McIntosh C1100T with Bryston 28BSST2's? Thoughts?


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
Any thoughts on this combination? Macintosh preamps usually have under 250 Ohm output impedances. I am not sure about this one yet but I wonder how the pairing will sound.

I know that the C500T works perfectly with the Hegel H30.

No reason it shouldn't. Surely they made sure it would work with their own SS amps. Man that is a big unit with a lot (12) of high dollar tubes at replacement time unless you go Chinese or Russian.
Thanks Jack, yes is does have a lot of tubes but McIntosh preamps can usually go 8-10K hours on a set.
It's only money.

Buy one and let us know :woot:

Any thoughts on this combination? Macintosh preamps usually have under 250 Ohm output impedances. I am not sure about this one yet but I wonder how the pairing will sound.

I know that the C500T works perfectly with the Hegel H30.
Joe.......My thought is the new McIntosh C1100 preamplifier would be a perfect mate for a pair of MC1.2KW power amplifiers. Nothing against the Bryston 28BSST2. It is widely recognized as a powerful and musical amp but I suspect the very best synergy would be to pair the C1100 with McIntosh power amps. The MC1.2KW's are astonishing, plus the visual impact of the amps and preamp together is impressive.


You had to do it. :)

Mike and the boys know that I've wanted them for a long time. I've heard them many times and was awe struck. You certainly are right about them. Of course I don't need the power but it will never hurt. I was toying with the idea of getting the MC452 after the C1100T. If everything works out in my favor, I might be able to get serious for some new toys.
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Have you ever tried TRL (Tube Research Labs)? Their tube preamp "The Dude" is excellent. I've heard it with some older Krell KSA-250's in mon config and the TRL GT-200 monoblocks. It sounded excellent with both.
Have you ever tried TRL (Tube Research Labs)? Their tube preamp "The Dude" is excellent. I've heard it with some older Krell KSA-250's in mon config and the TRL GT-200 monoblocks. It sounded excellent with both.

Hi Matt,

I've never heard the TRL gear but know of it. I'll look into them.