Qobuz is Amazing


Active member
Dec 17, 2017
Seattle Washington USA
Shadowlight set me up with a pre authorization code to run Qobuz in the USA. I'm telling you, this is it. Very clean, dynamic, open and just good. Easily playing as good and most likely better than Tidal via Roon with HQ player. I don't upsample at all, I use native format. I am throughout blown away but a 24/96 file I am listening too. Way better than anything of late I remember listening too. I will definitely sign up for Ultimate streaming when available in the USA. Wow, just so easy and delightful to listen to. Absolutely no fatigue. The music asks you to give it more if you want it. Even my wife is saying this sounds good. She is very picky.
Glad you were finally able to get it to work. To me the sound is better all around than Tidal. How the catalogs stack up against each other we won't know until they get all the licensing agreements worked out.
This is interesting to me as I am not happy with hifi Tidal & I subscribe to master Tidal.
I am stunned. I sat for hours last night and listened. I wonder how much of the sound is the software. We know operating systems and software impact the sound. Qobuz is utterly non fatiguing. Its very natural sounding. Just sounds right. I was not so much trying to listen. It was washing over me. I became very relaxed and just took it in.

Today I will take some time to work the architecture. This is not so much like Roon /Tidal as far as looks and searching. I'm sure it wont be hard. Not sure the sort parameters. Lets say I search Art Pepper. Will it easily highlight the high rez from CD from lower. I shall try and figure out.
@kingrex, you can use Soundiiz to convert your Tidal playlist over to Qobuz. Some of the songs will not come over cleanly because of different versions or meta data mismatch but it will give you the options of generating a csv files with what was converted and what was not converted.
It's been a few months since I changed from Tidal to Qobuz Sublime +. Absolutely happy
I did some comparisons of music via Tidal and Via Qobuz. I do not have an mqa setup. I don't try messing with it in ruin or hqplayer either. I just go native with the 16 44.1 Tidal tracks. Qobuz has a little more clear and dynamic bass response.Qobuz also has more clear and pronounced symbols. I don't find myself listening for them in the music. They're more clearly defined. In Tidal there's more of a grain that makes it difficult to hear the leading edges or just the definition.
I've just recently been messing around with Qobuz as well on my Lumin.

I agree that there's a difference in sound compared to Tidal, with Qobuz seemingly more defined.

Qobuz also has more albums from a handful of artists that I've searched for.

Not a huge deal, but one thing I don't like as well is the search function on Qobuz. If you just type in the first name Tidal always seems to show artists by popularity. In Qobuz it seems totally random -- i.e. not by popularity or even in alphabetical order. For instance, if I type "Van" in Qobuz I have to go through several screens/dozens of artists before I get to Van Morrison.
I'm still liking the qobuz sound quality but it drops songs all the time. They start, then stop and will never play through. Even restarting the computer does nothing. They stop at the acme place Evey time. Makes me wonder if their catalog is corrupted.

FYI. Tidal via Roon is rock solid.

If the songs stopping at the same place are Hi-Res then they are probably songs that are authorized for download only and what you are getting are authorized samples. As to Qobuz dropouts I have been a customer since last July and the one thing that isn't a problem with them is dropouts. None in only 18 months on my end. I gladly pay the five buck currency conversion premium for the lack of dropoust compared to Tidal and the better sound quality.

If the songs stopping at the same place are Hi-Res then they are probably songs that are authorized for download only and what you are getting are authorized samples. As to Qobuz dropouts I have been a customer since last July and the one thing that isn't a problem with them is dropouts. None in only 18 months on my end. I gladly pay the five buck currency conversion premium for the lack of dropoust compared to Tidal and the better sound quality.

Once I adapted my setup by inserting the proper gear I returned to zero Tidal dropouts.
I though about that. I will check and see if they are all at about 20 seconds. I thought some ran longer then stopped. Other only a couple seconds. I will double check. Maybe ask qobuz. Of course, I don't want to rock the boat since I am trial in the USA.
I'm still liking the qobuz sound quality but it drops songs all the time. They start, then stop and will never play through. Even restarting the computer does nothing. They stop at the acme place Evey time. Makes me wonder if their catalog is corrupted.

FYI. Tidal via Roon is rock solid.

Never had a single dropped song on Tidal for the several months I’ve been using it. I’d like to try Qobuz if they ever reach an agreement with Roon.

Qobuz here is very stable.
Tidal is also, and can be used more easily (handsfree) in my car, but Qobuz is working on that.
I have run into to some issues with the desktop app where it would not transition to the next song after the song has completed. Hitting forward starts the next song playing. I think the issues is with the old laptop that I am using but I have not really investigated much, since my primary usage is with BubbleUPnP and HQPlayer Embedded UPnP renderer mode.
I had read that Qobuz had financial issues but just realized that it was years ago.
I would not consider Qobuz unless it works nicely with Roon.
The link to the article that you posted about was from 2015. For me personally, Roon support is nice to have but not a must have. I have other ways of streaming Qobuz (UPnP, Desktop App, Audirvana)
The link to the article that you posted about was from 2015. For me personally, Roon support is nice to have but not a must have. I have other ways of streaming Qobuz (UPnP, Desktop App, Audirvana)

I just saw a copy of an announcement made by Qobuz stating that Roon integration is coming this fall. So it looks like Qobuz+Roon are just around the corner!