Jay's Audio Journey

Was that harsh, or was I just imagining it?

Definitely you’re imagining. As always. Don’t twist a friendly advice into something negative.
Definitely you’re imagining. As always. Don’t twist a friendly advice into something negative.

What direction should he take? Jay seems pretty seasoned to me. I think many audio enthusiasts with his resources would take a similar journey, that's if you're the curious type that likes to discover things for themselves.
What direction should he take? Jay seems pretty seasoned to me. I think many audio enthusiasts with his resources would take a similar journey, that's if you're the curious type that likes to discover things for themselves.

You got all this from what I said? Wow
What does "wondering [sic] with no direction whatsoever" mean to you? unless innuendo is normal in your world I would take that as a slight.

If this innuendo is normal in your world, please stop talking to me.
I think many of your subscribers follow your channel is because you’re just like them, buying your own gears out of your own pocket and just being an audiophile wondering through the journey with no direction whatsoever.

Jay, don’t take it the wrong way of “wondering through the journey with no direction whatsoever”. It’s only meant to represent a feeling many of us audiophiles feel from time to time.

Wondering lost and hopelessly along buying components , switching gear is what most audiophiles can relate to ..! :rolleyes:

Exactly to the point @a.wayne - is that not what we all do?
Thanks Jay for sharing your journey, it is definitely thought provoking.
Best, GN
Hi guys
I'm simply a man who wants to try whatever strikes my interest. If i had the means to try every super car, you bet i would.
I'm not going to lie, as i age, this effort will naturally diminish because i won't have the strength to keep lifting. I'd say if health cooperates, i see myself doing this for another 5-8 years. After that, I'll have to simply review cables and fuses 😂.
More coming your way.
Thanks for the support. I am hours away from receiving the next chapter in my journey. I am icing my back in preparation for this.
Teasers will be released throughout the weekend so be on the lookout for that.
More coming your way.
Thanks for the support. I am hours away from receiving the next chapter in my journey. I am icing my back in preparation for this.
Teasers will be released throughout the weekend so be on the lookout for that.

I had no idea the M6s are being replaced:disbelief:

That said, I'm guessing the Chronosonic XVX
That all said, if you're having to correct the tweeter with power conditioning, cables, amps, etc. it sounds more like you are trying to squeeze a square peg into a round hole. Basically you are using tone controls.

So clean power is a tone control now? Did you find an amp that can drive your YG yet??
It’s a journey. That is the beauty of this hobby. On a Bose radio, clean power is not needed.
imho, the alexxV would make more sense.
the xvx requires a tall room to benefit from the adjustable tweeter on the back.
The Wilson Chronosonic XVX cost almost double the Magico M6.


Hi Ken,

Yes, I'm aware of that. However, I should gave have given more context.

I read a comment from Jay on this latest M6 video that his new speaker is the heaviest he has purchased.

Prior to this comment and given Jay's history with Wilson, I was speculating he would aquire a pair of Alexx V.

But, given the weight comment. I 'm saying XVX :-)