NEW Contour LE

Octadyndude: Is that some thing your local retailer told you about lower volumes? Because there efficiency rating didn't change, so I am just curious on how some new coating can make them sound better at lower volumes? You would think at a lower volume it would be very difficult to pick out the differences. Now my doctors tell me I have near bionic hearing as I can hear a nat fat 10 feet away. ;) Now I lived with the C1 and C1 MKII for over a year and I listened to the C2 and C2 MKII side by side and I didn't notice any difference. Now the Mocca looked better........ ;) I also had several pairs of C4s original and MKII version, which were too big for my room. Sure they might have made some internal tweaks to them, but there specs didn't change. For me the cabinet upgrades/new Warr and the fact my speakers are now getting older would be my only concern for an upgrade but according to Dynaudio any of there speakers should last 20+ years.
from my understanding the new coating allowed for them to use a better geometry to the tweeters cone for better dispersion, and it also allowed the coating to be thinner and stiffer at the same time, giving better transparency and increasing the breakup point of the soft dome tweeter.

The changes to the crossover.... idk how you would properly say it, provided less resistance for the power to reach the drivers. this is what they learned making the excites and tried to improve it on all the new models going forward, so that at lower volumes the power from the amps wouldn't be as restricted providing better dynamics at lower volumes. I have a friend with 220s and i have 260s, we both have a Naim XS, and he does have to turn his up more then I do.

speaker sensitivity is determined by the tweeter, so I don't think sensitivity would change unless they completely redesigned it, not just a change in coating... more like the piston and magnetic core... imo. but I also think that dynaudio's lower sensitivity is helpful to their ability to provide more dynamic bass.
Garnet No Tyler and I listened to both the original and the Sig's side by side at my house. I was the one who brought up how much better the Sig's sounded at lower levels and he was the one who said the originals sounded nasally at the lower levels ONLY. I bought Tyler's C1 sig's that arrived in the first shipment to the USA and we broke the seal/strap on the boxes in my house. Tyler didn't even get his pair until 6 weeks later. Sounding better at lower levels has nothing to do with efficiency in this case. I think we both will agree the C1's go lower than the specs show so I don't use specs as the absolute final word. Just as a basic guideline. Besides several people mentioned the clarity difference after hearing mine and went on to upgrade to the Sig's and were very happy. As a wild guess maybe your electronics/cables or AC power masked some of the difference that you didn't hear. Or maybe it because my room is difficult.

That said I didn't say the coating made that difference in clarity at lower levels but rather the crossover upgrade first followed by the internal wiring.

BTW does a nat's fart sound different than a human or dog fart :roflmao:
octadyndude: Here you go, again the specs are so similar, its laughable.
Garnet - Like I said specs for me are just the beginning. My ears and personal taste overrides specs. If you look at spec's only and want a more dynamic speaker than Dynaudio that is also super efficient (not to mention down right cheap in comparison) check out Klipsch. When my son was at home he started with the Klipsch KG 3.5's - moved up to the KLF20's followed by the KLF30's. Great speakers for the money as long as you kept the levels below 80db - Beyond that, to me they hurt my ears. But again my son wants a concert in a room. And to think his hearing is much better than mine - Sheesh. But on the other hand he has no money either. At least he loves music. So I'm proud that I taught him that much.
from my understanding the new coating allowed for them to use a better geometry to the tweeters cone for better dispersion, and it also allowed the coating to be thinner and stiffer at the same time, giving better transparency and increasing the breakup point of the soft dome tweeter.

The changes to the crossover.... idk how you would properly say it, provided less resistance for the power to reach the drivers. this is what they learned making the excites and tried to improve it on all the new models going forward, so that at lower volumes the power from the amps wouldn't be as restricted providing better dynamics at lower volumes. I have a friend with 220s and i have 260s, we both have a Naim XS, and he does have to turn his up more then I do.

speaker sensitivity is determined by the tweeter, so I don't think sensitivity would change unless they completely redesigned it, not just a change in coating... more like the piston and magnetic core... imo. but I also think that dynaudio's lower sensitivity is helpful to their ability to provide more dynamic bass.
Oh man I'm disagreeing with everyone today. Sensitivity/efficiency is not just the tweeter but the driver construction. Use a thinner wire in the voice coil and your efficiency will go up. Switch to a horn technology and it skyrockets. Switch to a planner (electrostatic) it drops like a rock. But all drivers have to work with each other which adds to it along with the crossover and wiring.
Chris I highly disagree regarding the crossover.

Since the Contour LE's have an upgraded crossover I think that would really help them out

You might be entirely right ODD. point, was not to undermine the crossover's effect on SQ; just that I doubted Dyn would put a "sub-standard" one, in the S25...and a much, much better one in the C1 (when we were discussing the price difference between them).

But...if tubes are one of the great mysteries of audio (at least to me; and that's not to say I'm a dunce...just I don't pretend, to know everything); then caps are another. So...AFAIK; when Dyn says they've "upgraded parts in the crossover"...that might make a HUGE difference, in the SQ.

I never realized they shared drivers; you would think Dynaudio would have advertised that fact.

I thought what AH meant...was he never realized, the C1 MkII; used an Evidence mid-bass driver. Because I will admit...I didn't; and I agree with him...I'm surprised this wasn't more common knowledge (yes...I think all Dyn fans knew, the S25 was the bastard step-child; of Evidence and Confidence).
I just hope the 1.4LE will not cannibalize the C1 II. At almost half the price, people might go the 1.4LE route.
Personally I think some folks will go that route and other will not. I think the Confidence MKII/Sig series has a has a sound most people would prefer if they can afford it. Twice as good - NO Way but is the Contour 3 times better than the Excite - No Way again. Unlike a lot of brands Dynaudio has a speaker for everyone's price point IMO. :D
Chris - Dyn makes no garbage PERIOD. Whether it's a driver - crossover or cabinet. But some are better than others. Be prepared to pay for it though.
Woo Hoo hit 100 posts with this one.
CD, thanks for clarifying what I meant ;)

I was in fact referring to the C1 II sharing drivers with the Evidence series.
octadyndude: BTW does a nat's fart sound different than a human or dog fart :roflmao: That depends on room acoustics!

I am not paying 6K more for a speaker that at best sounds a nat hair better! ;) I used the exact same cable/electronics on both and A/Bed them... If I lived in an Apartment and wanted to listen at lower levels then maybe I might be concerned, but I didn't hear it and I happen to have Golden Ears! jk! ;) Ironically What HiFI and many other reviewers give the C2 rave reviews 5 stars yet the C2 MKII come in at 4, reason being is that it was a marginal difference, now if you want to pay for that marginal difference so be it. I could sell my C2s and upgrade to the new C2 Platinums for about 5K, which might be doable, but I might be better off just buying another good monitor by Dynaudio and just keep some thing that they made good to begin with. Better efficiency does come into play when listening at lower levels, but it also in the case of horn speakers can produce more unwanted noise. etc.. etc...

I mean listening to one speaker brand over another it can be pretty easy to pick out differences and preferences one likes, but when speakers are moderately upgraded or slightly upgraded in the same manufacture and same model that is like splitting hairs. If you did a double blind test, or were you glaring at the new finishes like I was! LOL

I agree with your last post! LOL ;) If that matters, there is a ton of stuff that comes into play but remember when it comes to speaker manufactures that can mean big differences to your ears, but within the same brand and make the differences are much more slight, now I am not talking about the DM line to the Evidence line here, just between the C1 and C1 MKII and C2 to the C2 MKII marginal differences at best. I sorry but some of the stuff manufacture reps used during trying new speakers was pure sales pitch, just like the customer decided. Dynaudio make some of the best drivers in the world and happen to make some of the best speakers to my ears, but there is plenty of other manufactures doing a great job as well for a lot less money.
So...I think this is an interesting topic; and it plays, right into the Contour LE discussion.

It seems, everyone would love an a Contour priced package. Guys...I don't think it's going to happen, in the 1.4LE; and my money is the rumor it'll be in the 3.4LE, is just that as well.

Now...some of the members here, know a Dyn-er; who made his own Frankenstein Contours. He put Esotar2s, in his stock 3.4s. I...and some others...thought he was a bit crazy. After all...if the marketing claims and hype are to be believed; each speakers, has a cabinet and crossover...carefully matched, to its specific drivers. So how do you take, an Esotar2...even though it is clearly superior; and slap it in, without screwing up the balance and sound?

He was told, the crossover FRs were very close; close enough, that he could do positive results. He claims, it's fabulous; but I'm still not sure I have the stomach for it. What do you think?

BTW...for those of you wondering, how do you get your hands on Esotar2s; Dyn sells them for their auto systems - E110 - Dynaudio Esotar 1.1" Audiophile Tweeter (no affiliation with this dealer; I just Googled E110s, and this was the first hit).

As you can see with your own eyes; we're not talking peanuts here! But...if you want an S1.4LE+, lol; it just may be possible.
CD: Well Dynaudio is in the realm of making speakers and Madisound which is very close to where I live had kits you could buy and build your own. Not sure if the crossovers were Dynaudio but the cabinets were not, I built a kit years ago using the Esotar D330T much like the pair on Ebay right now and they didn't sound bad, but when I compared them to my Contour 3.3s there was no contest! LOL So my building days were over with, sold my Kit and went to buying Dynaudio and moving up the food chain as it was easy to do, working at a dealer. It would be nice to see the Esotar2 used in at least all of the Contour line but not sure if that refinement is going to happen. So far they are just in the SCX and the S5.4.... Hey if some one wants to Supercharge them and they sound good to them so be it. ;)
So...I think this is an interesting topic; and it plays, right into the Contour LE discussion.

It seems, everyone would love an a Contour priced package. Guys...I don't think it's going to happen, in the 1.4LE; and my money is the rumor it'll be in the 3.4LE, is just that as well.

Now...some of the members here, know a Dyn-er; who made his own Frankenstein Contours. He put Esotar2s, in his stock 3.4s. I...and some others...thought he was a bit crazy. After all...if the marketing claims and hype are to be believed; each speakers, has a cabinet and crossover...carefully matched, to its specific drivers. So how do you take, an Esotar2...even though it is clearly superior; and slap it in, without screwing up the balance and sound?

He was told, the crossover FRs were very close; close enough, that he could do positive results. He claims, it's fabulous; but I'm still not sure I have the stomach for it. What do you think?

BTW...for those of you wondering, how do you get your hands on Esotar2s; Dyn sells them for their auto systems - E110 - Dynaudio Esotar 1.1" Audiophile Tweeter (no affiliation with this dealer; I just Googled E110s, and this was the first hit).

As you can see with your own eyes; we're not talking peanuts here! But...if you want an S1.4LE+, lol; it just may be possible.
Why not contact Dynaudio like Dean did ;) If I remember correctly he did get the automotive ones. Or you could ask a local dealer to source them for you.
Why not contact Dynaudio like Dean did ;) If I remember correctly he did get the automotive ones. Or you could ask a local dealer to source them for you.

George...I wasn't advocating , not going through Dyn. I just don't know of a link, that Dyn has; that can convey what people should expect to pay for them.
George: I just contacted them as I am curious to see what the update would cost me to my C2s to bring them up to the current models. I most likely would be better off trading my originals into Tyler but he seems pretty busy lately.
George: I just contacted them as I am curious to see what the update would cost me to my C2s to bring them up to the current models. I most likely would be better off trading my originals into Tyler but he seems pretty busy lately.
When Dynaudio announced the MKII/Sig they stated back then they would not upgrade the originals. I would very surprised if they would do so now. Platinum from MKII/Sig maybe being its the tweeter plate that changed.
George...I wasn't advocating , not going through Dyn. I just don't know of a link, that Dyn has; that can convey what people should expect to pay for them.
Chris I don't recall ever seeing a price for anything speaker related on their web site. Only reviewers and dealers sites.