Lumin X1 doesn’t play songs


New member
May 11, 2013
Silicon Valley
I received my Lumin X1 today. Great timing as it is my retirement present, and today I retired.

Anyway, I hooked it up, attached the hard drive, powered it on, and checked my iPhone. Success, it reads the hard drive, and displays the song info, and the track number in the playlist, on the the Lumin display. However, the track doesn’t play. After a few seconds it goes to the next track, displays all the song info, and it doesn’t play. It just skips to the next track. At this point, I reinstalled the S1 so I can celebrate my retirement tonight.

I had this issue with my S1 years ago, but forgot how I fixed it.

Help. :)
Check the output to be the corresponding one and check the Lumin volume from the app. Good luck and congratulations!
Okay. Will give that a try tomorrow. Thanks.

However, it seems to me that it should have the intelligence to play the song on the app.
Please make sure the output is set to Analog.

Please create and use a new playlist, not the ones you had for S1. (It may be different only for USB drives, should not be a problem when using MinimServer or L1.)

Please also reserve an IP address for the X1 in your router DHCP server reservation table.
Please make sure the output is set to Analog.

Please create and use a new playlist, not the ones you had for S1. (It may be different only for USB drives, should not be a problem when using MinimServer or L1.)

Please also reserve an IP address for the X1 in your router DHCP server reservation table.

I sure hope I don’t need to create new playlists. Since the Lumin sees the tracks, and displays them on the front panel (even shows the track number of the song in the playlist) if I have to recreate all my playlists then Lumin will definitely be getting some bad press.
I will try that, but if I need to have two playlists (S1-rock, X1-rock) for the same thing I am going to be an unhappy customer.
Okay. It’s working, and sounds good. I will let it play all day, and evaluate it tonight or tomorrow night. It does appear I have to create new playlists.
Okay. It’s working, and sounds good. I will let it play all day, and evaluate it tonight or tomorrow night. It does appear I have to create new playlists.

What was the fix?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Looking forward to your comments Bud.

I use the X1 with the L1 for music storage. My transition from the S1 was seamless - plug and play.
What was the fix?

It will not play S1 playlists, even though the song shows up on the display. Today I just tried playing tracks off the USB attached hard drive, and that is fine. Now I need to create X1 playlist versions of my S1 playlists.
To avoid the need to have duplicate playlists for USB drive for two different Lumin units, please install the freeware MinimServer on a NAS or computer or use a Lumin L1. This way the MinimServer or L1 -based playlist will work with all Lumin units. The browsing will be much more efficient, and multiple artist / genre views etc. become available.
Then you have the music being delivered over the network, with additional areas of degradation. A direct attached USB drive eliminates all that overhead, and cost, while providing better file quality.
We've had this discussion for several years. I suggest it's good time to do this comparison for yourself in your own setup, regardless of theories (that you believe music from USB HDD is better while I believe music from network is better).

MinimServer is free.

With the X1 fiber based isolation via the SFP port I believe you'll get even better SQ.
Thanks, but no thanks. :)

I just retired and don't have the extra $5K to buy high end Ethernet cables, switches, NAS, and everything else needed. I retired from developing software to test Ethernet gear, and if I learned one thing from that it is:

Simplicity succeeds. Complexity fails.

I don't mind making new playlists. It is time to purge the old, and bring in the new.