Forum Update

Not sure what is going on now.

Up to 2 days ago I used to be able to cut and paste text and pictures - eg just spinning from another forum - now the picture comes up blank with IMG ??
You go in and add a picture and its the size of a small stamp - so you cannot see it.

We are continuing to clean up the database, make updates and improvements.

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Not sure what is going on now.

Up to 2 days ago I used to be able to cut and paste text and pictures - eg just spinning from another forum - now the picture comes up blank with IMG ??
You go in and add a picture and its the size of a small stamp - so you cannot see it.

You can cut and paste text, but just reload the photo.

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Starting today, every time I look at this site I get a full page ad. I have to kill it to see the groups. Is this something new, or another computer virus?

Starting today, every time I look at this site I get a full page ad. I have to kill it to see the groups. Is this something new, or another computer virus?

View attachment 28104

Keep an eye on your computer. Someone is sneaking in and doing stuff that you don't even know about. I have heard of folks doing this. They have funny names like google and facebook, but i also heard there are others. :)
You can cut and paste text, but just reload the photo.

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When you attach the photo via url it ends up being smaller than a postage stamp? have a look on vinyl spinning for an example.

How do you make it post full size like before?
Thanks. We are continuing to work on things. Thanks for your patience.
It was a feature actually. When you add a photo via url, site was making an attachment and displaying its thumbnail which can be clicked to see the bigger photo.

The reason for this is, a full sized large photo can make the page unreadable for visitors who are browsing the thread with a small screen device (like cell phone).

But I disabled this feature for now. So when you add photos with via url, it will display full size.
It was a feature actually. When you add a photo via url, site was making an attachment and displaying its thumbnail which can be clicked to see the bigger photo.

The reason for this is, a full sized large photo can make the page unreadable for visitors who are browsing the thread with a small screen device (like cell phone).

But I disabled this feature for now. So when you add photos with via url, it will display full size.

Thanks for removing it.

It was even easier before when you could just copy and paste photos from another web site.
I have a samsung phone and do not have any issues having the photos too large. looks a lot better on laptop obviously.

The thumbnail imo is more of a problem as to view it, you must click on it, then wait for too long. Guess what, moving forward nobody really opens the thumbnails as the are a bit of a pita so the web site is not as enjoyable as before.
Seeing nice large photos of hifi and music is one of the joys of the hifi web sites without having to press another button. It would be a shame to remove that.

Steve Hoffman web site is great as you can see wonderful large photos easily on phone and laptop.

Ah, now I see why so many people are having all these issues. You all come here using phones.

I only use Computers with Firefox and never experienced any of them.
I come here for the quality audiophile music and also for the latest on audio gear porn ... all good entertaining fun...and even more so during these changing times in the world.

I like also non related audio topics...movies, photography, sports, arts, new technologies and the exploration of space and beyond.

Here @ Audioshark it is what it is...diversification of its members and versatility in their audio passions for their music genres and sound reproduction...both analog and digital.

What is the most important thing in life? Health.
And next? What you make of it...among good sound, good music, good people, good sharing, good respect, good fun, good time, good everything anytime ...

Life's too short to be sweating the small stuff, like ... :tumbleweed:

...And good humor too.
Ah, now I see why so many people are having all these issues. You all come here using phones.

I only use Computers with Firefox and never experienced any of them.

Yeah the iPhone or iPad. Readily if ever do I use the Mac Book Pro - I don’t thing the layout is as good as the Tap a Talk app that contains A/S

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Yeah the iPhone or iPad. Readily if ever do I use the Mac Book Pro - I don’t thing the layout is as good as the Tap a Talk app that contains A/S

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

I don't own a phone, iPad, or Tablet that can utilize any App or have internet on it, just my trusty 14 y/o Motorola Razer, so all my internet browsing is done on a PC.
no sure if issues are being experienced by others but for me the site is totally FUBAR...

page loads fail and/or are not formatted correctly or at all; reply box does not have the buttons for formatting, inserting links, etc.

i am using safari v 13.1.1 on a mac pro
no sure if issues are being experienced by others but for me the site is totally FUBAR...

page loads fail and/or are not formatted correctly or at all; reply box does not have the buttons for formatting, inserting links, etc.

i am using safari v 13.1.1 on a mac pro

Please click "GO ADVANCED" for having advanced reply box.

For now buttons removed from "Quick reply box" to solve double post issue.

As for badly formatted pages, a screenshot will be appreciated.
This message popped up in the field where there normally are some adds , is that real or some scam i am suspicious , thats why i choose to ask here.

The IP address you registered in this forum is known to be used for spammer activities before.

Therefore your member account is not activated yet. Please contact us and request activation so that we can activate your member account manually.

Until you contact us, your account will not have any post permissions in the forum.

Thanks for understanding!
Me too. "The IP address you registered in this forum is known to be used for spammer activities before."

Very insulting to say the least.