Analysis Plus.

Mike, I will remeasure as I may be able to get by with 11 feet. I am going to ask for them as a christmas present as my wife never knows what to get me since I usually don't want or need anything. This will make her happy as my son will secretly tell her. So we will get back to you the end of November. I am definitely going to buy them as hopefully it will be my last cable tweak if the sound is to my liking- a little warmth through the midrange and lower top end, clear, little to no sibilance, good bass, air and transparency.


Long time ago I had Analysis Oval 9.
Good cable, with a huge bass, Using an expression I found here several times, they were on the dark side of neutrality. With time I started looking for another opening, a clearer sound.
But one of the good cables that went through here.

Probably the Silver Oval would be perfect but a little expensive for my pocket at the time.
Long time ago I had Analysis Oval 9.
Good cable, with a huge bass, Using an expression I found here several times, they were on the dark side of neutrality. With time I started looking for another opening, a clearer sound.
But one of the good cables that went through here.

Probably the Silver Oval would be perfect but a little expensive for my pocket at the time.

Thanks, that is what I am looking for in a cable. I like a little darker or warmer sound as my room is not optimal with wood floors and large windows. The Chocolates and Oval 12's use the same wire and geometry as the 9's but 12g instead of 9. I figure that they have to be more clear than the Belden BJC that I am using now. I actually have a pair of old Monster Cable Z4's that I picked up many years ago for dirt cheap used as a curiosity. They are thick as garden hoses, weigh a ton but at 10' are too short to use in my main system. They actually sound very good, better than my belden. They are probably one of the better things that Monster use to make.
I've been very pleased with my speaker cables and interconnects.

See my signature for details.
I've got lots of Analysis Plus cables and power cords..and do use an A+ Silver Apex Interconnect in my wife's system. Very revieling cable. Excellent cable if you need silver. Wife has a pair of Wharfedale Dentons and the Silver Apex is just what they needed.
I am now using the Black Oval 12’s for both my Falcon LS3/5a’s and my Shahinian Eagle woofer modules(2). I liked them when I used the first one on the bass module or on the monitor. My first impression upon using them on both is “too much of a good thing”. But I am being hasty here. Neither cable has much more than eight hours on them. A+ recommends 300 hrs for full break-in. Patience is a virtue. I will render a more informed opinion then. It seems like I am always breaking in something.

One thing is sure however. I never got such balanced left-to-right stereo from this speaker ensemble.
I am now using the Black Oval 12’s for both my Falcon LS3/5a’s......
One thing is sure however. I never got such balanced left-to-right stereo from this speaker ensemble.

I have about 75 hours on two pairs of these speaker cables. They are breaking in nicely. They are a nice bread and butter cable. I don’t mean this in a derogatory way. They do it all, without calling attention to any one thing. I would say they are on par with Kimber 8TC. I used 8TC for many years. The “blue and blacks” did create space however. That is why I switched from them. I don’t know if the newer “clear and whites” do the same.

In any case the Analysis Plus Black Oval 12 does not “create space” like Kimber Kable. I continue to get great left-to-right stereo and an extended bandwidth. I think I can live with the A+ cables for the long haul. Oh...and I love their understated good looks. I nice bonus.
I don’t often post on this site but hello to all

I have a set of Solo Crystal balanced interconnects and they really are very good. They don’t sound at all which as far as I am concerned is a huge bonus.

Also , on my main rig I use a 26’ pair of Big Silver Ovals to feed my Acoustic Zen Crescendo II’s .... honestly, these are the first cable I have used on this system that are open back source in a way that just gets out of the way.

Great products from these guys
Just purchased four Ultimate Power Ovals from Mike. Two for the mono power supplies on my Select II DAC and two for my Vandersteen M7-HPA mono amps. I’ll give a full report once they’re broken in.

I have the Analysis Plus, Oval 9 speaker cables and use them between my McIntosh MC452 and Martin Logan Montis speakers and I have been very happy with them. I think offer a great solution for sound, $$$$, and looks without breaking the bank. Can you spend more money? YES. Always remember that the more you spend the more break-in time is required (and that is because the manufacturer doesn't want you to notice that his cables don't really sound any better than ones costing a quarter of the cost! By the time the "break-in" time is over, you will have forgotten what your old ones sounded like!).

Good luck.
Just purchased four Ultimate Power Ovals from Mike. Two for the mono power supplies on my Select II DAC and two for my Vandersteen M7-HPA mono amps. I’ll give a full report once they’re broken in.


Still not fully broken in yet. But what I can tell you so far is the Ultimate Power Ovals are extremely transparent, have great treble extension but lack any glare in the upper register, and have a very low noise floor. I am hearing more detail, nuance and subtlety from my system than ever before. Consequently, I’m much more engaged with more of an emotional connection with the music. I’ve been staying up until the wee hours of the morning listening, which I haven’t done in a very long time. Surprised at the amount of improvement these power cords provide. Really impressive.

Ken or Mike, are the Ultimate Power Ovals silver, copper or a combination? The A+ website doesn't say.

A combination. The shielding and conductor arrangement is far more important than the materials. The power cord is an opportunity to kill high frequency noise bi directionally.
Mike, good points. My question was more around what's usually driving price. When they come from the same manufacturer my impressions are that copper cables often exhibit warmer denser (more realistic?) tone, deeper bass. Silver more detailed, refined sound.... and more expensive (top of the line with more advanced design, better connectors, etc).
Mike, good points. My question was more around what's usually driving price. When they come from the same manufacturer my impressions are that copper cables often exhibit warmer denser (more realistic?) tone, deeper bass. Silver more detailed, refined sound.... and more expensive (top of the line with more advanced design, better connectors, etc).

The Ultimate Power Ovals sound more like silver power cords but without some of the negative characteristics usually associated with silver. All the detail, refinement and speed of silver power cords but without the brightness, glare or edge in the treble that I’ve so often heard with silver power cords.

They are very transparent and neutral, and don’t have the syrupy coloration or veiling of some of the copper cords I’ve listened to. Bass is realistic sounding and articulate, not artificially colored, bloated and overblown like some copper power cords.

If you want a power cord that is going to editorialize, then look elsewhere. But if you want a power cord that is going to step out of the way and let you enjoy all the nuance and subtleties of the music, then this is your power cord. But beware, these cords have a long break in period, at least several hundred hours.

Ken, these sound interesting. When are you going to try A+ speaker cables? :popcorn:

My Vandersteen M7-HPA mono amps have proprietary Perfect Surface Silver speaker cables manufactured for them by AudioQuest. The speaker cables are a set fixed length because the amplifier output is single-ended and specifically tuned to that length.

I don’t often post on this site but hello to all

I have a set of Solo Crystal balanced interconnects and they really are very good. They don’t sound at all which as far as I am concerned is a huge bonus. ...
Great products from these guys

After months of varied testing with the first two pairs, and intermixing with other brands (and others within the AP line), just ordered my 3rd pair of Analysis Plus Solo Crystal RCA interconnects. One pair at a time, discovered the real potential. With tube DACs and tube pre/amplification (with really good vintage tubes) the AP OCC interconnects have brought my entire system to a whole new level. Replaced all former ICs with the Crystals.