Brinkmann Nyquist DAC - technical jewel with marvelous sound

I don’t understand this continuous blabber about those companies you mention and I am not in the least interested in them. This thread is about the Brinkmann Nyquist DAC, so please stick to the topic.

And btw, I am a total vinyl convert, so you are definitely talking to the wrong person here.

Sorry,didn't know you had 'ownership' of this thread(even though I understand you initiated it)
I did not reply to you directly and as such was not questioning your choice.If I did,I apologise.

Yes,I agree the thread is about the Nyquist,I didn't initiate the association with Vinyl.
But, we can't talk about any item in isolation without mentioning related issues/products/formats etc etc !
So, we discuss the Nyquist as it relates to other similar products,Those I mention being obvious alternatives.
If this thread is a 'pat on the back' thread , then it's not for me!

looks like you can post links now. Can you start another thread where you mention these products? I’m curious about what is available and coming.


Vinyl-A quick word on Vinyl without completely going off thread.
I gave up on Vinyl many years ago when little fingers found Tone Arms more fun than Lego !
I gave up on having CDs cluttering the 'living-space' some years ago and moved on to the Meridian Sooloos System.
Interestingly,over on another site , on a Server thread, I mentioned the Meridian and said "why no love"?
Only got one answer and that was from a Lad who lives just down the Road from me(who I was not 'friends' with) who repield saying "Lifestyle product" and " going on to say "us Audiophiles". I note he's now going the same way!!!
We may never convince the 'Vinyl,Valves and Horns' Brigade that there's anything better but I feel it won't be long coming before they 'see the light'
Anyway,there are new digital products coming thick and fast,the Nyquist being one of them(and so poignant where that comes from)
I've mentioned a new Range of products called the Quiescent.

The reports I'm receiving are quite amazing !! (let's leave that there at this time as it's not worth quoting others)You will note Vertex's range of Dealers is small. The Quiescent may be even more 'restricted' . I understand they are adopting a new method of selling. The products will be on loan to the restricted Dealers who will receive a 'fee' for Demonstrating/Selling them!!!No massive mark up for the Dealer !! So, straight away this must tell you something?? I have been in contact with two of the Dealers who will have the products. One is a Classical Violinist and fully into the 'Traditional' scene. He had the initial run of products to demo and the reports are such that I'm ....exited !!. The other Dealer(also a Musician), well let's just say he sells what some regard as the best of the best, in Digital and Analogue. He's informed me that he challenged Quiescent to 'best' these products! I get to audition both in January !
Before anybody asks,it's early days, there are no 'professional' reviews and the only information available is on the new website. I've asked several questions and the replies have been informative and helpful.
There will be three ranges ,Q, T and X with the T being rolled out first,the T Streamer(two box) will be £13k (same as the Nyquist)and the other 'stand alone' units in the same series,that is the DAC,Pre and Power about £8k, there's also a 'Mains Conditioner' which I think comes in a little less. I say,that's not 'silly' money??this obviously reflects the selling policy?
If this 'range' tempts you.....I think much patients will be needed before it gets on your rack! and some outside the UK may have to buy 'blind' !!

I may never convince "us Audiophiles" but am I bothered !!!

PS,I have no financial interest in this Company!!

I just went to 'post this, and have been caught out again in that I'm not allowed to include 'links' to other websites until I have 10 posts.So, you'll have to search for Quiescent and Vertex by usual means-sorry
I don’t understand this continuous blabber about those companies you mention and I am not in the least interested in them. This thread is about the Brinkmann Nyquist DAC, so please stick to the topic.

And btw, I am a total vinyl convert, so you are definitely talking to the wrong person here.

Sorry,didn't know you had 'ownership' of this thread(even though I understand you initiated it)
I did not reply to you directly and as such was not questioning your choice.If I did,I apologise.

Yes,I agree the thread is about the Nyquist,I didn't initiate the association with Vinyl.
But, we can't talk about any item in isolation without mentioning related issues/products/formats etc etc !
So, we discuss the Nyquist as it relates to other similar products,Those I mention being obvious alternatives.
If this thread is a 'pat on the back' thread , then it's not for me!

David, happens to all of us, getting excited and off on a tangent. Not to worry.

The reason why I was commenting was because, bare quoting prices and shipping cost, your text looked like a dealer’s pitch for another product to me. This impression is now even reinforced, as those products you were advertising for do not even come close to what the Nyquist can do. A bit desperate effort, as I find.

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Thank you. I’m really looking forward to listening to all kinds of music and hearing what it can do as it breaks in.

I would love to hear the Brinkmann in a familiar system. I’ve only heard it at shows.

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I think you would enjoy the Nyquist in one of your systems.

It would for sure be an experience to hear the Select II in a familiar system as well, but I guess that would be very hard to pull off in Europe.

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Here’s how the NOS Telefunken PCF803 pentode/ triode looks, kind of cool actually:




Does anyone of the toob specialists here know what might be alternatives to these?

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One thing I particularly like about the Nyquist is its versatility: one the one hand it’s super-easy operation, just plug-and-play and it works like a charm. On the other hand it allows for the opportunity to explore a number of things deeper:

- getting to the bottom of MQA - what is it, how is it, is all MQA equal and doing a reference-level comparison
- expanding the home server setup - a Roon endpoint, it can be a segway to increasing the versatility of using the music catalogue
- streaming capability - exploring the benefits of connecting it via Ethernet, the quality was pretty nice when I was using a Linn Klimax in my system
- tube-based output stage - getting into tube rolling to explore sound options

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Here’s how the NOS Telefunken PCF803 pentode/ triode looks, kind of cool actually:

Does anyone of the toob specialists here know what might be alternatives to these?

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No drop in direct replacement:

[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="width: 130"][/TD]
[TD][TABLE="class: subTbl"]
[TD="class: label"] [/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
[TD="class: label"]Tube type: [/TD]
[TD]Triode-Pentode Frequency converter Controlling (mu) [/TD]
[TD="class: label"]Identical to[/TD]
[TD]PCF803 [/TD]
[TD="class: label"]Similar Tubes[/TD]
[TD]Heater different:
ECF803 Different connections:
PCF801 [/TD]
[TD="class: label"]First year[/TD]
[TD]1963 Tube leaflet collection E.Erb Analysis by original leaflets[/TD]
[TD="class: label"]First Source (s)[/TD]
[TD]Mar.1963 : Funkschau # 6

[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD] Noval, B9A [/TD]
[TD]Indirect / Series, AC/DC / [/TD]
[TD] Unterschied diese zu PCF801:
PCF801: gemeinsame Kathoden
PCF803: getrennte Kathoden
Verwendung: Osillator/Mischer/ZF-Verstärker
Text in other languages (may differ) [/TD]
[TD]Tube prices[/TD]
[TD] 4 Tube prices (visible for members only) [/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]

[TD="align: center"] [/TD]

[TD="align: center"] PCF803: Courtesy Bureau Belper (De Muiderkring, Bussum), Scan Frank Philipse
Karel De Reus † [/TD]
I only see Telefunk and Seimens as ever making this noval television tube.

Being a TV tube means it should be a LOT cheaper to buy NOS.

The local tube Barn here had a LOT of PCC88 tubes but GROAN, he dumped them. I have pals who use them in their amps and are hungry for backups. Its a great tube.
I only see Telefunk and Seimens as ever making this noval television tube.

Bing a TV tube means it should be a LOT cheaper to buy NOS.

The local tube Barn here had a LOT of PCC88 tubes but GROAN, he dumped them. I have pals who use them in their amps and are hungry for backups. Its a great tube.
Don't forget Philips Noval series
I had previously just seen the Telefunken and Siemens ones, but good to know Philips also made them.

Would be interesting to check what TV manufacturers like ITT, Schaub-Lorenz, Metz in Europe and RCA, Zenith in the US have been using in the 60’s. That might unearth more manufacturers. There may also be also some more from Russia, as the east block for sure was using their own brands (guess more military tech in those days though).

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I had previously just seen the Telefunken and Siemens ones, but good to know Philips also made them.

Would be interesting to check what TV manufacturers like ITT, Schaub-Lorenz, Metz in Europe and RCA, Zenith in the US have been using in the 60’s. That might unearth more manufacturers. There may also be also some more from Russia, as the east block for sure was using their own brands (guess more military tech in those days though).

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They would have to be a perfect electrical and pinout match. Adapters, if they exist, could handle the pinout mismatch, but nothing to do about the electrics.

I dont think there are any equivs for this...I did the usual search and ..NADA.


This guy is claiming several brands:
Tungsram, Philips, Hoges, Europa, etc.

ECF803 is similar...BUT different heater!

PCF803 tube used in Telefunken/AEG/Quelle TVS and Nordmende lab/Test equipment.
[emoji3] interesting, but I found the guy’s advertising - hmmm, offering development potential.

But Telefunken and Siemens are at least two confirmed manufacturers.

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Norman, have you found any sound comparisons between the Telefunken and the Siemens?

My guess is probably not, as this tube was designed for use in TV sets. Might be interesting to check user fora for the Brinkmann Edison phono stage though. The Edison shares the same tubes.

Overall, use of the tubes in the output stage is an interesting concept. If the intent is any similar to the RöNt turntable power supply, the vacuum in the rectifier tubes not only isolate their plates from the cathodes, but also the power line from the drive circuitry. That allows the tubes to work like a high class power line filter.

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Seimens and telefunken often sound the same, as they are often the same tubes. Telef having the better rep and price, but Seimens actually being the better sounding tube and far better value.
Seimens and telefunken often sound the same, as they are often the same tubes. Telef having the better rep and price, but Seimens actually being the better sounding tube and far better value.

Interesting, thanks. What makes you say the Siemens sounds better?

It appears there indeed are PCF803’s at least also from Philips and Lorenz SEL.

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It is very possible that all of the tubes in question were made in the same plant at different times and then sold off with different imprints which was not an uncommon practice. The difference in sound would be based on the different production runs.
It is very possible that all of the tubes in question were made in the same plant at different times and then sold off with different imprints which was not an uncommon practice. The difference in sound would be based on the different production runs.

That appears to be correct, it is often stated that the Siemens ones were made by TFK (even though with Siemens imprint) and the Lorenz SEL ones seem to have a TFK label on the bottom in addition to the SEL logo.

It is interesting that different production runs do have different sounds. Why is that?

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After many many DAC auditioning, I was about to (finaly ! ) purchase a NAGRA HD DAC, as soon as they release the DSD 4X new digital board, but... this Nyquist makes me very curious, expecially since it offer MQA and Ethernet input that the NAGRA don't.

So I will try to convince the Brinkman dealer to let me audition the Nyquist at my friend's place who has a NAGRA, to compare booth DACs.

Has someone compared already the NAGRA HD DAC and the Nyquist ?
After many many DAC auditioning, I was about to (finaly ! ) purchase a NAGRA HD DAC, as soon as they release the DSD 4X new digital board, but... this Nyquist makes me very curious, expecially since it offer MQA and Ethernet input that the NAGRA don't.

So I will try to convince the Brinkman dealer to let me audition the Nyquist at my friend's place who has a NAGRA, to compare booth DACs.

Has someone compared already the NAGRA HD DAC and the Nyquist ?

Have not made a direct comparison, but the Nagra HD was on top of my list before the Nyquist arrived. If I would guess the Nagra might be a tad more digital sounding, but both are really top notch and absolute world class. I would be very much interested to hear direct comparison results in a top level system.

My choice fell on the Nyquist as it has this completely new, kind of analog but better sound signature, and because of its immense versatility. Most other D/A converters, even at a multiple of its price, are currently not able to support MQA or then via one port only and through some kind of interface hack. Others cost the same but can only render MQA. Yet some others do not offer discrete DSD DAC capability, which simply is prerequisite for top level DSD performance.

In my view, if you pay top dollar today, you should be entitled to expect full support of all the latest formats w/o interface or bandwidth restrictions, and streaming capability, as well as Roon readiness.

In addition to the best D/A converter sound I have ever heard so far, the Nyquist offers all that. That is simply top notch.

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