Esoteric XD Series

For those of us who dwell below the Select/Grandioso price tiers, the forthcoming Luxman D-10X may also be a player.

Count me in for the d-10x - I am SO interested in hearing Mike's impressions on this CD/DAC. This might not apply to others, but for my brain/ears, Luxman seems to be doing something with CD's that I just don't hear on other players. I haven't enjoyed CD's in a long time but recently popped one into the new entry level d-03x and it blew me away. So organic, natural, flow - it didn't sound digital at all. I now have a hard time going back to Aurender/Quboz streaming so i'm scrambling to buy up my music on CD's now! Unfortunately, some stuff you can't even find on CD anymore LOL
I might also have said my M3's flogged the Pendragons as opposed to the Esoteric flogging the MSB. Each system was assessed "as presented" rather than as individual components. For sure the Esoteric/Magico was way better than the MSB/Gryphon, and at a fraction of the price.

In the end. System synergy is more important than one component. Of course, hobby is subjective and we all have our preference.
I'm interesting more interested in the Estosteric FGPA compared to EMM Labs models now.

Their implementation is more similar to each other rather than MSB (R2R Ladder DAC)

A member here I believe switched to EMM Labs over Esoteric previous AKM based products.

One plus of EMM is the built in clock.

We may have different opinions or preferences on performance. But, one thing is certain with Estoseric.

More boxes and more cables for the clocks like DCS.

EMM (Built In) and MSB is a modular approach so no more external boxes plus cables.
Count me in for the d-10x - I am SO interested in hearing Mike's impressions on this CD/DAC. This might not apply to others, but for my brain/ears, Luxman seems to be doing something with CD's that I just don't hear on other players. I haven't enjoyed CD's in a long time but recently popped one into the new entry level d-03x and it blew me away. So organic, natural, flow - it didn't sound digital at all. I now have a hard time going back to Aurender/Quboz streaming so i'm scrambling to buy up my music on CD's now! Unfortunately, some stuff you can't even find on CD anymore LOL

I know my Luxman D-08u is fantastic. Very analogue. For the cost it's a steal.
Count me in for the d-10x - I am SO interested in hearing Mike's impressions on this CD/DAC. This might not apply to others, but for my brain/ears, Luxman seems to be doing something with CD's that I just don't hear on other players. I haven't enjoyed CD's in a long time but recently popped one into the new entry level d-03x and it blew me away. So organic, natural, flow - it didn't sound digital at all. I now have a hard time going back to Aurender/Quboz streaming so i'm scrambling to buy up my music on CD's now! Unfortunately, some stuff you can't even find on CD anymore LOL

I only spin, and mostly redbook, very few SACD. I'm sure I'm a dying breed and tiny consumer segment, but I want to know how new DACs and designs from Esoteric and Luxman offer improved sonics when spinning redbook CDs. Improvement in streaming and/or MQA is irrelevant. Eager to hear.
Agreed. I have that on order. The minute I heard about it last year, I put in an order. I’ll be getting one in the first batch hitting the U.S. SOON!

Has US pricing been announced?

Our experiences and our biases dictate everything!

I think there's another factor, Mike. I listen primarily to classical and have transitioned completely from vinyl to CD. All popular works have been recorded multiple times. Some offer the technically and emotionally best performances but with early, sub-optimal recording, so they are best enjoyed with an anolog sound. An uber-resolving digital version will highlight the inferior sonics at the expense of the performance itself. Alternatively, a well-recorded performance can better place one in the concert hall, center loge seating, with a highly resolving digital version that an analog version would fail to convey.

I don't think it's old school / new school as I believe you are suggesting. I think it's dependent upon the quality of the source. Personally, I'd welcome a spinner with an 'anolog / digital' or maybe 'warm / detailed' switch, though I suppose that would require dual DACs and boards.

I think genre matters, too. With classical and acoustic jazz, the paradigm for faithful and accurate should be easy -- what sounds most like what one hears when in a concert hall. With rock and other electronically amplified performances -- what is the paradigm? I haven't been to a live amplified concert in years, but I know that that sound is not what I want reproduced in my listening room at home. And who's to say what a studio recording 'should' sound like? With multiple remasterings of some of the classics, even the artists and producers don't seem to be able to agree.
Has US pricing been announced?

I think there's another factor, Mike. I listen primarily to classical and have transitioned completely from vinyl to CD. All popular works have been recorded multiple times. Some offer the technically and emotionally best performances but with early, sub-optimal recording, so they are best enjoyed with an anolog sound. An uber-resolving digital version will highlight the inferior sonics at the expense of the performance itself. Alternatively, a well-recorded performance can better place one in the concert hall, center loge seating, with a highly resolving digital version that an analog version would fail to convey.

I don't think it's old school / new school as I believe you are suggesting. I think it's dependent upon the quality of the source. Personally, I'd welcome a spinner with an 'anolog / digital' or maybe 'warm / detailed' switch, though I suppose that would require dual DACs and boards.

I think genre matters, too. With classical and acoustic jazz, the paradigm for faithful and accurate should be easy -- what sounds most like what one hears when in a concert hall. With rock and other electronically amplified performances -- what is the paradigm? I haven't been to a live amplified concert in years, but I know that that sound is not what I want reproduced in my listening room at home. And who's to say what a studio recording 'should' sound like? With multiple remasterings of some of the classics, even the artists and producers don't seem to be able to agree.

On the D-10x? Nothing official, but it’s going to be “around $16K”.

I can somewhat agree with your conclusion for the mostly classical music listener. However, my friend Richard Mak, has the most extensive collection of classical music I’ve ever seen. He listens to 95% vinyl. He can talk your ear off on how the original Decca pressings clobber any digital facsimile.
I can somewhat agree with your conclusion for the mostly classical music listener. However, my friend Richard Mak, has the most extensive collection of classical music I’ve ever seen. He listens to 95% vinyl. He can talk your ear off on how the original Decca pressings clobber any digital facsimile.

Well, yes, but vinyl vs digital is a whole other discussion.

The topic and subject matter of this thread addresses CD players, and I was responding to your comment that I interpreted as saying that some CD players produce a more analog sound while others produce a more detailed resolving sound, and that one's preference is grounded in 'bias'. I suggest that -- for a CD player -- quality of recording and digital mastering can influence the preference, and so a consumer may alternate between the two.
Well, yes, but vinyl vs digital is a whole other discussion.

The topic and subject matter of this thread addresses CD players, and I was responding to your comment that I interpreted as saying that some CD players produce a more analog sound while others produce a more detailed resolving sound, and that one's preference is grounded in 'bias'. I suggest that -- for a CD player -- quality of recording and digital mastering can influence the preference, and so a consumer may alternate between the two.

Agreed! I always found the Luxman CD players to be most analog.

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I would expect better things for the XD series and D1X DAC in the future. As Esoteric get more experience with FPGA programming they will refine the code and make it better.


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After weeks of self censure and flip flopping, I have to agree with Mike - The Luxman D-10x is a better deal - at least for me - Roon + MQA.

Would you be willing to compare and contrast the D-10x vs K-01XD, not so much on features, but rather on sonics? Did the difference in sonics vary by source, or was it universal across all sources?
Would you be willing to compare and contrast the D-10x vs K-01XD, not so much on features, but rather on sonics? Did the difference in sonics vary by source, or was it universal across all sources?

I’m getting the K-03XD. It’s much closer in price. I would love to compare them and will try my best.

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I’m getting the K-03XD. It’s much closer in price. I would love to compare them and will try my best.

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Thanks Mike. Got your PM. Actually, I was asking member Jerry Seh for his observations since it sounds like he's just spent a good bit of time with the new Esoteric and Luxman units. Obviously, I'd welcome yours too, of course.
Would you be willing to compare and contrast the D-10x vs K-01XD, not so much on features, but rather on sonics? Did the difference in sonics vary by source, or was it universal across all sources?

For sure, I did not have a one to one, side by side comparison as no dealer here have BOTH players at the same place. I bought purely based on features as the Luxman is so new. YES, the K-01XD is one solid piece of work and I was so allured by its appearance. The concern I have os would it work with Roon Nucleus+ which I have sinked in a lot of time and effort in building up the library. Of course, back ion my mind, I was also tempted to partner the Esoteric with an Aurender W20se, or if funds does not permit, then a N10 probably cause I know this combo does work. Lux came along, new transport (akin to esoteric new Atlas, not that they are the same or equivalent, but new transports, and new DAC's, to each their own way). In the end, the support for Nucleus+ and ability to make that work with the Lux swayed my decision. Sound is very subjective and I learnt not to go that direction but rather, if I made a calculated risk decision, I'll just have to stay by that and learn to enjoy what the end production of the music is. More so at my age where I cannot keep rolling gears. I can add, but once done, I will have to move on. I am sorry I cannot make a good reply to your question but hopefully, shared with you my "hunting experience and how I came to the decision on the Lux". If I have disappointed, my sincere apologies. Cheers.