GAT2 tube choices and recommendations?


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
Anyone replace/upgrade their GAT2 tubes?

Curious what you like.

Have you still got those NOS 6H23p tubes we bought from the guy on Ebay? If so I would try those first. They sound pretty good and will last longer in the GAT like they did in the AI preamps. If you want to try Mullard I would call Andy at VTS and prepare for "sticker shock." An alternative is the Matsushita tubes made in the factory Mullard personnel set up. They are pretty close in signature and half the price.
I do. I think at least 2 pair left. I know the original GAT used 6DJ8 but the GAT2 might have been changed to the 7 series tubes. I forgot to look and I'm too lazy to open the acrylic tower and check. I'm really surprised that I'm still on the original stock tubes.


Have you still got those NOS 6H23p tubes we bought from the guy on Ebay? If so I would try those first. They sound pretty good and will last longer in the GAT like they did in the AI preamps. If you want to try Mullard I would call Andy at VTS and prepare for "sticker shock." An alternative is the Matsushita tubes made in the factory Mullard personnel set up. They are pretty close in signature and half the price.
The 6h23p is a direct six volt replacement for the 6DJ8 family just a more rugged Russian military tube and was all they could find to work for any length of time in the Modulus 3 preamp. They are definately better than the new stock tubes CJ is providing.
The 6h23p is a direct six volt replacement for the 6DJ8 family just a more rugged Russian military tube and was all they could find to work for any length of time in the Modulus 3 preamp. They are definately better than the new stock tubes CJ is providing.
In what ways are they “better”.
I had the 6H23 in my original GAT, they sounded great and lasted a very long time.
I had the 6H23 in my original GAT, they sounded great and lasted a very long time.

Thanks Joe. As you know, I'm currently very happy with the original GAT and contemplating a move up to the GAT2. Net cost after sale of my current unit will be about $5-7K. My Gat is number 14, an early unit. Unlike others, I've had no issues with tube failures. Some NOS tubes became noisy but I attribute that to some weak or old tubes. All newer tubes from C-J and the Russian types from Canada are fine.
I asked Jack about the tubes he recommends for the GAT2 as I don't want to "buy" a new tube problem in the upgrade process. If the original is working perfectly, maybe I should leave well enough alone.
Jack, I'm also running the new ART Stereo 150 with the original factory small signal tubes and they are fine. Do you suggest a change there also?

If you prefer a little more neutral, cleaner and clearer sound, get the upgrade. Otherwise if you love what you are hearing and prefer a slightly sweeter more romantic sound, leave the GAT alone. I know of owners going back to older or original CJ pieces after selling or upgrading to GAT2 or new ART amps. I also know many who absolutely love the GAT2 and ART150/300 amps. It’s all personal taste.

For the record, I’ve never had any tube issues with either my GAT or current GAT2.

They are a slightly warmer tube than current stock and more durable so longer lasting. If you are happy with the stock tubes then I would stay put but if you want to try something different then get a pair for the preamp and see what you hear. Ebay is probably a crap shoot for them nowadays so your best bet is probably Parts Connexion.
Thank you Gentlemen for your replies.

Joe... the key word from your message is "little". Spending $7K for a small improvement makes little sense to this 76 year old guy. But, it's still tempting.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I trade you my GAT2 for your GAT plus 7K :)

Seriously though, by saying little I don’t want to scare anyone away. GAT2 is improved and it’s not trivial but everyone’s taste is different.
If you prefer a little more neutral, cleaner and clearer sound, get the upgrade. Otherwise if you love what you are hearing and prefer a slightly sweeter more romantic sound, leave the GAT alone. I know of owners going back to older or original CJ pieces after selling or upgrading to GAT2 or new ART amps. I also know many who absolutely love the GAT2 and ART150/300 amps. It’s all personal taste.

For the record, I’ve never had any tube issues with either my GAT or current GAT2.

Well said Joe! I've stayed with GAT2 and the ART300s and I see no way of any major improvements without spending piles of $$$.
For me, the GAT2 was an improvement, however I have zero doubt that others could prefer the original GAT paired with the prior generation ART amps.