Inducing clarity: Cardas Clear Beyond interconnects


New member
Jan 19, 2015
While generally speaking happy with my interconnects, I have been pondering about Cardas Clear Beyond ICs since choosing the Clear Beyond as my phono cable. I have been very impressed with that cable since adding it.

Cardas cables are famous for their superb build quality, and George is also one of the few in the business making his own copper cable stranding and extrusion. This is necessary, as there is no supplier who could deliver a cable with the golden ratio propagation.

I like the build quality, the argument makes sense to me that while music signals travel on the cable surface different strand diameters also suit different frequencies best (while I cannot verify or falsify it), and they do sound really good.

I bought one pair first to test them in my system. Now the phono system is wired throughout with Cardas Clear Beyond.

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A phono cartridge to pre-amp input cable is different from a typical interconnect cable. In that the total cable capacitance can have an impact on the sound of the system.
In an interconnect system, the total cable capacitance of a reasonable length cable is of no significance.

Oh, at audio frequencies the signal doesn't just travel on the conductor surface. But at 100 megahertz the signal does travel at the surface.

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In short, input transducer cables (phono cartridges, microphones and musical instruments) are not just like interconnect cables.
A phono cartridge to pre-amp input cable is different from a typical interconnect cable. In that the total cable capacitance can have an impact on the sound of the system.
In an interconnect system, the total cable capacitance of a reasonable length cable is of no significance.

Oh, at audio frequencies the signal doesn't just travel on the conductor surface. But at 100 megahertz the signal does travel at the surface.

* * * * * * * * * *
In short, input transducer cables (phono cartridges, microphones and musical instruments) are not just like interconnect cables.

I think George Cardas knows that [emoji3].

Of course cables for different purposes have different properties. A Clear Beyond power cable has also technically little in common with a phono cable. That is self understanding.

Yet a family of cables typically share some sound similarities.

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So, here they are:

So far, I really do like what I am hearing: very good reach at both ends of the spectrum, tons of detail, and the soundstaging is just amazing.

These ICs clearly are a departure from the earlier Cardas Clear cables, which were a little exchanging resolution for warmth. Gone is the excess warmth, these cables are dead neutral, and resolution just is impressive. I think George Cardas has really hit one out of the ball park with these.

I also do like the high quality Cardas XLR connectors. While having no traditional locking mechanism on the output end, they sit very snugly in the output/ input terminals on both ends.

Color me impressed, these cables are highly recommended.

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The Cardas Clear Beyond keep getting better after settling in a bit: details, depth, soundstage.

Quite enjoyable.

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I hear a lot of good things about Cardas.

Darryl here locally is loading up with them, someday we will get together again to check them out.

In the meantime, enjoy yours!

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I used to own Cardas ICs and speaker cables. They had a wonderfully natural sound and build quality was second to none.

Congrats and enjoy!
I used to own Cardas ICs and speaker cables. They had a wonderfully natural sound and build quality was second to none.

Congrats and enjoy!

Thanks Ken, I thought I’ll try them out.

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Thanks Ken, I thought I’ll try them out.

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Of all the copper conductor cables I’ve listened to and owned, I feel the Cardas Clear and Clear Beyond are amongst the very best. The quality of the copper utilized is a step above the typical OCC that most manufacturers purchase because Cardas manufactures it themselves to the tightest tolerances. As I said before, the build quality is just insane. You don’t realize how extraordinary it is until you actually hold it in your hands, install it and dress it in your system. Supple and flexible, yet as durable as you’ll encounter. As for the sound, relaxed and natural, always musical, never analytical.

Of all the copper conductor cables I’ve listened to and owned, I feel the Cardas Clear and Clear Beyond are amongst the very best. The quality of the copper utilized is a step above the typical OCC that most manufacturers purchase because Cardas manufactures it themselves to the tightest tolerances. As I said before, the build quality is just insane. You don’t realize how extraordinary it is until you actually hold it in your hands, install it and dress it in your system. Supple and flexible, yet as durable as you’ll encounter. As for the sound, relaxed and natural, always musical, never analytical.


Agreed, this is pretty much what I’m hearing. Increase in micro-details without being in any way aggressive. Yet, the Clear Beyond does not achieve this by adding extra warmth.

And as you say, Cardas is controlling the entire production chain for the cables from start to finish. This allows for an extraordinary technical level of sophistication, exemplified by the golden-ratio propagation, and yields a build quality second to none.

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Of all the copper conductor cables I’ve listened to and owned, I feel the Cardas Clear and Clear Beyond are amongst the very best. The quality of the copper utilized is a step above the typical OCC that most manufacturers purchase because Cardas manufactures it themselves to the tightest tolerances. As I said before, the build quality is just insane. You don’t realize how extraordinary it is until you actually hold it in your hands, install it and dress it in your system. Supple and flexible, yet as durable as you’ll encounter. As for the sound, relaxed and natural, always musical, never analytical.


So did you switch over to silver cables?
So did you switch over to silver cables?

Hi Mark,

Yes, I did switch over to silver conductor cables. It wasn’t a conscious plan. I purchased the Vandersteen M7-HPA Mono Amps and they came with proprietary fixed length silver speaker cables manufactured by AudioQuest. To match the speaker cables, I followed up with AudioQuest Wild Blue Yonder silver interconnects. To match the rest of the system, I recently started adding AudioQuest Dragon silver power cords.

I previously didn’t care for silver cables until I listened to the AudioQuest. They gave me more information but in a non-fatiguing way. They claim it’s due to their use of perfect surface silver and solid core conductors that avoid traditional strand interaction. I don’t know if this explanation is true but I can certainly hear a difference. Much more ease than other silver cables to my ears.

Hi Mark,

Yes, I did switch over to silver conductor cables. It wasn’t a conscious plan. I purchased the Vandersteen M7-HPA Mono Amps and they came with proprietary fixed length silver speaker cables manufactured by AudioQuest. To match the speaker cables, I followed up with AudioQuest Wild Blue Yonder silver interconnects. To match the rest of the system, I recently started adding AudioQuest Dragon silver power cords.

I previously didn’t care for silver cables until I listened to the AudioQuest. They gave me more information but in a non-fatiguing way. They claim it’s due to their use of perfect surface silver and solid core conductors that avoid traditional strand interaction. I don’t know if this explanation is true but I can certainly hear a difference. Much more ease than other silver cables to my ears.


Thanks Ken. Silver ICs and speaker cables used to have a reputation for sounding bright. I'm glad you are happy with the results you are getting from the AQ silver products.
I previously didn’t care for silver cables until I listened to the AudioQuest. They gave me more information but in a non-fatiguing way. They claim it’s due to their use of perfect surface silver and solid core conductors that avoid traditional strand interaction. I don’t know if this explanation is true but I can certainly hear a difference. Much more ease than other silver cables to my ears.

I have owned (and am actually still owning) great sounding silver cables as well. The Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II are now in my summerhouse, playing with the Pass INT-60.

Based on my experience, as with many audio things, it’s hard to judge gear by the specs. Similar material ICs do often sound completely different, and it always depends on system synergy what the actual end result is.

Nice to hear you have found a good match with your Vandersteens. With power products I’ve also switched to AudioQuest due to better clarity.

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I have owned (and am actually still owning) great sounding silver cables as well. The Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II are now in my summerhouse, playing with the Pass INT-60.
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Hi Kuoppis,

If you’ve found great sounding silver cables then hold onto them. In my experience, they are few and far between.

Hi Kuoppis,

If you’ve found great sounding silver cables then hold onto them. In my experience, they are few and far between.


Ken, also my observation. That’s why I still have the Silver Reference II’s I bought almost ten years ago. All other cables are copper though.

But I need to test the AQ’s you’re using, when I get a chance.

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I'm looking for new IC and SC for my rig because i have come to the conclusion that my Gryphon cables are not a good match for my Thiel speakers, they are way to bright for my taste or at least for my speakers.
I am planning to demo Cardas Clear Beyond IC and SC very soon, they are supposed to be much more musical en engaging.
Can you guys confirm ?
I do have a loom of Cardas Clear Beyond. They’re great.

But beware, that while Cardas Clear are musical, the Clear Beyond are pretty much neutral in tonality and also more resolving.

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I do have a loom of Cardas Clear Beyond. They’re great.

But beware, that while Cardas Clear are musical, the Clear Beyond are pretty much neutral in tonality and also more resolving.

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Hi Kuoppis, do you think i should look at Clear or Clear Reflection ? because my problem is glare in the treble right now that gets fatigueing in the long run.
Hi Kuoppis, do you think i should look at Clear or Clear Reflection ? because my problem is glare in the treble right now that gets fatigueing in the long run.

I don’t think the Clear Beyond will add any glare. But also, they are unlikely to add warmth as the Clear did.

Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with other Cardas cables.

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