Change of heart...You get a do-over!


Taking a break
Jan 10, 2015
So you bought all this audio equipment before you learned about the awesomeness of AS and the folks here that are all like Einstein - whoohoo! You get a do-over - boom! Would you change your gear and if so, what would it be?

I'm a slave to McIntosh...though, I think I have a mistress in Deviate happen'n.

Speakers...I think I would hands down go for Sonus Faber Stradivari.
hehe...I was going to suggest to David that he do a do over with the site acronym. I believe he posted the same topic at AA as well and did a copy and paste here. It's all good :D
I have changed things up a few times, but nothing like other fine members on the forum.
Not to mention any names like Joe or Mike!

Honestly though I probably think about making a change quite often. There are so many good products introduced these days contributing to my audio analysis paralysis.
Not sure how to answer your question David....I "do over" all the time. [emoji6]

But in thinking of things, I would have kept my Mc 2301's...that much I can assure you. That being said, there is more gear I wish I had never bought than there is gear I wish I had of kept.
So you bought all this audio equipment before you learned about the awesomeness of AS and the folks here that are all like Einstein - whoohoo! You get a do-over - boom! Would you change your gear and if so, what would it be?

I'm a slave to McIntosh...though, I think I have a mistress in Deviate happen'n.

Speakers...I think I would hands down go for Sonus Faber Stradivari.


I plan on adding a few pieces this year.

I'd love to have MC1.2KW's, MC2301's, MC75-II's and and maybe an MC452. Other than that I can't think of much else. :D

I plan on adding a few pieces this year.

I'd love to have MC1.2KW's, MC2301's, MC75-II's and and maybe an MC452. Other than that I can't think of much else. :D

McIntosh MC-1.2kW Power Amplifier (Pair) - Mint | Solid state | Audiogon - The High-end Audio Community:snicker:

David.......I went through a number of years where I was buying gear, selling gear, and spending money like a drunken sailor. Some serious cash sifted through these fingers, but I was on a quest. I had a clear notion of what I wanted but it took me several years to finally acquire the components that delivered the performance levels I sought. I had a steady stream of amplifiers, preamplifiers, and source components in and out of two systems until one day it dawned on me that I had achieved my goal. That was about two years ago. I found that I was no longer searching but had in fact discovered my audio oasis. I am now at a place where I can honestly say I have no desire to change anything. I am truly happy with both of my primary sound systems and several others I own. I haven't written an audio check in quite some time. It feels good.

I am starting to realize for myself why you love your gear so much. oasis...

Dan...Do you mind if I plagiarize the heck out this statement, "audio oasis"? As you know and as well as everyone else....I devoure your every word and have a fond respect for you. I have been mirroring my system per your suggestions. And I too, if you don't mind, am in a state of audio oasis. But there is in deed another phrase I use, audio Nirvana.
I may set the record for gear swapping (in reverse).

Devialet and MC..... it seams that kind of represents the opposite end of the tech spectrum, but in a really good way as both lines are so special (old school new school). It would be cool to have both in at the same time to do a good long term comparison. To bad you couldn't invite Jerry Garcia over.... I wonder what he would think of the Devialet!! He could probably get by with 47 Devi's for his wall of sound instead of the 48 MC-2300's he used. :P

I am starting to realize for myself why you love your gear so much.

Joe.......It has been a true labor of love every step of the way. There is so much fabulous audio gear available. You can literally drive yourself nuts trying to dip your toe into every pool. The allure of new components and speakers will always be present. I set a goal, kept a steady keel, remained with manufacturers that always satisfied me, and refused to be side tracked. It doesn't mean I don't still lust for the latest components and speakers in the pipeline, I do, but I have discovered I am really pleased with where I am right now. The old axiom "If it's not broke, don't fix it" helps me maintain my sanity, not to mention this hobby can bankrupt you if you aren't paying attention.
Dan...Do you mind if I plagiarize the heck out this statement, "audio oasis"? As you know and as well as everyone else....I devoure your every word and have a fond respect for you. I have been mirroring my system per your suggestions. And I too, if you don't mind, am in a state of audio oasis. But there is in deed another phrase I use, audio Nirvana.

David.......Help yourself.
So you bought all this audio equipment before you learned about the awesomeness of AS and the folks here that are all like Einstein - whoohoo! You get a do-over - boom! Would you change your gear and if so, what would it be?

I'm a slave to McIntosh...though, I think I have a mistress in Deviate happen'n.

Speakers...I think I would hands down go for Sonus Faber Stradivari.


What I would change is what I did change. :lol: In my case, when I was on another forum, my system was Esoteric K-01/Pass XP-30/Pass XA-100.8/Revel Salon 2. It was impressive. Now it is Esoteric K-01/Soulution 520/Soulution 501/Raidho D3. It is more impressive. The truth is I was interested in the D3's for awhile and I had read every Raidho thread on A.S. in its entirety before I joined.

I have been doing a do-over for the last two years now, and am very happy with my current gear. I am sending my Cyclops to Shunyata to get upgraded to a v2 (like the Triton), and after that is finished I should be finished. Time to start fixing up the house and saving some money.