Forum Update

Unfortunately I'm not able to help more than that but I strongly believe its somehow related to the safari in your mac (and I suspect "safari cache" very strongly). :) If there were a general problem with safaris, safari in your iphone or in my ipad would also have the same problem.
Yeah, it appears to be related to the cache, I had some of these issues today and yesterday on my iPad and “Clear History and Website Data” resolved it.
Did the list of the 5 or 6 most recently active threads that used to live at the very bottom of the main page go away permanently? Maybe I was the only one to use it, but I found it very handy for quickly locating recent topics. I know I can just use the "mark all posts read" when I leave the page, and only new things will be highlighted next time. But that takes a user action, and doesn't seem to follow from one platform to another (i.e. if I'm logged in via desktop vs phone).

The "newest posts" sidebar on the right of the screen is similar to the functionality that went away, but it shows posts rather than threads. So if one subject gets a bunch of replies quickly, that's all that shows up in the sidebar. The "trending topics" sidebar must use a heat map algorithm, as several of the things it shows haven't had activity for weeks (but do have a high total post count).

All minor stuff, and I continue to greatly appreciate all of the effort Mike and the rest of you put in to maintaining this community!
Did the list of the 5 or 6 most recently active threads that used to live at the very bottom of the main page go away permanently? Maybe I was the only one to use it, but I found it very handy for quickly locating recent topics. I know I can just use the "mark all posts read" when I leave the page, and only new things will be highlighted next time. But that takes a user action, and doesn't seem to follow from one platform to another (i.e. if I'm logged in via desktop vs phone).
It is putting some burden on the server so we've temporarily disabled it. We need to decide its faith after some monitoring.

In the meantime, does this URL help you to achieve the latest posts:

Also what about What's New/Activity Stream ( It displays all new activity including new posts.
I also noticed that under Activity Stream > What's New? > More Activity ... the last one, "More Activity" is inoperative now; it simply brings you to the top of the page with the same last 30 messages (posts).

That feature wasn't working about a week ago, then it came back and working again briefly, and now it seems to be not working anymore. A simple observation, nothing more, no deception, no complaint, no nothing else than just an observation.

It is what it is. Can we have a Dark Mode? :ninja::D:exciting:

@ least we have many cool emojis. I like that. :cool:
It is putting some burden on the server so we've temporarily disabled it. We need to decide its faith after some monitoring.

In the meantime, does this URL help you to achieve the latest posts:

Also what about What's New/Activity Stream ( It displays all new activity including new posts.

Wasn't aware of either of those functions. The first one certainly gives you all of the recent activity. Maybe without the "mystery" of the recent threads list (have to go click to see what it's about), but pretty close.
How do you make a New post? I go to the index page, but can no longer make a new post.


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How do you make a New post? I go to the index page, but can no longer make a new post.

To start a new topic, you need to go to the forum you are going to open the topic.

Eg.if topic is about subwoofers you need to go to Subwoofers Forum here:

Then in that forum, you'll see a POST NEW THREAD button at the top and bottom of threads list.

This worked this way all along, nothing changed about it. Technically in every forum software, you need to go to a subforum to open a topic and forum software does not allow you to do that from main page, because it then can't know in which subforum the topic will be put into.
I also noticed that under Activity Stream > What's New? > More Activity ... the last one, "More Activity" is inoperative now; it simply brings you to the top of the page with the same last 30 messages (posts).

That feature wasn't working about a week ago, then it came back and working again briefly, and now it seems to be not working anymore.
yep, we are aware, thanks for the heads up though. :)

Its back on now, I also increased number of new activities that page displays so you need that button less. (because it might go off again) :)
So its seems its somehow related to your Mac's safari. I'm not a Mac/Safari guy so I'm not able to tell you how you can do these but cleaning cookies and especially "cache" in your safari could really help.

Until that, you can also use "mobile style" but its pretty limited, you can't access certain pages (eg. your user forum settings page) with mobile style so it would be a good idea to use it temporarily.

You can also try a different browser on your mac. As far as I know Chrome and Firefox exists in apple store and they are free. Please try to install one of those and you can browse the site with them until safari issue is fixed.

Unfortunately I'm not able to help more than that but I strongly believe its somehow related to the safari in your mac (and I suspect "safari cache" very strongly). :) If there were a general problem with safaris, safari in your iphone or in my ipad would also have the same problem.

i guess since no other safari + mac users have reported problems then these problems are most likely unique to my browser + computer. clearing all cookies and the cache did not resolve this.

i have the security settings set pretty high and use private browsing which clears the cookies/cache/history when the browser is closed and sandboxes each tab... i think these settings are somehow causing the ads not to load correctly which then causes the page load to fail. i say this because when i get a page load failure and then reload the page it will sometime reload correctly. the only difference between the two page load attempts are the specific ads being served as the audioshark content is the same.

anyway, thanks for having a look at this.

i will check back periodically to see if things resolve and the site is usable for me.
btw, these are all the websites downloading data, cookies, trackers, etc. from only audioshark. these were collected after clearing the cache and then using the site for about 5 mins.

interesting that facebook is using ads to put trackers on my computer. even though i am not even a facebook user they still want (to steal) my data


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How do you make a New post? I go to the index page, but can no longer make a new post.

I go to NEW Posts, top left hand corner. That will show you all the latest threads. If you want to start a new thread, go to the appropriate forum and create a new thread using the + Post New Thread


btw, these are all the websites downloading data, cookies, trackers, etc. from only audioshark. these were collected after clearing the cache and then using the site for about 5 mins.

interesting that facebook is using ads to put trackers on my computer. even though i am not even a facebook user they still want (to steal) my data

I'll check this issue. As a web dev I hate facebook as much as you do, its everywhere. I'll look into vbulletin code and try to eliminate every unnecessary cookies that is not mandatory for forum features.

I myself use firefox's facebook container add-on. Its very handy to stop facebook cookies in all sites you browse. Unfortunately they are everywhere because nearly all sites has "facebook login" feature which assists facebook members register your site easily without filling a lot of forms. For instance they are built-in nearly in all forum software developed since 2016 (including vbulletin 4.x we are using).

We don't use "facebook login" or "facebook connect" features of forum software in audioshark so I believe we can get rid of that facebook cookie.

I'll let you know after doing some work.
thanks -- not really a big issue for me, i just found it interesting since i am not a FB user.

as mentioned, i have enabled private browsing which sandboxes tabs and clears the cache of each tab when it closed... and, i generally use a single tab for each website.
thanks -- not really a big issue for me, i just found it interesting since i am not a FB user.

as mentioned, i have enabled private browsing which sandboxes tabs and clears the cache of each tab when it closed... and, i generally use a single tab for each website.
I cleaned them. There shouldn't be any facebook and cookies anywhere in site. If you run into them in any place, please let me know (with exact url).
, I also increased number of new activities that page displays so you need that button less. (because it might go off again) :)

You added so many posts to a page that I had to re-learn my keyboard shortcuts to quickly return to the top of a page. :D
You added so many posts to a page that I had to re-learn my keyboard shortcuts to quickly return to the top of a page. :D
You can customize number of posts displayed in a forum topic here:

Just configure "Number of Posts to Show Per Page" as you wish. You can choose "5" if you want to display the forum as before.

While you are at that page, you might also like to check other configurations there which can tailor forum's look according to your wish. :)