Confidence Mk1 vs. Mk2


New member
Nov 9, 2013
Eastern Shore, MD
Not to speak for our buddy Jaxwired...but he's auditioning a pair of C1 Mk1s currently; and initial reports are, they grab him more than his Mk2s did!

Rumor has it...the tweak in Mk2, made the Confidence line "better" at low volumes. With Mk1, you had to give 'er some juice, to really make 'em sing. However...same rumor indicates, that may have made the Mk1 actually more "dynamic"?

Stands to reason: Dyns have always had the reputation, of needing heavy doses of sound their best. The theory...very tight polymer in the drivers, and deep excursion baskets; etc., etc. In other takes some power, to get these babies moving; but once they do...

So conversely...if you make it so that it doesn't take as much power; does that mean you did so, at the expense of said tight polymer, deep baskets, and so on?

IDK about the rest of you...but I like it LOUD :crackedout:

Not that I plan to go back...unless Jax sells me those C1s, to go after C2s ;) But I think that would actually make, Mk1s a "better" choice for yours truly. However...I haven't heard Mk1 personally; only Sigs.

What say you Dyn group; what's your experience, with Mk1 v. Mk2?
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I had the original version C1s in my system for many years and love them. For a while I was thinking about upgrading to the mark II, I checked with someone from Dynaudio in the CES show about the difference between version I and II, he told me the new one is smoother sounding, while he felt the improvement could be too small to justify the upgrade cost. I thought that it was a very honest accessment. Personally, I never had the chance to compare the two versions directly.
I had the original version C1s in my system for many years and love them. For a while I was thinking about upgrading to the mark II, I checked with someone from Dynaudio in the CES show about the difference between version I and II, he told me the new one is smoother sounding, while he felt the improvement could be too small to justify the upgrade cost. I thought that it was a very honest accessment. Personally, I never had the chance to compare the two versions directly.

Thats actually not a good thing to say about them in my opinion. Smooth almost always means less transparent. And I agree.
I think he meant it in a positive way. Smooth can be intepretd as less fatiguing, more natural sounding. I too agree that the new version may not be better in every case, and you may prefer the version I. However, I would think Dynaudio did the revision for a reason, and the II maybe a more capable speaker. It seems that instead of changing your speakers, you can pretty much tune your system more to your liking, for instance, like trying differenent power cords and cables, and you may get further with the final result.
After having the originals for about 6000 hrs (almost 3 yrs) I bought the Sig's before seeing or hearing them. Honestly I was tired of looking at the originals in Cherry with black stand4's. I had the opportunity to get 1 of the first 5 pairs that were shipped to the USA. I loved the looks in Mocha and had envisioned those with black/chrome Stand4's. The opportunity was there so I jumped on it. Upon getting the Sig's set up I didn't expect them to sound better especially with 0 hrs on them. To both me and the dealer we were pleasantly surprised that they sounded better at lower volumes. Not to say the originals were bad but they were the only speakers that actually sound better as they got louder. So for about an hour we compared them side by side without pushing the Sig's too hard (again 0 hrs). What really grabbed my attention was the Sig's sounded 'clearer' at lower listening levels thus giving me the impression they are easier to drive. That was great because most of my listening is at low to mid levels. I got that great sound without having to crank them way up :D