Fyne 704’s


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
There’s no replacement for displacement. Dual 12’s.


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The High Gloss Walnut is such a nice finish. Awesome lineup.

The only MFG flaw I have found so far, and you can see it in the pics here, is that they used glue that turns light brown when dry and not black. Around the Tweeter on the Mid Driver, and around the Dust Cap on the Woofer you can see it.

Shame you didn't have a pair of 502s in the middle :)
The 704s may be the sweet spot in the 'Fyne line'.

I say this although I have never heard them, but given the staff at Fyne has such a strong & predictable reputation, I'd be shocked to hear of the 704s as a step backwards.

Of course, this opinion is also based on my 703s.

My 703s have a very high ME (Musical Engagement) Factor.
The 704s may be the sweet spot in the 'Fyne line'.

I say this although I have never heard them, but given the staff at Fyne has such a strong & predictable reputation, I'd be shocked to hear of the 704s as a step backwards.

Of course, this opinion is also based on my 703s.

My 703s have a very high ME (Musical Engagement) Factor.

I think you might be right. My only concern is that the 704's "displacement" might result in my personal "displacement" (WAF)....
The 704s may be the sweet spot in the 'Fyne line'.

I say this although I have never heard them, but given the staff at Fyne has such a strong & predictable reputation, I'd be shocked to hear of the 704s as a step backwards.

Of course, this opinion is also based on my 703s.

My 703s have a very high ME (Musical Engagement) Factor.

Jim, so great to see you posting. Hope you’re healing well.
A good friend just received a pair of the 704s a couple weeks ago and received a great buying experience with Mike at Suncoast.

I had the pleasure of hearing these in the first few hours of play day 1 and while they will benefit from thorough break-in, their incredible
potential and abilities as a great speaker were immediately obvious. The killer price further seals the deal that this is one of the great
speaker performers out there at a bargain price.

I heard the top F-series Fyne speakers in Munich 2019 and was incredibly pleased and impressed with them. The 704 also has an equally beautiful
cabinet in the Walnut finish, great build quality, the bottom plinth for egress of bass from the bottom-ported enclosure (all of that strikes me as a brilliant
design choice by Fyne) but adds the 2nd front-firing driver for even better bass resolution and extent.

704 sound, imaging, etc...: amazing and worth MANY times its price. Good top-line cables bring out even more and break-in is something I'm eagerly
waiting for to complete as there will be another listening session soon when that occurs at his place.
I would have to think that with this much radiating surface and the concentric design they would be extraordinary for large scale orchestral works, and quite dynamic for rock and pop. Very interested, but they are visually imposing to consider working into a main living area.
I would have to think that with this much radiating surface and the concentric design they would be extraordinary for large scale orchestral works, and quite dynamic for rock and pop. Very interested, but they are visually imposing to consider working into a main living area.

Everything from the 502SPs and up are fabulous in their own way. My 502s are smoothing out nicely and my ears are breaking in too.

I am very excited the Fyne 704's are coming to my local dealer any day now.

Think I said before on this form the most exciting speakers I have heard in long time were the F1o's.

I have spent quite some time in the past listening to the F 8's.
Very impressive but I really think e704's are the ones to hear.

If I had known the Fyne's were coming to the USA when I purchased my speakers,
I might have purchased the 704's.

Can not wait to hear them

The 704's have finally arrived.

I first heard them with a Linn integrated amplifier.
They sounded quite good to say the least.

Then they were hooked up to a VTL amplifier.

SQ is simply breathtaking and amazing.
The best I have ever heard in the shop other than the F 10's.

The 704's are large beasts.
They sound amazing top to bottom.
But I just can not get their mid range out of my head.
For such large driver,
did not think the mids would sound so good.

They are simply glorious.

These are quite truly amazing speakers.

But they are to big for my room.
The 703's would be better option for me an dothers with smaller rooms.

I m not really in a position to purchase new speakers.
But these speakers really must be heard.

The 501SP's are currently breaking in.
Looking forward to hearing these next.

I must say,

I just cant get the Fyne 704's out of my head.