Lyra Kleos


Behavior Moderator (be nice police!)
Apr 4, 2013
Lake Country, Georgia
My Kleos is out for delivery on the Fed Ex truck :exciting: I should have it set up and ready by this evening !!!

Mark...congrats and let us know when you've got that bad boy set up.
So how's the break-in going???? I'm curious as to how long it takes to fully break in .
A friend of mine had a skala and it seemed every month I'd visit , it kept getting better
He said it was easy 150 hours.
Steve, thanks for asking,it's been great from the start,Jeff says 50 hrs. I think it's an incredible cartridge,a definite keeper. So was the Delos !!
Hi to all and congrats Mark on the Kleos!

Also a kleos owner. Excellent overall balance. Mine just rides a little bit lower compared to the Skala I'm using on another deck.

Hi to all and congrats Mark on the Kleos!

Also a kleos owner. Excellent overall balance. Mine just rides a little bit lower compared to the Skala I'm using on another deck.


Welcome !! Yeah, the Kleos definitely has to be set up right !!