Esoteric N-01XD


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL

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OK, now you've got my attention...
(If PayPal wasn't so difficult I'd already have my own N-01XD)
I’m not sure how they sound, but one thing for sure they are ascetically pleasing. IMO, one of the best looking in high end audio.

This said, in the end it should depend more on the sound then the looks.
very close to push the button myself.
cant wait to hear reports.

a good streamer dac and forget about what was before.
I’m not sure how they sound, but one thing for sure they are ascetically pleasing. IMO, one of the best looking in high end audio.

This said, in the end it should depend more on the sound then the looks.

and i would prefer sharp corners, lol. question of taste.
What was before was still very good. The N-01 in my system sounds way better than the MSB Select II I heard in somebody else's system, but at a fraction of the price.
Mike, I see the green CLOCK light on the N-01XD. You have a G1 connected to it? Perhaps also a SIGMA CLOCK-50 v2?
What was before was still very good. The N-01 in my system sounds way better than the MSB Select II I heard in somebody else's system, but at a fraction of the price.
it will be utterly interesting when mike will comapre the n01-xd against the mbs streamer in his heaven-streamer-only system. (msb, pass, magico a5, shunyata)
Mike's N-01XD looks exactly the same as my N-01, but at the same time it just looks better. Hard to wrap my head around that.
Mike's N-01XD looks exactly the same as my N-01, but at the same time it just looks better. Hard to wrap my head around that.

I’m embarrassed to say, I never got it hooked up today. Tomorrow. We were slammed today.

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As per Esoteric product page.

"As of October 2020, roon ready certification is currently being processed. Support will be added via a software update as soon as certification is complete".

Oh the magic of software updates, the gift that keeps on giving.
Not yet, as we already discussed in Roon forum.

But isn’t the streaming module on N-01XD the same as on N-01, which is already Roon Ready certified? It’s the same network bridge that Lumin uses, right?
I think I read in the N-01XD documentation that its streaming module is a hardware upgrade over what is in N-01.