Conrad-Johnson GAT Series 2 Preamplifier with D'Agostino M400?


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Apr 4, 2013

I don't like to use adapters but I did enjoy my GAT when I had it.

My LTA MZ2 sounds great on my M400 amps, but I am working through a tiny bit of hum. That's what scares me with going from RCA to XLR. I think I can eliminate the hum as it's very slight in one channel. I never have any issues with an all balanced system or an all RCA system - only when I mix the two.
Not yet. I need to experiment this weekend. I need to try everything on one outlet first and see if that cures it. Same thing happened with my GAT/ART mono combo. The whole system needed one outlet because I think the grounds were not exactly equal.

I am not worried. I am pretty sure I can get rid of it. I was too tired last night to chase it. It still sounded soooo good I didn't want to mess with it.


Did you try a cheater on the LTA or swap the cables and see if the hum follows?
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You already know my thoughts. :D

Pick the best pre amp. Whether or not it balanced or se is secondary.

I don't like to use adapters but I did enjoy my GAT when I had it.

My LTA MZ2 sounds great on my M400 amps, but I am working through a tiny bit of hum. That's what scares me with going from RCA to XLR. I think I can eliminate the hum as it's very slight in one channel. I never have any issues with an all balanced system or an all RCA system - only when I mix the two.

Hi Joe,

If the M400’s had single-ended inputs, I would say go for it. But since it has been designed with only balanced inputs, I would stick with an all balanced system. Otherwise, you will not be getting the full potential out of the M400’s. So many terrific balanced preamps to choose from or you could go direct with one of the MSB DACs and cut out the cost of an expensive preamp all together.

If the M400’s had single-ended inputs, I would say go for it. But since it has been designed with only balanced inputs, I would stick with an all balanced system. Otherwise, you will not be getting the full potential out of the M400’s.


You also have the option of balancing by yourself an unbalanced signal coming out of the preamp.
The Radial ISO TWIN uses high quality Jensen transformers. And it is not expensive. You can then check if the sound is really better with a balanced signal or not.
I have been using one for years. It performs perfectly.
And guess what ? I am not using it between my SE GAT and my balanced Nagra MSA !
I am using it in my room to balance the sound from the dvd player / cable tv box to my Ayre AX7e amp, just to get rid of a hum.

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Thank you Jerome. I have one of those Jensen transformers but it’s the wrong configuration for me now. It did not seem to have any effect on the sound. I am not ready to do anything right now but thinking ahead. The more I listen to my system right now, the more I realize that it’s the best I’ve had.
Thank you Jerome. I have one of those Jensen transformers but it’s the wrong configuration for me now. It did not seem to have any effect on the sound. I am not ready to do anything right now but thinking ahead. The more I listen to my system right now, the more I realize that it’s the best I’ve had.

Joe, You can use the balanced cables into the amps and use the se adaptors at the pre amp side.

Compare the GAT2 with some of the balanced pre amps and hear for yourself which one sounds most musically enjoyable .
I’m sure the GAT2 is stellar. I may end up with it someday. Maybe throw in an ART 150 for fun :)