Hello from Mike (AudioShark Admin!)


Staff member
Mar 19, 2013
Hi everyone,

I literally hit the button for the site to go live tonight and had to race off to a Diana Krall concert with my wife.

I was delighted to return and see we already had members! Special thanks to my two friends who encouraged me a lot during the last few months to keep at this project: Mark (MDP) and Joe (joeinid). I'm delighted that all of you have already started contributing to your new audio forum. I started AudioShark for the purpose of bringing people together for sharing knowledge, learning, the love of music and the search for that next elusive piece of gear to get you closer to the music nirvana we all strive for. A site which is run by the members for the betterment of the members.

Let me share with you some of the things you can expect to see over the next 6 months:

* Growth of any forum takes time, but we are already off to a great start! Thank you!

* We have an iPad app and an iPhone app for the site developed and submitted to Apple for approval. I'm hoping it gets approved within the next few weeks.

* I would like to see us have SME's (Subject Matter Experts) in particular areas of interest or popular brands. As the site grows, I will identify particular individuals who have a vast knowledge in one particular area or brand. Of course, no one person knows everything, but having a SME for each area will give those who have questions a starting point.

* We are luck to already have Jeff Dorgay from Tone Publications as an early member. Thank you Jeff! I will be asking other professional reviewers to join the site and contribute and share their knowledge.

* One of the biggest benefits of AudioShark.org will be the Marketplace. Like other forums, we will have a place for members to buy and sell used gear. However, unlike other forums, the SharkTank (part of the Marketplace) will be a special area where members can post "WTB" (Want to Buy) posts and dealers who are members of the site can reach out to you via PM to discuss. What happens between a buyer and the dealer, is between the buyer and their dealer! I suspect this new way of buying audio gear will turn the traditional model on its head, and its about time. For those of us who live in a market starved for audio shops, this will be a welcome option.

* Over the next 6 months, we will fine tune the site. I will set up membership levels (basic-free, senior, platinum and so on). The membership fees will be modest (i.e. $25/year) and simply go to help cover (and recover) the costs of the site (licenses, hosting, development, server/storage, etc.) We will offer specials and other benefits to members.

* After the site has gained traction (and they feel their is value to be gained), we will offer sponsorship opportunities to manufacturers and dealers.

* You will see this site is ultimately about sharing knowledge and our passion for high-end audio. Links to external sites is encouraged!

* I ask that everyone keep their comments polite and respectful. Some of the other audio forums have become coves for the rude and unfriendly to hide out and prance on the unsuspecting poster. I don't have many rules, but rudeness is one I will not tolerate. PLEASE, be respectful. Everyone is at a different level. Some are gurus and experts and have 40 years of being an audiophile. Others are just starting out and feel stupid asking some questions. We need to encourage everyone, at all levels, to participate. In addition, I know many people have their heartfelt beliefs. In contrast, you may feel they are dead wrong, that's ok, but they might be right too. It's ok to disagree, just do it respectfully, please remember, I called this the Friendliest Audio Forum for a reason! :)
Most importantly, Audioshark is a site where we can share our passion for being an audiophile and music lover.

Welcome everyone!


Audioshark.org Administrator and Founder
Very exciting Michael. I'm looking forward to hanging out here and making new friends. Thanks!

Jerome, Thank you for coming !! It's people like you that we want. Like Michael said, we will strive to have members that respect and appreciate each other !!

Hate,of any kind,will not be tolerated.

Thanks for setting up AudioShark. Look forward to being an active member and contributing to the community-at-large. If I can help out with anything, don't hesitate to let me know.
-- Mike, thank you for creating this site (AudioShark), with a 'razor' bite ;),
and with the support of Marc and Joe. ...Thanx a great deal to you both also.
- Jerome, it's nice to see you.

It is very obvious to me so far that the people already here are all very peaceful people, and who respect everyone, without any exception. ...And I am truly happy to be part of such an elite of people from the highest caliber. :)

I'm absolutely lifted.
-- Mike, thank you for creating this site (AudioShark), with a 'razor' bite ;),
and with the support of Marc and Joe. ...Thanx a great deal to you both also.
- Jerome, it's nice to see you.

It is very obvious to me so far that the people already here are all very peaceful people, and who respect everyone, without any exception. ...And I am truly happy to be part of such an elite of people from the highest caliber. :)

I'm absolutely lifted.

Bob - thanks so much for your kind words! I'm delighted you are here! Feel free post external links! :) Let's share the knowledge and the love for this hobby!
