Jay's Audio Journey

Are we getting ripped off with the ultra high end? Are we overpaying? What is our responsibility as buyers?

On my next video i plan to talk about certain areas that are often not talked about. Don't miss it
It will drop in 30 minutes
When you say that out loud it doesn’t make much sense does it. Who cares how someone spends their money. Oh and I am now fully Constellation Audio vested. I like my gear looking like rats nests inside.

How is buying something by choice a rip off ..!
i am not saying any of the above. I am simply speaking how i feel. If you feel you have been taken for a ride you will feel it as such. Lots of snake oil out there, but unless you have deep hands-on experience with this, you would never know.
Jay I have been ripped off at all levels of hifi equipment, from the lowest price to highest. I think this is just the nature of this beast. Nobody twisted my arm to buy any of those mistakes. I like the conversation you are having and think it is needed.

i am not saying any of the above. I am simply speaking how i feel. If you feel you have been taken for a ride you will feel it as such. Lots of snake oil out there, but unless you have deep hands-on experience with this, you would never know.
Jay I have been ripped off at all levels of hifi equipment, from the lowest price to highest. I think this is just the nature of this beast. Nobody twisted my arm to buy any of those mistakes. I like the conversation you are having and think it is needed.

Explain further… Do you mean you bought something but you never received it? Or you bought something thinking it had a specific retail price and yet you were charged more?

People have to choose their words more carefully some times.
Mr. Nutz it was a generalization. The feeling of being ripped off can be many things to many people. Some examples are equipment that is hyped with superlatives by the companies and then lathered generously by reviews that do not correspond to either once received. Caveat emptor

Explain further… Do you mean you bought something but you never received it? Or you bought something thinking it had a specific retail price and yet you were charged more?

People have to choose their words more carefully some times.
Explain further… Do you mean you bought something but you never received it? Or you bought something thinking it had a specific retail price and yet you were charged more?

People have to choose their words more carefully some times.

Kinda like you in the Lampi thread ..!!!
There is no real "credibility". This is all about each other's journey. Nothing else. I'm not Hitler and will NEVER close my doors on anyone only because we have different views UNLESS they were abrasive towards me.
It's a great thing you aren't a YouTuber Marty because you've be cutting your veins from the backlash that comes with it such as the one you just displayed above.
I've learned to "coexist" with others who have different preferences with regards to audio.
If someone is good people and fun to be around, my doors are open even if we don't like each other's systems. I don't use my system as a political party. You don't have to vote for it in order to get on my good side. You get on my good side if you are genuine and real and don't cross me the wrong way-(Not liking my system IS NOT one)
When you say "I'm losing credibility" because someone wanted to pay me a visit who also has not done anything bad to me really is disturbing.
Jay calm down you need to lighten up. You obviously are too uptight about audio. I would invite both you and Mikey to my home even if I don’t agree with all your opinions. I will refrain from participating on your thread.
I didn't ask for you to refrain from posting. I would never do that. Maybe you didn't mean it in a bad way but if you said it as a joke then maybe a smiley face or a "lol" could have been added to lighten the mood. Sometimes posting things can be taken the wrong way and if I took if the wrong way and you meant it in a playful manner, I am apologizing to you.
Will you have beer or Vodka for me when I come over? 😊
I've been trying to do more whisky than vodka but it's a hard flavor to get used to.