Impressive first listen - Esoteric K01XD

I've never been quoted shipping, shipping is always built into the purchase price. The stuff always arrives on a pallet. If it gets damaged during shipping it's not the buyers problem, it's the dealers problem to sort out. Goods purchased must arrive in good order, and the dealer wears the responsibility for that.
I've never been quoted shipping, shipping is always built into the purchase price. The stuff always arrives on a pallet. If it gets damaged during shipping it's not the buyers problem, it's the dealers problem to sort out. Goods purchased must arrive in good order, and the dealer wears the responsibility for that.

hi - I don't know what you are trying to say or what that adds to my point. Maybe it's your accent? ;)

Finally, i'm thinking about buying a Grandioso K1X instead of K01XD :)

Is the powercord very good or is it a basic cable?

before listening is it necessary to wait for long hours (pre warming) or is the unit at 80% of its best relatively quickly (after 30 minutes warming)?

thank you
I have a K-01XD, my second Esoteric player. You should plan on using a good aftermarket power cord - makes a significant difference (I use Shunyata Alpha V2 NR).
I leave my unit powered on all the time except when I won't be using it for days or there are thunderstorms in the area. The power draw is very low.
Thank you GSOphilie.

Yes shunyata powercords, among others, are very good. I will connect an after market cable on my future K1X.

concerning the K01XD, when was is commercialized/sold to customers? Beginning 2020?
what were the first S/N 00190XXX? 0020XXX?

PS: I don't need your own S/N;) .i ask a question because i bought the SN 00190016 which was supposed to be recent/from 2023 (according to the dealer ) but i have some doubts with this number 0019..

thank you

Esoteric serial numbers don't contain the year and all neatly fall in that type of range as you give in your example. Based on seeing various examples of various models over the years, I believe (and could be corrected) they vary by both model and power designation, so the prefix digits will vary.

Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
thank you!
i thought that the 2 first digits were correponding to the year of manufacture.
a guy told me that its SN 210XXX was bought end of 2021.

i will contact esoteric to understand .
Esoteric serial numbers don't contain the year and all neatly fall in that type of range as you give in your example. Based on seeing various examples of various models over the years, I believe (and could be corrected) they vary by both model and power designation, so the prefix digits will vary.

Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk

OK THANK YOU. will contact esoteric, it's the best thing to do.
thank you!
i thought that the 2 first digits were correponding to the year of manufacture.
a guy told me that its SN 210XXX was bought end of 2021.

i will contact esoteric to understand .
I've owned many generations of Esoteric equipment; 2 players (DV-50S, UX-1 Limited), 1 transport (P-0s), 3 transport+DAC combos (P03U/D03, P02/D02, Grandioso P1/D1), 3 preamps (C-03, C-02, C-02X) and 2 amp models (A-02, S-02). I don't recall ever seeing that year-based pattern; if they used that for all, there would be SN clashes across multiple ranges I would surmise. A good case in point is my two S-02 amps, having SNs '309xxx' and '302xxx'. The amps were bought from the same authorized dealer (same manufacturing year) and have quite different numbers. Those clearly were not built in 2030.

I know of a person with a P-02 with a 5-digit SN '20xxx' (It was a 100V Japan unit). Also clearly does not fit the pattern as it could not have been built in 2020.

Your best action is to connect with Esoteric to verify the SN of your unit.

Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
Some of mine start with 240xxxx and they were not built in 2024. And whilst it is a 240 volt model I also have others that are 200xxxx that are 240 volt model but definitely not built in 2020.
Thank you all!

if i get an explaination from esoteric france i will give you!

Maybe some digits also depend on the continent where it is exported, the country...etc
Hello, this message just to confirm that in the S/N, there is no indication of the year of manufacture.

I had a doubt with my K01XD and sometimes there was a strange noise coming from the drawer ("clac") , so i sent it back to the official Esoteric dealer , and i'm going to receive a brand new one.