Specs: what do they mean? Which ones matter? Which ones don't?

A line about Speaker Efficiency may have been helpful in the Volume section since a HE speaker with a Low Wattage Amp can possibly play louder than a LE Speaker and higher watt amp.

I'm sure glad I get my Information here and not from C-Net:disbelief:
I guess next we will have NBC informing us about audiophile measurements followed by a presidential address. But of course CNN and Fox will have completely different views should it ever happen . :bonkers: Top Story at 6:30 tonight Audiophile Measurements, What do they mean, Which ones matter and which ones don't and the mystery will be uncovered by Geraldo Rivera:disbelief:[h=2][/h]
That's five wasted minutes I'll never get back. Guess Steve Guttenberg had a deadline to meet for a fluff article.

There's a constant influx of new aficionados, and a small market for articles geared toward more experienced readers. This article may appear pointless to those of us that have already had expensive lessons in sales hype and dissatisfaction.

If we want to sell off our excess intermediate gear, we need writers like Steve to keep up interest.

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