Fyne Audio F502SP Review Thread


Active member
May 8, 2013
Bucks County PA
I had been hunting for a new pair of speakers for a while. I sold my Clearfield Continentals, but still have my 20 y/o Dynaudio 82s that I always loved but they lack top end that the CFs had. The CFs lacked in Bass. I was looking for something to handle both top and bottom well.

Budget wise, I started looking at the F502s and finally got a chance to drive 3 hours each way in the rain to hear them. I took a bunch of my own music to demo. They were using a Rogue integrated which was a decent unit. My wife and I listened for about an hour and were both underwhelmed with what we heard. Vocals were in the middle of the room, bass was in the back corner and so on. I had planned to listen to the SP version just to see what I would be missing so we took a break while the guy swapped out the two pairs.

We spun the same music again and it was night and day differences. Everything wrong with the 502s was there in spades with the SPs. After deliberation, I decided to double my budget and go for the SPs in Black. After many delays, bad info on timing, tracking sent that was for someone else, then my pair never showing up in the second delivery, Suncoast had the distributor to send me a pair of SPs in Walnut as they were sitting there in the warehouse. Then UPS screwed up with the delivery day and I took off from work for nothing.

They finally arrived, and they are just gorgeous. The High Gloss Walnut is one of the best finishes on speakers I have ever seen. Packaging was great, and unboxing was easy. I also purchased a set of IsoAcoustic G3 Footers which I mounted before flipping the boxes over. I then used furniture sliders to get them in place.

When I initially wrote this, they were not yet 3 weeks old yet and probably only 50 hours on them so far so impressions are not from a fully broken in pair yet. I now have about 120 hours max and will note differences where noticed.

So here are my initial thoughts....

If you don't like Bass, don't get these speakers. (I have at times had to engage my Tone Controls on my Luxman 505UXII and back off the bass a little)
If you don't like lots of Detail, don't get these speakers.
If you prefer hearing the sound from boxes as opposed to the band being in your room, don't get these speakers.

Out of the box, the Bass was bloated and boomy as to be expected. I used disk after disk of Bass Heavy music and when playing Marcus Miller M Squared, you could hear changes between the start and end of the disk.

Note: The Bass has been tightening up as Mike told me it would. I will give it more time.

Before I go any further, my room and gear placement sucks.
Due to my room and how I have to setup on a 45 degree angle, I have an issue with the bass overloading both front and back corners and have started figuring out some crude bass trap experimenting. I have just learned that the better your speakers are, the more you notice just how bad your room sounds.

Note: Both opposing corners are overloaded. The so-called sweet spot is the corner seat of my sectional, but it puts your head too close to the rear corner. I found if I place a seat directly in front of the corner sofa seat, the overload is mostly un-noticeable.

The Fynes are very close in size to my Dyns which I thought they had bass. The Fynes are an inch taller and wider and an inch shallower in depth. Speakers of this size should not have this much bass but this is one of the selling points for these beauties. Some have called these the best $5K speakers out there now. They may be right.

The top end detail is unbelievable. Many disks I have listened to so far are sounding like different versions than what they really are. Vocals are realistic, big and airy, and right there.

The imaging is killer, with eyes closed nothing can be pinpointed to a specific speaker. The band is in the room with you. It is taller and wider than the placement of the speakers.

That said, at this point in break in, they are still a little punchy, meaning the combo of Bass Note and Kick Drum come at you harder than other notes or instruments and you feel them. I am hoping this mellows a little but being a bass head, I somewhat like it. Is this what they call Mid Bass Slam?

Note: Either I am getting more used to the presentation (yes my ears are breaking in along with the drivers) but hoping the punchiness diminishes a little more. It is not an issue at lower volume. And that is another thing about these speakers, they sound great at low volume.

For reference, the 502SP takes the drivers and much of the Xovers from the 700 series and put them into the 502 box, with a few other changes. At this point in time, it feels like it is too much speaker for the box but again, I got the trickle down so to say.

As far as build quality goes, from the 501sp and 502sp up, they are all made in Scotland. Everything down from the SPs are made in China. The speakers are a matched pair. They have one serial number appended with A and B. The real statement they made making them a true Matched Pair, is that they used consecutive slices of the veneer on each speaker. All sides and top are basically identical as much as 2 slices of veneer can be. Truly amazing craftsmanship goes into these speakers. They look great with and without the grills which use magnets on the back to hold them when not in use. The do suppress the sound a little bit but not much.

Highly recommended but for sure, listen to them before buying as the Point Source Design is much different than what most people are used to. Having the Tweeter in the middle of the Midrange is baffling to the eye and ear, but it works and Tannoy has been doing it for a long time.

More to come when I get more hours on them.

If they are anything like Jim’s F703s, they may keep changing for a while before the final settling in happens. I sure hope it’s not 1000 hours.

I think I have about 200 or more hours on the SPs now. I should have kept track somehow.

So, my room still sucks and is the only downside. These are a lot of speaker and my room is not all that small, just a poor setup but no other real choice. I was able to play around with positioning for better results. They are still dead level and I have not tried any tilting yet but do notice the changes between seated, standing and sitting on the floor.

I think so far at this point, I still prefer a Silk Tweeter. But, the sizzle and detail from the Fynes is awesome.

The Bass is still clearing up and becoming more detailed, but again my room is fighting back.
Vocals may still be the one area I am truly amazed. I sometimes think I am listening to an alternate version.
The Snare-Kick Drum-Bass Note punch appears to be diminishing some too, which is a good thing. These speakers are just in your face live sounding. Something I am not used to.
I have had the Grills on for a few weeks and they look Fyne, but I like them both ways. Grills on does muffle the sound ever so slightly.
Imaging is super, soundstage is bigger than expected and lots and lots of detail between the Luxman and Fynes.

I was listening to some old Yes the other night and was blown away like I had never heard it before. One track has Jon Anderson singing the same thing in 2 tracks but in about a halve octave off and each track was in it's own channel allowing you to hear them both distinctly where in the past it always sounded like a single track.

I am still waiting for the angle of the setting sun to change another few feet so I can see the Walnut in the sunlight. They look great in any lighting tho.

More updates with more hours.
Coming up on about 300 hours now. Things have and still appear to be changing.

The Punchiness seems to have backed off some, or I am now more used to it....I am thinking both. I have had to re-learn how to listen since these speakers are so different than anything I ever owned, or still own. I was not used to super detailed highs or vocals that sound life like. I was not used to Being There, or more the Band being here. I fired up my VAC-Odyssey-Dynaudio system yesterday for the first time in 2 months. As much as I love/ed my Dynes, I realized that they threw the sound from up on the stage, not from across the room. Also, as much as I prefer a Soft Tweeter, I realized the detail was more than lacking with the Dynes.

The Bass is becoming more detailed each week. I am amazed at the resonance of Bass Strings and these speakers have plenty of Bass for their size. Drums, Cymbols, and Rim Shots are super clear but sometimes too up front. At some point I will hook the Fynes up to something other than the Lux just to see if they change any.

As I work thru my hundreds of CDs I sometimes think I am listening to Alternate Takes and also liking and appreciating some disks I never play. Even Triumph - Stages, a live CD that sounded like it was recorded in a trash can, now is listenable for the first time in many years.

As of right now, these speakers have not been touched by human hands since they were built and packaged. I have worn silk gloves during setup and any moving. Yesterday I was dusting them and found the fingerprints of the builder on the metal frames around the drivers and removed them. Yesterday the sun finally set in a spot that threw sunlight on these beauties. The Walnut is just a super awesome finish aside from letting you know when it's time to dust :)

I am really liking these speakers and even if they didn't sound as good as they do, they are works of beauty to just stare at, even when not playing.

How is everyone else enjoying their Fyne Purchases?
With the addition of the new Rotel 1572, most of any Bass issues have cleared up. I now realize the that as good as the 1072 is, it was the weak link in the system. I doubt that both my ears breaking in along with the drivers breaking in accounted for the dramatic changes all around.

I will say tho, my ears and new listening break-in period is pretty much over. I have gotten used to the new sound and am loving it. Now that the Bass is cleaned up, the detail and highs are not over shadowing. Now if I could only blow my room up and setup different....but for now I deal with what I have and lucky it's all in the living room.
Congratulations Brian! Beautiful speakers and well written review. Enjoy.
OK, so I have had these speakers for 5 months and finally have several hundred hours on them. They changed a lot over 5 months, both good and bad, before smoothing out and settling in. At first they were real shouty with kick drum/cymbal/bass note. Over time that backed off and became more even with the rest of the music. I am still unsure if I just got used to it or it really changed. The bass is fantastic for drivers and box this size. My room is holding them back from top performance but it is what it is for now. The Highs are as crisp and detailed as I have ever had. These speakers are not "Laid Back" by a long shot. They are lively and the band is more In The Room compared to many speakers and ones I have owned. You don't look at the box to see where the music is coming from, you look to double check the band isn't really there.

A while back I got to hear the latest B&W big boys driven by the Mc KW Monos and I described the sound as just Oozing out of the speakers. With my system and the Fynes, the music Flies out of the speakers.

The Grills do muffle the sound a tiny bit so I compromise with my wife and swap them off and on.

I am sure that my Luxman has much to do with the sound I have. The Rotel 1572 took me up another notch. Although I live at the Entry Level HE, my current sound is pretty stunning and proof you can put together a killer sounding system for under $15K

Still loving the looks also.

For anyone looking for a $5K speaker, the 502SP is it!
Great write up. They really are a fantastic speaker at a fair price.

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Over the weekend I decided to play with speaker cables. Since 2008, I have been using a pair of Synergistic Research Resolution Reference cables. Last year I was gifted a pair of old Rogers speakers along with some bi-wire runs of Kimber Kable 4VS. I never played with them other than with the Rogers, which I ended up passing along. The wires have been in a box since then.

I removed the oddball banana jacks used on the Rogers, cut and re-stripped all the wires and twisted 2 pairs into 1 making them a pair of 8VS.

I was not prepared for what I heard. The lowest end of the bass which was fighting with my room seemed to have gone away but leaving the bass clearer and more defined. The real change was in the midrange which was welcome. It really opened up and made these sound like a different pair of speakers. It was a dramatic change.

Everything I have played has sounded better than before. There is less noise floor and less room interaction which has led to being able to use more volume without fatigue.

I guess it comes down to system dependency and synergy. I thought all along that the Synergistic cables would have to sound better at close to 3x the cost, but not always.

The other thing that happened is the music seems a little more laid back and the in your face sharpness eased up a bit.

I am really loving these Fynes.
Interesting. To be quite sure, I'd enjoy the Kimbers for a bit, then clean & deoxit the SR cable connectors and try them again. If the Kimbers still win, it might be time to explore some additional cabling options (including more Kimbers).
Interesting. To be quite sure, I'd enjoy the Kimbers for a bit, then clean & deoxit the SR cable connectors and try them again. If the Kimbers still win, it might be time to explore some additional cabling options (including more Kimbers).

I do plan to swap them back and forth once I get a good grip on the Kimber sound.

I spent some time the other day listening to these Very Fyne speakers again.

My dealer just received some Krell gear.

Have heard these speakers multiple times but they never sounded like they do now.

The SQ was excellent before but now they sound even better.

I lost track of time listening to this system.

Truly amazing!

I have also spent some quality time with the 704's.
Quite amazing speakers as well but I could most happily live with the 502 SP's.
So I have had these speakers now for about 11 months. All together over 2 years I put together a completely new setup with the Lux-Rotel CDP and the Fynes and the Rega P3. The speakers still have not been touched directly by bare hands since they were at the factory. I cleaned up the builder's prints on the driver housings from when he put them in place.

They were very Lively and Punchy out of the box. After a year, they are still Lively and Punchy.

As for Lively, they put the band right there in the room. Not back a few yards, not over there, but right there. Maybe a little tad much, but not a huge complaint. They are not laid back, colored or intentionally smooth. They are what the music is and the instruments are pretty evenly volume matched unless it was intentionally done so in the recording.

As for Punchy, they do still have that Kick Drum, Snare Shot, Bass Note combo that flies at you. But the good news is, my ears have broken in after all this time. It is still there but has definitely smoothed out and backed off. Now this is a good thing on certain Victor Wooten Tracks as the speakers do Bass very well. As I go thru my old catalog that I have not listened to for years, I am amazed time and time again at the great sound.

Great speakers for the money and all together a great lower cost system from High End MFGs but didn't break the bank.

Hoping my wife talked to Santa Mike about some Nordost XLRs to round it all out :)
Glad to hear that you are enjoying them. I have put my speaker search on hold for another year. I really love the 702's and like the 502sp's. I am a little concerned about the up front sound of the 502sp's with my gear.
Hoping my wife talked to Santa Mike about some Nordost XLRs to round it all out :)

They didn't show up under the tree, but I did get them today for my birthday. Thanks for helping my wife out, Mike.

I just put the Nordosts in play. More detail and refinement over what I was using so far.
They didn't show up under the tree, but I did get them today for my birthday. Thanks for helping my wife out, Mike.

I just put the Nordosts in play. More detail and refinement over what I was using so far.

Santa’s helper? Happy Birthday!

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So it's been a little over a year now with the Fynes. Great speaker and it seems to keep getting better.

The Nordost XLRs between the Rotel and the Lux was an interesting journey. They were burned in on the Vidar before they arrived. Out of the box, they were thin and way to bright and not much bass. I thought I wasted my money compared to the old Synergistic ICs. Over time things kept changing. One day better, the next day not so sure. After about a month I noticed the bass was back. Detail was very good, and the shrill was gone. I would hate to think how they would have sounded directly out of the box without the Vidar treatment.

The speakers were finally touched by a human hand, well one of them. I almost broke my knee in the process. I went downstairs to turn the heat down one night. Plenty of light coming in a window to see my way thru to the thermostat. Not so much light heading back to the stairs. I have a rocking chair to the left of the path that I always worry about nailing with my foot so I favored the other side. I must have planed my foot a few inches in front of the center of the speaker. The next full stride had me nail the speaker full force with my knee cap and sending the grill flying across the room. The speaker was on it's way over backwards when I grabbed it at the last second for the save. The speakers had not had a human finger print on them since they were assembled.

Today I decided to swap out the Synergistic speaker cables for some Tara Labs Prism Bi-Wire cables. So far I like what I hear. Open and airy with decent bass control. They might stay in place for a while.

I keep digging deep into my disk collection I have not listened to for years. So I am hearing them on a fully new and complete system for the first time. I keep getting surprised at the sound.

I also have spent a lot of time listening at lower levels and finding the Luxman does that really well. I still don't touch the tone or loudness controls.
Hi Shadowfax

I am glad and appreciate you sharing the details of gradually getting to know and living with the Fyne Audio F502SP. I read the whole thread in one breath :-)

I also became an owner of an F502SP some time ago, unlike you but in black. I agree with what you write, my impressions are the same. They are excellent speakers. I have played for about 150 hours and the burn-in will take some time, the manufacturer recommends about 200 hours for burn-in. However, my dealer says that from experience, it should be expected that it should take about 300 to 350 hours to complete the burn-in. It depends on whether the burn-in is done by normal music reproduction only or if special burn-in sound sources are used for this purpose.

Some time has passed since your last post. Please, have there been any other changes and developments with the F502SP?

Could I please ask what specific cables you are currently using for the F502sp and also the interconnects?

Hi Jiri and congrats on your Fyne speakers.

I will just start with the cable question, my Rega P3 has integrated cables so nothing special there. I was using older Synergistic Research Kaleidoscope ICs but with the addition of the Luxman and Rotel CDP, I decided to go Balanced and started with a pair of Nordost White Lightening XLRs. For Speakers, I was againn using an older pair of Synergistic cables but decided to try another older pair of Tara Labs Prism Bi-Wire cables and dropped the jumper plates.

Since within 2 years, the whole setup was new, it's sometimes hard to drill into only what the speakers do, but I still get surprised each time I play a disk that has not seen light for a few years. As I said early on, I had to get used to the sound of the Fynes as much as they needed to break in. It was a whole new ballgame for me in SQ and Refinement.

I would agree that the 3oo to 500 hours mark is realistic. I played lots of Bass Heavy music. I suggested the Marcus Miller M2 disk to someone and they swore like me something changed after spinning it a few times on repeat.

Also look at the thread hear about Burn In Disks. Some are free downloads, others are not. They may help.

My only wish is that my room and furniture would allow me to setup on a flat wall and not the diagonal corner setup I have now. I have not been to any shops or had the chance to hear anything better since I got the Fynes and really not looking for any more change at this time. It's the first time I have had a full all new system of this quality or any quality for about 30 years.

Give yours some time, you obviously have plenty of juice to drive them as they really don't need much. I am impressed with vocals and lots of mid to upper detail in everything. Many disks sound like different recordings than they did a few years ago.

Keep us posted on your journey with the 502SPs.
