What cables synergize with Magico?


New member
Nov 17, 2013
I'm starting to think about cables for my M-Projects. Which cable brands have you heard synergize well with the Q or S series?
Myles should chime in here with his results of using the Viero speaker cables with his Magico speakers. His review of the Viero speaker cables is online at PFO.
Yup, I'm aware of Viero and know that Myles' purchased a pair after reviewing them. I'm hoping he will come hear my system with them in tow. :)

But I don't think anybody has heard the Viero interconnects yet and I would like other suggestions as well.
I am using Synergistic Galileo LE. Lots of mikrodetails, black background and musicality! It is also possible to tune the sound with the use of the "bullets" from brighter with the silver to darker with the grey ones.
I'm starting to think about cables for my M-Projects. Which cable brands have you heard synergize well with the Q or S series?

At CES 2015 Alon was using Vovox cables in his room at the Mirage with the Q7's. The president of Vovox told me that Alon now using Vovox to voice. I don't know how often Alon changes out cables in his quest.
Ian, I'm using Unity Audio PCs and SCs w my S5s. Love them. Neutral, balanced, and so much less grunge than my incumbent Shunyata Anacondas.

I'll be happy to bring them up to your place for an audition and listen on your M Projects. Just sayin'. ;)
Yup, I'm aware of Viero and know that Myles' purchased a pair after reviewing them. I'm hoping he will come hear my system with them in tow. :)

But I don't think anybody has heard the Viero interconnects yet and I would like other suggestions as well.

Myles has some in house and I have Viero ICs coming for review.
Myles has some in house and I have Viero ICs coming for review.

Yes I have the Viero phono cables that can also double as ICs. Just finished burning them in on the Cable Cooker as well as awaiting the imminent arrival of the latest version of Alan's Hi Power 3.5 Cable Cooker. Can't believe my unit is going on seven years old! :( will do some comparisons between the two units and report on them.

For Constellation to S5 --> Jena Labs Twin 15 speaker cable (better but more expensive than audience au24se, which was better but more expensive than harmonic tech ref internally biwired).

Jena Labs upper tier interconnects and actually best IC (magical) on arc ref2se phono to Air Tight ref preamp is the Chord Sarum Tuned Aray. Going to try their speaker cable.
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Ian-the dealers you have been buying gear from should be tripping over themselves to give you loaner cables to hear in your system.
Ian, I'm using Unity Audio PCs and SCs w my S5s. Love them. Neutral, balanced, and so much less grunge than my incumbent Shunyata Anacondas.

I'll be happy to bring them up to your place for an audition and listen on your M Projects. Just sayin'. ;)

Deal! You pick the time. :)
Seriously? Who are you buying all of your gear from?

Weren't we just talking about dealers in another thread? And the gist was "who cares about service, price is king?"

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Weren't we just talking about dealers in another thread? And the gist was "who cares about service, price is king?"

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To my knowledge, no one is buying brand new Wilson or Magico speakers without going through a dealer. At this price point, you are paying for the product and service after the sale.
Hi Ian, I love my Kimber Selects with the Tenor/Magico combo, but I do think that cables need to be matched with the entire system not just these go with those speakers. So... I agree with everyone about you needing to try at home before buying. A shame about me being north of the border, makes it hard lending you stuff. And in many cases not ethical, as many brands do not look too kindly towards cross-border sales.

But yes, try before you buy, especially with cables.
I have a complete Shunyata system, cables and power, and love how well the S5s sound. I literally start laughing sometimes at how well a song sounds. Generally, I quickly grow accustomed to a new piece of gear, and after a while it no longer has that new feel. However, the S5s continue to impress, and I feel the cables, power, and vibration control are a big part of why these speakers continue to sound so great.