Esoteric announce new master clock generator G-05

As far as I know pricing not announced yet. But I'd have an educated guess it would be around the US$5K price point. I'm not a fan of the new shape.
By nomenclature it seems that it must be one tier below the previous G02X, although to its benefit it has inhouse developed technology that may have reduced costs and increased its performance. I don't think we'll see a comparison of them. If it is around the $5K, it will be at closer price of its competition.
I do like his aesthetic.
as an Esoteric newbie, who just purchased an Esoteric T1 turntable plus the Esoteric G1X clock a few months ago, my first reaction was that this is a step up beyond my G1X clock. looking closer it seems this G-05 is a less costly version of the master clock and does not improve on the G1X. correct?

was thinking i had to ask my dealer about an upgrade cost, then looked closer.
If I spent multiples of $5,000 to $6,000 on a ‘new’ clock, I would be pretty upset if a new model outperformed it and a fraction less.
Why on earth would Esoteric do that?
Rest assured. G-05 would not outperform G1X. The question is, would G-05 outperform G-02X?
Very interesting. Also interesting Esoteric discontinued all their previous clocks (other than the Grandioso) months ago. And this is a “05”. The higher the number with the Esoteric the further down the tier quality and price. Likely a new, better, more expensive master clock is coming, like G-03 or a new G-01.
I had reached out to Esoteric (North America) about the new G-05 master clock. I asked about prices in US (if available) and how it compares to the previous G-01x and G-02x. Here is the reply copy/paste:

U.S. pricing is tentatively $6,500, which is what the previous G-02X sold for. On paper, the G-05 and G-02X will appear perhaps identical in specification, but specs can’t directly equate to sonics. There are too many impacting factors to an audio component for its performance to be reduced simply to a spec. The G-05 utilizes a version of the new Master Sound Discrete Clock, first revealed last year in the Grandiioso-G1X. So I expect great things from the device.

Neither the G-05 or G-02X can be directly compared to the G-01X. The underlying oscillator technology is completely different. The G-01X used Rubidium for it’s oscillator core, where the G1X, G-05, and the former G-02X use or used Crystal.

Availability in the U.S. for the G-05 should begin in September.
Actually that's a pretty good answer from Esoteric USA. Sure, there is room between G-05 and G1X for another clock model. My guess it will be a G-03. Esoteric have never had a clock in the 05 series before, this is a first. The predicted MSRP is slightly north of what I was expecting.
It looks like the G-05 is being released by the end of this month or early October with a confirmed US MSRP of $5,000
OK it will be obvious I never used a clock before. I looked on the website under "features" & "specs", I see four BNC outputs but no mention of inputs. Any inputs and what type? Where does this go in the chain?

Whoever gets one first I want a report :)
There are no inputs with master clock generators. Just outputs. You would connect a BNC coax cable (preferably 50 Ohms) from the output of the Master Clock generator (like the Esoteric G-05) to the clock input of the device that has those inputs. Most don’t. Said devices (DACs, CD transports, streamers, etc.) must have a master clock 10 MHz inputs for this to be useful/ work.
So does the signal flow into the clock and back out on same cable?

There are no inputs with master clock generators. Just outputs. You would connect a BNC coax cable (preferably 50 Ohms) from the output of the Master Clock generator (like the Esoteric G-05) to the clock input of the device that has those inputs. Most don’t. Said devices (DACs, CD transports, streamers, etc.) must have a master clock 10 MHz inputs for this to be useful/ work.
So does the signal flow into the clock and back out on same cable?

No. Clock signal flows one way. Source to target. Apologies for not being able to explain it to you. I thought I did, but it sounds like I failed?
Source to target to me is my Aurender ACS10 going into my N05xd. It looks like the G05 hooks to my N05xd via the BNC cable. I don't understand how or what the G05 does. Did I mention I was new to this clock stuff, LOL

My friend has an Auralic set up with the Sirius, his pieces seems to daisy chain via USB. The Esoteric set up is quite different. My Aurender doesn't connect does it?

No. Clock signal flows one way. Source to target. Apologies for not being able to explain it to you. I thought I did, but it sounds like I failed?