavering support to the LP format with high performance MC/MM phonostages as separate products or as optional modules for installation in preamplifiers and integrated amplifiers at all price points across our product range.

Based on the now legendary Legato phonostage, the Gryphon PS2 MM/MC Phono Module is a true dual-mono design for enhanced channel separation, capable of extracting every musical detail for ultimate realism.

Nearly 40 years after the introduction of the compact disc, the LP still represents the largest selection of recorded music on any storage medium in human history. Therefore, we believe it is essential that Gryphon owners have full access to the artistic vision captured for all time by this true high-resolution format.

The Gryphon Essence preamplifier can be ordered with the PS2 Phono Module factory-installed. The module can also be added later at a time of your choosing.

If the module slot in your Gryphon Essence preamplifier is already occupied by the Gryphon DAC Module, then the stand-alone Sonett Phonostage is recommended as a substantial upgrade for any system assembled to extract the very best from black vinyl grooves.

The peerless finish, build quality, ergonomics and pride of ownership that contribute to the totality of the Gryphon concept can only be fully understood and appreciated up close and in person. The distinctive, luxuriant finish of every Gryphon product arises organically out of the audio circuit design and the user interface for a truly unique integration of form and function.

The exemplary build quality combines brushed, anodised aluminium with subtle black acrylic details for a highly refined aesthetic sensibility.

From the very beginning, every Gryphon product has offered stunning audio performance, sumptuous styling and superb user- friendliness, catering to the needs of the discerning audiophile who demands musicality, convenience and aesthetics, all without compromise.

Essence bass performance is simply superb: firm, well-defined, with massive attack, in a pure demonstration of power.

The wealth of detail and fine handling of bass and high frequencies contribute to the preamplifier’s ability to render the width and depth of a soundstage with three-dimensional realism and instrumental placement with great precision and appropriate size.

Gryphon Audio Designs
Essence Preamplifier

• Zero negative feedback
• True Dual Mono configuration
• Fully discrete, DC-coupled Class A circuit topology
·​Microprocessor-controlled 43-step fully balanced relay volume attenuator for best sonic performance based on a minimalist contingent of ultra-precision resistors
·​High-speed, discrete, single-ended Class A input buffer for best possible sonic performance
·​Optional PCM/DSD DAC module with one USB, 2 x SPDIF, 1 AES and 1 optical input. PCM up to Fs = 384 kHZ, DSD up to DSD512
·​Optional MM/MC Gryphon PS2 phonostage module based on legendary Gryphon Legato head amp
• Local shunt regulators for optimal noise suppression
• Input level matching to prevent abrupt volume changes
• Ultra-short signal path
• Minimal internal wiring
• Gold-plated Swiss Neutrik XLR sockets for two balanced sources and 1 output
• Gold-plated phono sockets with Teflon insulation for 3 inputs and 2 outputs
·​Fixed-level AV throughput, balanced or single-ended, for uncompromising integration with separate surround preamplifier
• Large Vacuum Fluorescent Display for easy legibility
• Adjustable display lighting (100/75/50/25%, Off)
• Backlit touch-sensitive front panel controls
• 12 V DC link input and output
• Green Bias link output for automatic Green Bias control with any Gryphon power amplifier
• Stylish infrared remote control
• Flash memory upgrades possible via PC or Key-fob
• EU CE approval
• Standby current consumption < 0.5 W
• Designed and built in Denmark


• +18 dB gain, max.
• Output impedance: 15 Ohm XLR, 22.5 Ohm RCA
• Frequency bandwidth (-3 dB): 0.1 Hz – 1 MHz
• Power supply capacity: 2 x 26,000 μF
• Input impedance, balanced (20 Hz – 20 kHz): 50 kOhm
• Input Impedance, single-ended (20 Hz – 20 kHz): 25 kOhm


• 47 x 16.5 x 38.5 cm (WxHxD), 13.4 kg net.

All specifications are preliminary and subject to change without notice.

About the Gryphon
Since its inception in 1985, Gryphon Audio Designs of Denmark has earned a worldwide reputation for state of the art performance, intuitive ergonomics and stunning aesthetic design. Celebrating our 35th anniversary in the year 2020, the Gryphon is among the select few High End brands to offer complete system solutions incorporating digital sources, amplification and loudspeakers.
Gryphon Essence amp &amp; preamp

It now uses a 20A C20 horizontal pin IRC AC inlet though. Better contact and current capacity. But not as easy to find power cords terminated with the corresponding C10 AC power plug.

Gryphon Essence amp &amp; preamp

wow. Has the Kuoppis aesthetic approval:congrats:

I guess Gryphon owners tend to like the bold design, as e.g. featured in the Diablo 300. For this audience the Essence might look a bit bland, I guess.

But personally, I do like the Essence style. YMMV [emoji3].

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Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

I could not agree more- much more to my taste than the previous Darth Vader styling... I might even become a convert..

I guess Gryphon owners tend like the bold design, as e.g. featured in the Diablo 300. For this audience the Essence might look a bit bland, I guess.

But personally, I do like the Essence style. YMMV [emoji3].

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Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

My ears are sad I don’t live close to Mike’s, but my wallet is happy I don’t!

Feel my pain brother!
Yeah I also prefer the new Gryphon look too! I would love to try the stereo amp. Too bad I’m moving to Barrow, Alaska next week.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Wonder if this styling will roll out to a revised Diablo 300? That would knock the used value of mine - which is a factor because I'm going to start sleeping with a picture of the Essence pre/power under my pillow until they hit the dealers in Feb!
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

After a week of listening I thought a review of my Gryphon Essence pre/stereo power amplifiers might be worthwhile. I’m a passionate music listener but this (as may become obvious) is not my day job. However, I hope the below main observations help anyone else wondering about the qualities of Gryphon’s new babies. My reference and comparison points are the Diablo 300 which I owned prior to this pair and, prior to that, Naim 252/250DR. Rest of the system is Mirus Resonessence Pro dac, Melco N1Zh server, Mojo S speakers, Gryphon Guideline Reference and VIP cabling.

I won’t go into the unboxing antics save to say that, in these challenging times, Roger of Nintronics in the UK went to incredible lengths to bring the units down to my very closed front door and unpack them, wearing mask and gloves, before heading off with my 300. Sadly I couldn’t even give him a coffee. Gryphon sent my cables sterilised with Isopropyl alcohol and sealed in a bag. Everyone observing max safety. I’ve got a knackered back so to get the 45kg power amp, in particular, from outside the front door, inside the house, I’d set-up two floor level ‘trolleys’ (motorcycle movers, in fact) bearing large blocks of kitchen worktop. Roger put the power amp on the outside trolley and, when he'd left, I pushed it across onto the trolley on t’other side of the doorstep; then rolled it through the house to the bottom shelf of the rack onto which it was another easy push-slide.

Before talking about sound, a word about aesthetics. The pictures can’t do these units justice. The finish is typical Gryphon – flawless. I love the new Fleming Rasmussen design which, when it comes to the fascia layout, takes its queue from the profile of a record groove’s ‘v’ shape. It’s uber cool. The power amp sits at the bottom of my rack looking utterly menacing. Before power-up, it reminds me of the monolith from 2010 A Space Odyssey; the black, straight-edged, impenetrable block gives nothing away. It just sits there promising all kinds of awesome. Switch on and a thin blue horizontal light strip (and tiny Gryphon logo) is the only sign of life and now reminds me of Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still. (These might be references to past icons, but this has more to do with how these up-to-the-minute, super contemporary designs resonate with my sci’ fi’ past. In reality, they wouldn’t look out of place in SpaceX). Above it, the pre’ sits with stylish poise and purpose, it’s ‘V’ pointing to the warp engine, below. It has the same perfectly flat, sleek, black acrylic and brushed steel surface. There are no controls to interfere with the futuristic finish or the digital information displayed behind it; touch screen technology sees to that; that and a handset made from a collapsed star. At first it looks a bit ordinary; until you pick it up and feel the extraordinary weight and notice the beautiful black, brushed steel finish. It sits perfectly ergonomically in the hand, in part due to the very clever flat edge on one side and a profiled, ribbed finish on the other. It possesses comprehensive functionality that is entirely intuitive. My only niggle is that I have to press the volume buttons with very precise pressure if I want to change volume by just 1 step. It’s too easy to change by 2 steps. This borders on the pedantic, but there it is. The non-slip patch on the underside is genius attention to detail, preventing damage to surfaces, making the unit sit proud and easier to pick up and making for a silent return to the table. Gryphon’s website will give you a full list of the pre’s functions; I’ll just tell you the permanent display on the unit gives volume, input (customisable to any name you care to enter) and mute; which is all I need.

I won't list all the technical specs, either, because you can find them on Gryphon's website, too. But the headlines are that these units are true dual mono, negative global feedback, Class A (and A/B) 2 x 50w into 8 ohms, 2 x 100w into 4 ohms... and the pre' can incorporate dac and phono modules.

Sound, then and even ‘straight out of the box’ is an OMG moment. The bass. The bass is staggering. Remember, I’m coming off the Diablo 300 which is no slouch in any department, let alone bass. It’s truly palpable and provides a rock solid, iron-fist-controlled foundation to the presentation. It’s like it is at a real gig. The impact, density, weight, textural depth and slam are in an entirely different league to those I experienced with the Diablo 300 on Dynaudio Contour 60’s – 3-ways with 2 x 9” woofers compared to the 2-way Mojo’s 2 x 5.5” mid range units. That’s a pretty clever trick. And it’s fast; no overhang, no flab. Just precise, correct. My room is 12’ x 24’ with the speakers off the short wall. Previous experience suggests this is all the bass this space can take without needing room treatments. The Contour’s went down to 28hz; Mojo is quoted, conservatively I'd say, at 37hz, but it’s very rare that I notice the lowest bass to be wanting. I certainly don’t miss the endless messing about with panels to try to counter bass boom. This is great news because, until this moment, I’d been thinking I’d need to shoehorn Pantheons into my space to gain the kind of bass and general scale I really wanted. No more.

The next most obvious feature is the sheer weight and density of the sound, spread precisely about a soundstage that has grown in every dimension and direction. Essence has freed the sound and the performers from the confines of the speakers (which have disappered) to the extent that they dance about before me with more presence and realism than I have ever experienced before. There is more three dimensionality to the sound; bass notes are more holographic; the sense of the recording space is much better defined. More detail, like background crowd shouts which I hadn’t heard before, contribute to a greater feeling of realism. In this sense, I find myself drawn into the recording space and lost in its ambience, rather than listening-in from outside. The Diablo is often described as having great authority; Essence redefines authority in this context. Bass is tight and totally controlled. Highs are extended and sweet, never etched or bright. Mids are smooth, refined, coherent; live lead vocals are just as I remember from the gigs. Instruments are better defined and separated yet the whole still binds well together and remains musical and deeply emotive. Everything is in perfect balance. No one element is jacked-up for effect. Again, every element is just ‘correct’.

On power - anyone looking at power output and worrying that it might not be enough can rest easy. The power amp holds a massive 440,000 micro farads in its capacitor bank, which is constantly available. Gryphon say it's enough to drive the most demanding loads and I believe them. It fills my space in a significantly more potent way than did even the Diablo 300 with its 300w into 8 ohms; and it maintains 100% coherence and integrity at volumes I couldn’t listen to for more than a minute.

Music notes : Nanci Griffith’s beautiful voice brought a tear because she was right there in front of me like she was in the Albert Hall 30 years ago. Gary Numan’s live electronica from the Hollywood Forever Cemetery thundered and shook its way through my lounge with the force of an Aussie 64-wheel, 3 trailer road train. The bass guitar line in Costello’s Watching the Detectives was a more textured, gripping and present foundation to that track than before; the opening, crashing drums were breathtaking, such was the weight. I’m surprised, verging on shocked, at what the Mojo S is capable of, driven by Essence. I had no idea. The piano notes of Claire de Lune timed perfectly and fell beautifully, delicately with richly textured decay; the best representation of piano I've heard. I listened to Swan Lake and heard tiers of wind and string instruments which had previously not been as distinguishable and percussion that was so fast from start to stop and had so much slam, it made be jump; then the harp with such beauty and delicacy. I could also sense the great scale of the orchestra and the space it occupied like never before. Gilmore’s guitar highs on a live Comfortably Numb were thrilling; fully extended but not shrill, textured but not dampened. Lofgren’s guitar plucks had more body and substance, putting him right in front of me, but still held onto their raw energy. If there’s texture in the recorded note, Essence reproduces it. All this extra detail retrieval and weight combines to recreate performances in a way that is utterly convincing and musical.

Essence also plays low volume exceptionally well. No recessed vocals; no dominant bass – or disappearing bass. Just the same, perfect balance. Then, at the loudest level I’m likely to want to play, there’s not a hint of any kind of degradation. Just more and more emotional connection as the soundstage fills the room. There’s no fatigue, either. I can listen for hours.

A word about Gryphon Class A and Essence. You can run the amp, fully, in either Class A or A/B. But if you connect the Green Bias cable between pre and power, the amp will automatically assign, from one of two selectable bias programmes (High or Low) Class A or A/B across three volume ranges. I’ve been listening exclusively in High Bias which, as I understand it, gives me A/B from volume 1-14 and A from volume 15 upwards. In practical terms this means I’m using quite a bit less electricity when listening at non-critical low levels and permanently drawing max power only at volume levels where I’m listening seriously. I can’t comment on sonic differences between A and A/B because I haven’t judged them, yet. But I can refer you to the comment above re: low level listening. Oh and whilst the amp gets pretty warm, it’s not as hot as I was expecting. My room was not uncomfortable during last week’s hot weather. With both doors open.

I’ll hang up my laptop there. IMO Gryphon have hit a home run with Essence. I moved from Naim because I wanted to reduce box count and because I wanted a different, perhaps more truthful, present, less frenetic kind of presentation with deeper insight. The Diablo 300 was the perfect move and is a magnificent integrated amplifier. I could have lived with it forever. But then Gryphon made their Class A more affordable and I couldn’t resist the opportunity to try it, albeit adding another box. The Essence pairing is a monumental leap in performance in every way. It’s a high-end, ultra stylish combination which I can’t recommend enough as an obvious move from the 120 or 300; or from anything else in anywhere near its price point, for that matter. Essence creates a more visceral, honest and truly lifelike representation of performers and instruments in my room than I have previously experienced. I can’t imagine what Antileon and Mephisto can do. Thankfully, I don’t need to. I’m in musical Nirvana. An excellent moment to queue up and listen to what Essence does with their MTV Unplugged in New York. I can't wait.


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Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Congrats and Thank you for your writeup and photos.