USB Cables Opinions

Randy Myers

Active member
Nov 7, 2015
Looking for input please...

Recently through trades and purchases I have stepped up some of my cables. I added an AQ Earth XLRs to go between my DAC and Pre-Amp, and an AQ Anaconda XLRs from Pre-amp to amps.

I noticed a pretty decent improvement which got me thinking. Another area of cabling that might need an uptick is my USB cables. I think it is probably best to stick with same cable between server and Recovery unit and form the Recovery to the DAC. I am currently using two Wireworld cables, fairly basic level (maybe $100-$150 value for both).

Considering upgrading my USB, been looking at the AQ Carbon or Coffee cables. Since I need two it will be a little costlier.

So opinions; are these cables going to make a significant improvement over the WW? I am happy with the AQ XLR cables, are the AQ USB of similar quality? Are these a solid choice or are there other significantly better cables in the respective range as these AQ USB cables?

Thanks for opinions and input!

Like the AQ Vodkas, they bring significant benefit to my ears.

Correction: my AQs are Ethernet cables, not USB. Sorry!

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Looking for input please...

Recently through trades and purchases I have stepped up some of my cables. I added an AQ Earth XLRs to go between my DAC and Pre-Amp, and an AQ Anaconda XLRs from Pre-amp to amps.

I noticed a pretty decent improvement which got me thinking. Another area of cabling that might need an uptick is my USB cables. I think it is probably best to stick with same cable between server and Recovery unit and form the Recovery to the DAC. I am currently using two Wireworld cables, fairly basic level (maybe $100-$150 value for both).

Considering upgrading my USB, been looking at the AQ Carbon or Coffee cables. Since I need two it will be a little costlier.

So opinions; are these cables going to make a significant improvement over the WW? I am happy with the AQ XLR cables, are the AQ USB of similar quality? Are these a solid choice or are there other significantly better cables in the respective range as these AQ USB cables?

Thanks for opinions and input!


Hi Randy,

I owned both the AudioQuest Diamond and WireWorld Platinum 7 USB cables. I preferred the WW Platinum 7 by a substantial margin due to its superior detail and transparency. I ended up selling the AQ Diamond and still have the WW Platinum 7. My Interconnects are AudioQuest too like yours.

Hey Ken,

Thanks for the input. Yea, I can't go quite as high as the Platinum or Diamond :)... I just got a call from an audio club friend. He is going to "loan" me a pair of AQ Coffee USB. Cool! So can at least use them for a bit before making any decisions.

Hey Ken,

Thanks for the input. Yea, I can't go quite as high as the Platinum or Diamond :)... I just got a call from an audio club friend. He is going to "loan" me a pair of AQ Coffee USB. Cool! So can at least use them for a bit before making any decisions.


Hey Randy,

Yes, I'm a Wireworld dealer. However, I felt that one of the biggest improvements to my system was going with a Platinum Starlight 7 USB cable. I was so impressed I bought two more for other systems I run. While it is a stretch, I think saving for one would be a good choice. I have sold several now and the clients all love them. The sonic difference between the Starlight and the Platinum is as stark as the price difference.
Also consider the Shunyata Venom USB. I believe they are currently on a sale promotion via the manufacturer.
Another vote for the Wireworld Platinum Starlight 7. Was a huge improvement over the Kimber and Pangea I was using.
I have had AQ Diamond, Entreq Konstantin with Eartha Silver and Jcat ref among others.
I you really want an usb cable with the best P/Q ratio I would recommend a boutique Apricity unpowered usb cable which I use in my system for nearly 2 years between W20 and Lampi
DAC( as good as very expensive Entreq Atlantis imho)

I heard also very good opinions about Sablon Audio unpowered usb cable.
Hey Guys, Thank you for all the great suggestions. I think the Platinum Starlight 7 and the Apricity are probably a little bit out of my budget. When looking around I do not see a lot of USB cables being sold used :(... Probably going to at least borrow my friends AQ Coffee cables to try out. These are probably at the top end of my current budget. If he gets the better cable he is looking for he will probably give me a very good deal on these...

Again, please don't stop posting suggestions and opinions. I love reading and research everything you guys post. Almost impossible to discover these type of cables other wise!
Have heard good things about Oyaide Neo d+ Class S and Class A cables, but don't have personal experience with them. Not expensive either.

i ran across this usb cable a few days ago which really got my interest: mg audio design, mg usb cable.

they have eliminated the 5 volt carrier wire which is supposed to help reduce the noise on the cable from the computer. very interesting idea / design. one note here is that it only works with DACs that have self powered usb chips. the t+a dac 8 is supposed to have this so it might work for you.

msrp is $350 and there is a 30-day return policy.

i have no experience with this cable but thought it was interesting enough to throw in the mix.

more can be read here:

also, very interesting to read that before this cable they were proponents of and using (at&t) glass optical cables instead of usb because of their added/associated computer noise.

Not sure if something like this would work through the W4S Recovery either???

Not sure if something like this would work through the W4S Recovery either???

good question -- w4s website is not clear on the issue. definitely something to run down.

if motivated enough and if you have a cheap usb cable laying around, you can strip back the sheath and cut the 5 volt wire (typically the red or sometimes orange wire) and see if it works.

... or just email w4s support :)
Another very good cable is the Dana USB cable. Lampizator has used them in some of their show systems.
But like all things in this hobby they are now "yesterday's cables".
Which can be a good thing if you are looking to save some money as they are now being sold on the used market so that the newest and shiniest cable can be acquired.
After auditioning the Dana's and several other high end USB cables on several systems, the unanimous decision by myself and the others involved was the Dana was the standout.
As with anything YMMV
That sounds like an interesting approach.

I got the AQ Coffee cables from my friend last night. A very brief listen... well not as much difference as I thought there would be... the WW was a bit brighter, and certain areas had more "snap", not that it should necessarily have more snap... such as the finger snaps in Patricia Barber's version of Obe to Billy Joe... but with the AQ it was smoother and more defined... everything feels a little smoother and less strained... more to my personal liking actually.... all in all I believe they are going to be a nice improvement, subtle, but nice. So this verifies to me that USB cables truly do affect the end sound that I get from my system (dammit, not sure I wanted that proven to me :D)....
Randy, what WW cables were you using? I use a WW Starlight 7 Red and was wondering how the AQ Coffee sounds in comparison. I would love to have a WW Platinum 7 but I need about 5' and it gets pretty pricey.
The Platinum is an awesome usb cable. I got to use one for a few days. The WW Red is just ok but with my Regen it approaches the Platinum. I was thinking about trying another USB Cable however.
Hey there... my WW USB was a lower model... but not their cheapest. I have several WW cables, XLR, USB, Coax, Power, etc. Good cables, but all tend to be on the bright side. Granted, not their top models....

The AQ cables seem to be more in line with my personal tastes... really like both sets of XLR that I recently got, and giving these Coffee's a good test in my system.

That is odd as the "bright" description is the opposite of what I have found with WW cables in general.
Looking for input please...

Recently through trades and purchases I have stepped up some of my cables. I added an AQ Earth XLRs to go between my DAC and Pre-Amp, and an AQ Anaconda XLRs from Pre-amp to amps.

I noticed a pretty decent improvement which got me thinking. Another area of cabling that might need an uptick is my USB cables. I think it is probably best to stick with same cable between server and Recovery unit and form the Recovery to the DAC. I am currently using two Wireworld cables, fairly basic level (maybe $100-$150 value for both).

Considering upgrading my USB, been looking at the AQ Carbon or Coffee cables. Since I need two it will be a little costlier.

So opinions; are these cables going to make a significant improvement over the WW? I am happy with the AQ XLR cables, are the AQ USB of similar quality? Are these a solid choice or are there other significantly better cables in the respective range as these AQ USB cables?

Thanks for opinions and input!

randy does your dac need sub power ? Have you tried a power cutter adaptor ?
Also have you tried a sub isolater , the two devices I have mentioned make usb cables sound better and yield a better result in what you may like. If you need links let me know. .