Ethernet switch box

And we are all here on this audio forum because we are addiction free? :D

Hehe.. true...

... the class on Freud back in University was about the most absurd class I think I ever have taken.

By the way, them Niners blow (honestly I have no idea if the 49ers are good or bad this year, I am a Baseball fan not a Football fan, just stirring the pot :P)
Hehe.. true...

... the class on Freud back in University was about the most absurd class I think I ever have taken.

By the way, them Niners blow (honestly I have no idea if the 49ers are good or bad this year, I am a Baseball fan not a Football fan, just stirring the pot :P)

I actually enjoyed psychology classes very much. Some seriously interesting stories from my professor who spent 30+ plus years working in a mental institution.

I should have asked him what he thought about a hobby where we purchase equipment often exceeding a cost of a luxury car to listen to music of composers who have been dead for centuries and neither them, not the musicians that brought us their music ever owned stuff like we do for "fidelity" reasons.... :rolleyes:

The "dead composer society"?
As a Taiko Extreme owner I'm commited to Emile's ecosystem and will no doubt purchase his switch when it is released to market. Having said this, I currently use an EtherRegen and it was a significant addition to my system...I was surprised at how much better it was than the generic Netgear switch previously used. I power the EtherRegen from an Uptone JS2 LPS and that is a great product too and highly recommended.

Yeah, the JS2 LPS is an excellent linear power supply; BTW, the JS stands for John Swenson, who also designed EtherREGEN (and Sonore's products). You can also use it to power a Mac Mini with their MMK if you are using one to remove the SMPS, and replace it with the MMK that lets you use the JS2. It supports powering two devices.

Mac mini DC-Conversion / Linear Fan Controller Kit (MMK) – UpTone Audio

Oh! There I go again advocating for really good products from really good companies...:P
Dr. Freud... please don't get me started on the coke addict :P.


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I actually enjoyed psychology classes very much. Some seriously interesting stories from my professor who spent 30+ plus years working in a mental institution.

I should have asked him what he thought about a hobby where we purchase equipment often exceeding a cost of a luxury car to listen to music of composers who have been dead for centuries and neither them, not the musicians that brought us their music ever owned stuff like we do for "fidelity" reasons.... :rolleyes:

The "dead composer society"?

I actually have a degree in Psychology, which is really weird for a computer programmer data guy :).... I really thought that Freud was a lunatic though :).
By the way, them Niners blow (honestly I have no idea if the 49ers are good or bad this year, I am a Baseball fan not a Football fan, just stirring the pot :P)

Neither do I; I'm a tennis fan (Vamos Rafa, who won his 20th Major this year).

But I woud like for us to get back on-topic...speaking of which, I just checked the UpTone Audio site, and they had sold almost 2000 units by October; I'm sure they're past that at this point. They mentioned they are selling them faster than they can get circuit boards in.

$1.3M in gross revenue for a single audio product in a single year for a small, 3-person company is a pretty good year.

This red wine tastes GREAT, I would award it 96 point because I am a professional wine taster. Wait, that wasn't fair, I know I confused white wine for red but I was blindfolded! (True story)

That violin that is playing is the Stradivarius, I know because I am a professional violin player and I can tell with my eyes closed. Oh wait, that wasn't fair, I was blind folded... (True story)

This cable sounds much better than all the rest. How so? I can hear it! Let's see how well you can pick it out. Oh wait, that wasn't fair... I was blindfolded... Yeah, we don't like our double blind tests, do we?

This footer, this rack, they just sound soooo much better! How so? Where and how does vibration come into play with electronic circuits and affect sound? Where is the science on that? But I can hear it! See the blindfolded part again...


That is funny, and crazy when you realize that it actually happened!
That is funny, and crazy when you realize that it actually happened!

What is even funnier is a few people getting together and pulling a fast one on international wine competition. People attending the show and judges themselves voted their water, vinegar and juice concoction with a fancy bottle label of a new company into 2nd place after a prestigious wine maker. It's human nature, intriguing labels and group confirmation bias really works.
But I woud like for us to get back on-topic...speaking of which, I just checked the UpTone Audio site, and they had sold almost 2000 units by October; I'm sure they're past that at this point. They mentioned they are selling them faster than they can get circuit boards in.

$1.3M in gross revenue for a single audio product in a single year for a small, 3-person company is a pretty good year.

Whether that box does anything or nothing at all will not harm anyone but make your wallet a bit lighter. So it went and keeps going on since the days of Noel Lee and his Monster Cable... If measurements show nothing, the ear will tell you otherwise. If it doesn't, well you know the story of the Emperor with no clothes... Can't look silly and say you can't hear a difference now, that would be so un-audiophile like right? Those that do point it out should be criticized and ostracized because the show MUST GO ON. But hey, it is a hobby, not a life saving apparatus. No harm done either way.

I watched "Jazz in the Attic" the other day, about all the hard-boppers of that time in NYC. Funny how Thelonious Monk and all the other jazz players never complained about listening to scratched and beat up records of jazz on a cheap, plastic record player, for reference and while composing music and just had a great time playing together without any regard as to acoustics or any of the stuff we fuss over.

A switch will not make or break a system, inserting it in the chain where there was none, will not improve sound. It simply buys a peace of mind. So, yeah, if a single audio product in the form of an insignificant little box can bring in over a Mil in revenue, while the measurements and a listening test by someone capable of running a test on it shows nothing, it speaks of their creativity and the individual who bought a peace of mind. :)
What is even funnier is a few people getting together and pulling a fast one on international wine competition. People attending the show and judges themselves voted their water, vinegar and juice concoction with a fancy bottle label of a new company into 2nd place after a prestigious wine maker. It's human nature, intriguing labels and group confirmation bias really works.

There is indeed a lot of subjective (i.e., scientifically unsubstantiated) claims in this hobby. Buyer beware.
I actually have a degree in Psychology, which is really weird for a computer programmer data guy :).... I really thought that Freud was a lunatic though :).

I thought about what Freud would say about this hobby. It's really simple.

From the internet:

If we wish to understand our child, we need to understand his play. Freud regarded play as the means by which the child accomplishes his first great cultural and psychological achievements; through play he expresses himself. Freud also noted how much and how well children express their thoughts and feelings through play. These are sometimes feelings that the child himself would remain ignorant of, or overwhelmed by, if he did not deal with them by acting them out in play fantasy.

Child psychoanalysts have enlarged on Freud's insights, which recognized the manifold problems and emotions children express through play; they also have shown how children use play to work through and master quite complex psychological difficulties of the past and present. So valuable is play in this connection that play therapy has become the main avenue for helping young children with their emotional difficulties. Freud said that the dream is the "royal road" to the unconscious, and this is true for adults and children alike. But play is also a "royal road" to the child's conscious and unconscious inner world; if we want to understand his inner world and help him with it, we must learn to walk this road.

The road of an audiophile is not an easy one... :rolleyes:

Us guys are nothing more than grown kids who still love to play with their toys. :D
A Melco S100 is a good switch,'s 2200 bucks.

The Melco is expensive but sounds a lot better than the eR. eR might have all the gizmos and tech which is good on paper and marketing but Melco beats it in sound. I have one and know it. Mod the Melco with a PF clock and you are into a different territory. The proof is actually in the listening.

An UpTone Audio EtherREGEN is a much better value at almost 1/4 the price: $640. And you don't need to pop for an external linear power supply for it, either.

You are mistaken - the eR just sounds better with a better power supply. Same with Melco. All the high-speed isolator chip used in eR to separate out the data/power/ground between A and B is really good on theory but is different when in practice.
Don't get me started with ASR. They don't even do MSAs on their measurement system.

In fact, my guess is they wouldn't even know an MSA if it smacked them in the face.

Anyone doing meaurements without qualifying the measurement system with a statistically valid MSA cannot make any meaningful statements nor draw any meaningful or statistically valid interences about their measurements.

Has ASR ever done MS repeatibility validation? No.
Has ASR ever done MS reproducbility validation? No.
Has ASR ever done measurement system*operator variance analysis? No.
Has ASR ever done measurement system*part variance analysis? No.
Has ASR ever demonstrated smallest statistically effective measurement increment? No.

Gimme a break...I used to teach this stuff professionally...

Sorry, ASR has virtually no credibility from me. Those guys were biased about EtherREGEN and trashing it BEFORE it even shipped. Sorry, but that is NOT science. Real scientists don't bias themselves, and in particular, they don't bias themselves in the complete absence of data. I was scientist my entire professional career, and these guys give science a bad name.

The best way to deal with ASR is to provide your (or manufacturer's) own measurements and prove them wrong, wherever measurements are meaningful. It should be that simple, instead of constantly arguing. If you look at ASR, there are a some DAC manufacturers who have provided measured data for their products which matches with ASR, Matrix Audio is one such....
The forthcoming Taiko Audio switch will probably be a winner. Ground up design all for sonics.

I wouldn't spend a nickel for some modified switch....

Taiko switch is really interesting when they announced over at WBF. I would opt for one if they are reasonably priced. The JCAT M12 and PF Melco indeed has raised the bar significantly....
When you say, "no improvement", what measurement did HiFi Review do that showed "no improvement"? Do you have a link to the review, by any chance?

I'm curious if they measured the Melco for its ability to block high-source impedance leakage current and its impact on threshold jitter.

Pumacat, I hope you understand what you are saying....You can't have the cake and eat it too :) There is NO measurements that shows eR "ability to block high-source impedance leakage current and its impact on threshold jitter." whatever that means.

In fact, I'm doubtful they even have the metrology to measure high-source impedance leakage current and its impact on threshold jitter. AFAIK, the only person in the world that has this metrology is John Swenson. That's because he designed and built himself just to be able to do this analysis.

You are mistaken again - JS has been building the test equipment for almost 3yrs now. Forget the measurements, there is no ETA when it will be complete or if ever it will. The eR design is based on conjecture and mere theory. I don't mean that the theory is incorrect but it lacks evidence so far. All we know today is injecting the eR into the network chain really uplifts sound quality and I can vouch for that. I use one in my chain as well but I use other switches in the chain as well.
I have the ultimate solution :). I do not have my audio signal travel through my network and therefore do not worry about a network switch affecting my musical signal :).
Neither do I have my audio traverse the network. All my files are sourced locally but the server is still connected to the network and sends/receives packet (for example Roon UI), however minimal they are. The good quality network switch still affects the sound quality but not as much if the audio had traversed. A good way to test is load an album or some tracks and listen with and without the network cable connected. The sound when the network cable is disconnected is the best your server can do.
Are you guys that are using switches doing it because you need more Ethernet ports?
Neither do I have my audio traverse the network. All my files are sourced locally but the server is still connected to the network and sends/receives packet (for example Roon UI), however minimal they are. The good quality network switch still affects the sound quality but not as much if the audio had traversed. A good way to test is load an album or some tracks and listen with and without the network cable connected. The sound when the network cable is disconnected is the best your server can do.

Hmmmm... Never tried that... I guess I simply assumed that if audio files were not travelling through the network then the occasional Roon traffic would not be an issue.

On my machine this might be different as well since the motherboard has a wifi chip built in and utilizes an external wifi antenna for Roon's network connection. There is no hard wire connection to the system what so ever. Even the Oppo has it's own external wifi adapter for the once in a blue moon that I do a SACD rip.