Esoteric K-01 vs K-01X

Mike.......In the previous posts I don't recall seeing anyone mention that the Esoteric K-01 and K-03 are able be used direct to amplifiers with volume controlled by the remote control. That feature was eliminated in the K-03X and K-01X. The omission of that feature may adversely impact anyone who uses the K-01 or K-03 direct to their amplifiers. I went from a K-03 to a K-01X and was not disturbed by this change because I use a preamplifier between the K-01X and the Amps.
Hi all

Did anyone is using his Esoteric gear as a "pure" transport when playing CDs ?
I have a DCS partial stack and I am wondering if adding an Esoteric SACD/CD player would make sense as those are much cheaper than Dcs transport ( which is fantastic) in my country.
For SACD, I understand I will have to use the internal Esoteric but that's fine with me.


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Hi all

Did anyone is using his Esoteric gear as a "pure" transport when playing CDs ?
I have a DCS partial stack and I am wondering if adding an Esoteric SACD/CD player would make sense as those are much cheaper than Dcs transport ( which is fantastic) in my country.
For SACD, I understand I will have to use the internal Esoteric but that's fine with me.


Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk
Hi all

Did anyone is using his Esoteric gear as a "pure" transport when playing CDs ?
I have a DCS partial stack and I am wondering if adding an Esoteric SACD/CD player would make sense as those are much cheaper than Dcs transport ( which is fantastic) in my country.
For SACD, I understand I will have to use the internal Esoteric but that's fine with me.


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I have - the Grandioso K1 and K-01x into the MSB Select II via a Shunyata 50ohm BNC to clock off of and a SPDIF cable.
Did anyone is using his Esoteric gear as a "pure" transport when playing CDs ?
For SACD, I understand I will have to use the internal Esoteric but that's fine with me.

I think it'll be great. Beware that Esoteric has introduced the latest K-01Xs to replace K-01X. Based on reading specs alone I think there may not be much difference (that I'm aware of) when used as a transport. But for analog output, K-01Xs must be superior. In case you're interested in buying a used unit, see whether K-01X prices will drop.
thanks for your answers. This is actually what I am noticing. K01x can be found on the secondary market at reasonable prices and even k01x new unit in stock can be found with a discount.
I am looking for an upgrade compared to my file system ( melco + dcs upsampler ) which is already very good and which will probably stay my main listening source (all my Cds and SACD are already ripped ).Its just that I "Unfortunately" recently demoed the dcs transport and ouch this is providing a better sound...but the price is...

So I am ok to go back to spinning as a complement if there is a real added value in terms of sound quality and not breaking the bank at the same time.
Now, will I get the same synergy with a non dcs transport ? (I can't home demo Esoteric products ...)

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I don't see any value in spinning physical discs any more. All my content is on a server, and Spotify covers everything else. My physical discs are unlikely to see the light of day again.
I am the exact opposite. I have purchased so many CD's and SACD off of Amazon and Acoustic Sounds since owning the K-01X. I still have my vinyl records. I will probably never buy into the streaming concept. I'm not sure I ever will as I have other sources to hear new music such as digital radio and satellite.
So you will be selling your collection?

As per the Kaleidescape end-user

Whilst I don't have an Esoteric disc spinner (I own N01/G02X), I do have the PS Audio DirectStream Memory player and the sound of it is virtually indistinguishable to CD playback from the server. So much so, the DMP has probably only spun a disc less than 20 times in the past year, and not a single disc in the past 3 months.