Unexpected results setting up Fyne 703s when usung my proven Tannoy Canterbury system-to-room voicing techniques

Jim Smith

Mar 13, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Unexpected results setting up Fyne 703s

Once that the 703s were broken in, I figured that since the designers of my Canterburys - especially Dr. Paul Mills - had all relocated to Fyne Audio, and since they were still using reasonably efficient concentric drivers, I could save some time by simply employing my proven set-up record with the Tannoys.

I already had located the best location for the listening seat, the Anchor Point for any set-up. It was identical to that of the Canterburys. So all I needed to do was locate the 703s where the Tannoys had been, and employ the same separation & toe-in & voila!

Except that it didn't come close to working as I had hoped.

Turned out that (perhaps due to the different diameters of the drivers) the Canterbury toe-in of 13.5 degrees off-axis yielded a totally unacceptable tonal balance.

On top of that, the 83% separation that always worked with the Canterburys was off as well.


So I had to abandon my Hey, this will be a piece of cake attitude and start over.

Unfortunately, it took me a while to totally abandon my "I've got this" attitude...

To cut a long story somewhat shorter, after totally giving up on my cocksure position, it was time to get to work.

Cutting to the chase, I now have better overall (more musically involving) sound than I had with the Canterburys!

To repeat a statement that I made on another thread, when set-up properly, the two top-of-the line Fynes must be magical indeed!
I really like the Fynes. They are very musical. Glad you are happy with them Jim. Enjoy the music!
Thank you for the update Jim. Nothing good comes easy, as you’ve demonstrated. You know how we amateurs do with speaker and system setup. No easy task and with your help, a lot more satisfying.

Thank you for your tips and help along the way.
thanks for the feedback, Jim. I can't wait to hear the F1s at some point :)

the Fynes have that tricky new port, so I'm not surprised they can't be set in the same position. Also, the drivers have those new surrounds that might impact toe-in.
so how easy would you say they are to set up, and was it easier than the tannoys?
Re: Unexpected results setting up Fyne 703s

Cutting to the chase, I now have better overall (more musically involving) sound than I had with the Canterburys!
Hi Jim,
it is very promising to read what you write. In fact I am in a very similar situation, I have sold my Tannoy Canterbury GRs and I am waiting for the new F1-12s, they should arrive in September.
If the 703s have satisfied you even more than the canterburys then my expectation goes up!
how do you find the 703's at lower volumes?
Do they need a lot of power to sing?
I have never pushed my Pass INT-60 to clipping.

"Needing a lot of power to sing", I would say no, not with the effortless quality that is produced from the 703's 94 dB/1 watt sensitivity rating.