Shots fired!


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Hateful discourse and unending strife. I have learned it is best for me as an audiophile to not partake in that dark sector of our hobby. Cancel culture runs deep in some forums.
IMO Amir has shown he did not understand the idea behind this speaker. It is small, desktop speaker meant for nearfild listening, which by design (and the laws of physics) will not have bass. You just can't have any bass from 3" driver. You have to either accept it, as it is the case with all desktop speakers or run a separate subwoofer with them (woofer would probably be a better term here) to get a more full range sound.

I have watched many GR Research vids and the guy looks like he knows what he is talking about.

Amir seems to be impressed by the larger GR Research speaker kit he measured (second link).

I read ASR for Amir's measurements, but don't even bother reading the comments. Just a waste of time. ASR community is a flat earth society of sorts for me.
IMO Amir has shown he did not understand the idea behind this speaker. It is small, desktop speaker meant for nearfild listening, which by design (and the laws of physics) will not have bass. You just can't have any bass from 3" driver. You have to either accept it, as it is the case with all desktop speakers or run a separate subwoofer with them (woofer would probably be a better term here) to get a more full range sound.

I have watched many GR Research vids and the guy looks like he knows what he is talking about.

Amir seems to be impressed by the larger GR Research speaker kit he measured (second link).

I read ASR for Amir's measurements, but don't even bother reading the comments. Just a waste of time. ASR community is a flat earth society of sorts for me.

I thought reading ASR for Amir's measurements was akin to asking the Flat Earth Society for a map to sail around the world.
Who is projecting onto whom?
The "trust eyes", "just look" subjective "empirical observation", earth is as flat as far as the eyes can see folks...calling technically/scientifically literate spherical planets types "Flat earthers".
Comedy gold. :P
AJ, you should send a pair of your speakers to Amir to be measured and tested.

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The "trust eyes", "just look" subjective "empirical observation", earth is as flat as far as the eyes can see folks...calling technically/scientifically literate spherical planets types "Flat earthers".
Comedy gold. :P

Despite the name of Amir's website, he is not "scientifically literate", and his technical credentials and abilities have been questioned by some EE's with more education and knowledge. Also remember that while the "upper echelon" of scientific thinkers in the late Middle Ages knew that the Earth was both round and revolved around the sun, there were plenty of self proclaimed "authorities" at the time who did not seem to be aware of this.

Being dogmatic at either end of the spectrum merely illustrates the Dunning-Kreuger effect.
Despite the name of Amir's website, he is not "scientifically literate"
I know, you're obviously oblivious to our history on AVS, HA, etc.

Also remember that while the "upper echelon" of scientific thinkers in the late Middle Ages knew that the Earth was both round and revolved around the sun, there were plenty of self proclaimed "authorities" at the time who did not seem to be aware of this.
Completely irrelevant to 2022 projectionists. The hilarity of Flat Earther projection remains.

Being dogmatic at either end of the spectrum merely illustrates the Dunning-Kreuger effect.
No, that's called false equivalence. Not what Dr Dunning found at all. It was the "one end of the spectrum" being completely oblivious of their place on the spectrum. The "other" end had (self) awareness of spectrum.
I find the whole audio celebrity Youtube beef thing to be highly amusing. Solid entertainment. :)
I would say that each end of the subjectivist/objectivist (audio) spectrum is oblivious, which I thought was clear.

No, I am not aware of your history with Amir, only my own. I do know that he is banned from AVS Forums. I also know that over the course of many emails and one in-person discussion he simply refused to acknowledge that 1) there are many EE's and physicists who are more knowledgable and better educated than he in matters of both audio electronics and the physics of sound, and 2) that the scientific method of establishing fact (or evidence) involves more than simply performing a (self-chosen) suite of measurements - except when discussing methods of speaker evaluation as performed at Harman labs.

Most of us know about how Harman evaluates speaker preference, and the significant limitations of its approach (although to be fair it has also produced useful information). And to be clear, if it isn't, I am not saying that I know more than Amir about performing measurements; what he does he now does pretty well (and that has not always been true). Others who do know more than either Amir or I have expressed their opinions about that, and whether he is measuring the "right" things and interpreting them correctly.
Most of us know about how Harman evaluates speaker preference
Not sure who "us" is in this context, but ok.

and the significant limitations of its approach (although to be fair it has also produced useful information).
Well I'm a long time AES and IEEE member and would be happy to look at any published work about "significant limitations", as I'm pretty well versed in this area. Links?

And to be clear, if it isn't, I am not saying that I know more than Amir about performing measurements; what he does he now does pretty well (and that has not always been true). Others who do know more than either Amir or I have expressed their opinions about that, and whether he is measuring the "right" things and interpreting them correctly.
No one sensible should associate/conflate what Amir does and Harman, sorry. The Klippel NFS yields excellent data. The data itself he publishes looks fine to me. The comments, drawn "fit" lines, interpretations, etc vary from reasonable to complete nonsense. I usually skip any "subjective" comments as they lean toward the latter. None of which has anything to do with the scientific method as published by Harman et al. Yes, I'm aware he "listens" in mono. NOT like Harman.


Epic stiff arm by Danny! Danny completely dismantles Amir's scientific method.
We have a saying for this in Hindi that goes "bandar ke haath mein bandook" which translates to giving a monkey a loaded gun.
I think that pretty much summarizes all that Amir does at ASR..
Didn't watch video (even though I'm friends with Danny), but it seems the main "beef" is a 3" fullrange speaker kit.
That, in of itself, makes me laugh. A lot.


Why are we airing ASR dirty laundry on AudioShark? We are not advancing anything constructive related to the audio hobby. IMHO