Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

I think a great combination. I have not tried a Gryphon DAC but there are many on this forum who have and from what I can gather they all love them.

Just to put an idea out there for you to consider. Not sure of your budget or how this stacks up cost-wise against your idea. Maybe an all in one Lumin X1? Couldn’t get more simpler, and from previous experience with Lumin you will get quality sound and amazing after sales service (especially with Peter on this forum). Just an idea.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Essence with the A5s is perfect IMO. Sometimes I wish I had gone down that path and saved a lot of money
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

My reasoning for the gryphon DAC is that it can be considered an economic solution and it doesn’t prevent me from trying other DACS in the future.
Another idea is that it will also reinforce the gryphon house sound used in combination.
The next step up would be going the MSB route which would cost a lot more.
For a streamer DAC I had also thought of the DCS bartok but I can’t listen to it.
As of lumin, I was also thinking about the X1. I think it’s about the same price as the aurender.
I did an audition a few weeks ago between a lumin an auralic and an aurender and I couldn’t listen to the lumin because of the highs. I don’t recall which model it was. I’m sure the X1 is a great piece but maybe it needs careful pairing.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Hi Alchemist,

I'm considering a similar system as you, except to go with the A5's. Have you considered the MSB Discrete w/Powerbase? It would be less expensive than the Essence pre/DAC, possibly offer better sound, and possibly offer a better upgrade path. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to listen to any of the gear yet, just browsing on sites like this.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Hi BobK,

I actually have and wanted to use this as streamer - roon endpoint /dac / pre and go directly into a power amp.
I've heard different opinions about doing this. Some in favor, most saying that using a pre is better.
I actually have listened to it feeding a soulution 330. We did A/B between the soulution dac and the msb and the msb was better. More dense.
What I am actually thinking is that an essence pre + dac would work better in combo than with the msb direct into the power amp because they're designed to work together.
However, I also guesstimate that the msb as dac + pre + amp would be better than previous if you fully load the discrete ie power base, usb, etc...
I think a lot has to do with synergies and what components you intend to use...
Another candidate for this is the DCS Bartok.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Hi BobK,

I actually have and wanted to use this as streamer - roon endpoint /dac / pre and go directly into a power amp.
I've heard different opinions about doing this. Some in favor, most saying that using a pre is better.
I actually have listened to it feeding a soulution 330. We did A/B between the soulution dac and the msb and the msb was better. More dense.
What I am actually thinking is that an essence pre + dac would work better in combo than with the msb direct into the power amp because they're designed to work together.
However, I also guesstimate that the msb as dac + pre + amp would be better than previous if you fully load the discrete ie power base, usb, etc...
I think a lot has to do with synergies and what components you intend to use...
Another candidate for this is the DCS Bartok.

The synergy of power supplies, circuitry and wiring are some of what makes the same brand pre amplifier match the amplifier, breaking this is possible, but best done by in home listening IMO assuming you can. You can always use an integrated amplifier, and add the streamer then your safe.

Looking forward to hear what decision you made, and post photos. Best!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

The synergy of power supplies, circuitry and wiring are some of what makes the same brand pre amplifier match the amplifier, breaking this is possible, but best done by in home listening IMO assuming you can. You can always use an integrated amplifier, and add the streamer then your safe.

Looking forward to hear what decision you made, and post photos. Best!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro

I'm with you on this - I will audition speakers again at the end of the week and I think I'm going to pull the trigger after that
I'll keep updating!
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

My reasoning for the gryphon DAC is that it can be considered an economic solution and it doesn’t prevent me from trying other DACS in the future.
Another idea is that it will also reinforce the gryphon house sound used in combination.
The next step up would be going the MSB route which would cost a lot more.
For a streamer DAC I had also thought of the DCS bartok but I can’t listen to it.
As of lumin, I was also thinking about the X1. I think it’s about the same price as the aurender.
I did an audition a few weeks ago between a lumin an auralic and an aurender and I couldn’t listen to the lumin because of the highs. I don’t recall which model it was. I’m sure the X1 is a great piece but maybe it needs careful pairing.

To me it sounds really strange that you couldn't listen to the Lumin X1 because of the highs.....having heard it myself on several occasions i do not recall it to be harsh or overly bright at all.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

To me it sounds really strange that you couldn't listen to the Lumin X1 because of the highs.....having heard it myself on several occasions i do not recall it to be harsh or overly bright at all.


I didn't say it was the X1 and I even said I didn't recall which model it was and I exercised a word of caution by saying maybe it needs careful pairing.
The audition was lumin - soulution 330 + dac - magico a1
Then we went from the lumin to auralic to aurender. I dont think it was the highest models of streamers for each.
The highs on the lumin were not good at all with this combo.
I will audition again later this week normally and I can let you know which one it was if you're interested.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

_Alchemist_ its very kind of you to perform another listen , for me personally its not necessary as i have heard the Lumin X1 on several occasions and also had it on loan here in my own system. And i did find it very very good in all areas of performance.
I still hope i can make it financially next year so i can get the Lumin X1 , as its on my top priority.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

_Alchemist_ its very kind of you to perform another listen , for me personally its not necessary as i have heard the Lumin X1 on several occasions and also had it on loan here in my own system. And i did find it very very good in all areas of performance.
I still hope i can make it financially next year so i can get the Lumin X1 , as its on my top priority.
I wish I could listen to it because it would be a very good candidate for my source - I like the fact you can go direct fiber into it. You eliminate a lot of network noise issues
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

I'm using a Lumin X1 with my Gryphon Diablo 300 and very happy with them, but I really want to check out the Essence pre/pro combo. Alchemist if you do get the all Gryphon package I'll be very interested to hear your thoughts.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Hi Jeff, if you're in HK I think Radar audio has them on demo.
Regardless, I'm thinking maybe to go to Denmark for a couple of days to try and listen to this combo and some speakers.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Hi Jeff, if you're in HK I think Radar audio has them on demo.
Regardless, I'm thinking maybe to go to Denmark for a couple of days to try and listen to this combo and some speakers.

Just be aware that not many , if any dealer have the Essence in their if we could be past this Covid 19 a journey combined with Hi-Fi is always interesting especially to another country.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Hi BobK,

I actually have and wanted to use this as streamer - roon endpoint /dac / pre and go directly into a power amp.
I've heard different opinions about doing this. Some in favor, most saying that using a pre is better.
I actually have listened to it feeding a soulution 330. We did A/B between the soulution dac and the msb and the msb was better. More dense.
What I am actually thinking is that an essence pre + dac would work better in combo than with the msb direct into the power amp because they're designed to work together.
However, I also guesstimate that the msb as dac + pre + amp would be better than previous if you fully load the discrete ie power base, usb, etc...
I think a lot has to do with synergies and what components you intend to use...
Another candidate for this is the DCS Bartok.

I have studied the hi-end DAC marketplace extensively and I have two comments for you:

(1) We both know the core input source to your system, esp if you mostly use Tidal and Qobuz hi-res streaming, is the most crucial choice of all. Everything downstream of that will never exceed what is fed into it no matter how expensive of good these components are

(2) So choose your streaming device and DAC (maybe one unit) very carefully and research very closely. You'll be repaid a hundred times if you do. Others here may disagree, but IMO there are only two entities producing truly outstanding DACs and these are dCS and MSB. These are companies that are deep DAC specialists and it is a highly technically sophisticated area of audio technology and accordingly, companies that do DACs and much else almost always produce good or bad DAcs but never truly sonically outstanding DACs. I personally purchased a dCS Bartok (dCS entry-level unit) and my listening experience was and is absolutely transformed by that choice. I have never had such a magical and radical change in sonic enjoyment from one piece of equipment, ever, period. And every better component-wise you add downstream to that DAC just makes the whole better and better as the first source is so remarkable in its capabilities to deliver analogue output from digital beginnings. Read the most reputable reviews of dCS and MSB DACs and you will appreciate what these units can do. More importantly, listen to them pre-purchase if possible. Note how most truly hi-end manufacturers use dCS or MSB DACs in their demo rooms at shows - this is not a coincidence.

Finally, there are audiophiles I know well and trust and who love and own big Gryphon gear and they would not and have not bought Gryphon DACs, they consider them good but not the best by far. They own mostly dCS units as it happens.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Just be aware that not many , if any dealer have the Essence in their if we could be past this Covid 19 a journey combined with Hi-Fi is always interesting especially to another country.

There is only one dealer in Denmark. Listened to the Essence combo there, and they sounded really good.