Ansuz Cables & Accessories

It has tighter better defined bass, a little more holographic mids. Which is strange in that when I put the Ansuz diamond interconnects in I get the opposite from the Shunyata Anacondas.
It has tighter better defined bass, a little more holographic mids. Which is strange in that when I put the Ansuz diamond interconnects in I get the opposite from the Shunyata Anacondas.

May be it's the shielding/non shielding & effects from surrounding things like carpet etc.
I agree with the power loom being different than the signal/speaker cable loom. I was a BIG believer in the loom theory and and heard it many times over the years being soooo true. Although, I do really like my Shunyata interconnect and Ansuz speaker cable combo. I much prefer it over all Ansuz or all Shunyata. I'm still shaking my head, this totally has shocked me. It just proves to me once again, you HAVE to listen and keep an open mind.

Interesting observation. Relates with speakers, electronics and synergy I guess. A lot of my Raidho D-1's midbass warmth, and slight emphasis on bass have been resolved with the Mainz Distributor. Now the speakers respond more favorably and more accomodating with various other cable brands. Still thinking about going all Ansuz for power.
After the dust settles on my gear and room, I'd be open to trying different SCs in my system, like Ansuz or TL. But the Shunyata PCs stay, as well as the 9m IC. Almost any other brand at that length would be cost prohibitive! I do think the mids were a tad richer with the Ansuz and TL PCs I had tried.
I am still a believer in single loom theory, though where broad cable characteristics are similiar different brands can work together. This was certainly my observation with Nordost and Ansuz which seem to happily partner. In the finish though the single loom theory is helpful to the extent that it reduces variables.
I am still a believer in single loom theory, though where broad cable characteristics are similiar different brands can work together. This was certainly my observation with Nordost and Ansuz which seem to happily partner. In the finish though the single loom theory is helpful to the extent that it reduces variables.

I sort of believe this as well (hence my Shunyata loom), but in the end, we tweak to get the sound we like and if it means mix and match, nothing wrong with that either.
Ansuz news.. TAS Blog February 2014 by Jonathan Valin

To put this plainly, the Ansuz produce the most enveloping, three-dimensional soundstage I've ever heard, short of an omnidirectional speaker. Listening to speakers wired with Ansuz is a bit like listening to earphones in that the soundstage doesn't just get wider and deeper from the plane of the speakers to the backwall; with Ansuz the soundstage seemingly wraps around your head, so that instruments are staged from the plane of your ears all the way to the rearmost boundaries of the listening room. As a result, the speakers not only disappear, so does the room.
Whether this startling effect is "correct" or not (i.e., an accurate reflection of microphone and instrumental placements or the product of some kind of consistent and sonically attractive phase shift) I don't know yet. What I do know is that Ansuz products generate the most three-dimensional soundfield I've ever heard from “mere” wires, isolators, conditioners, and stands.
For many, many more photos and comments on my visit to Raidho’s showroom, factory, the Tribology Center, and the Ansuz offices, go to: Jonathan Valin | Raidho Acoustics, Pandrup and Aarhus, Denmark, February 2014.
Read the following link:
Masterpieces from Avantgarde and Raidho | The Absolute Sound
If anyone is interested, I do have an Ansuz C PC up for sale. PM for price.

It has tighter better defined bass, a little more holographic mids. Which is strange in that when I put the Ansuz diamond interconnects in I get the opposite from the Shunyata Anacondas.

After the dust settles on my gear and room, I'd be open to trying different SCs in my system, like Ansuz or TL. But the Shunyata PCs stay, as well as the 9m IC. Almost any other brand at that length would be cost prohibitive! I do think the mids were a tad richer with the Ansuz and TL PCs I had tried.

Ok, just sh*ts and giggles I replaced my Alpha Digital PC to my K03 with the Ansuz PC I said was up for sale. I have never A/B'd them before, just made the switch whole hog to Shunyata. Well, I'm eating crow now because I think I prefer the Ansuz on my K03 over the Alpha Digital, LOL! Like Jock says, holographic mids, weightier, making vocals oh so tangible and real. Night night/day difference, but certainly discernible. Wow.

Time to revisit this thread...
Yes indeed! Very interesting. I'm hearing such good things about Ansuz. Would love to try some.
Ok, just sh*ts and giggles I replaced my Alpha Digital PC to my K03 with the Ansuz PC I said was up for sale. I have never A/B'd them before, just made the switch whole hog to Shunyata. Well, I'm eating crow now because I think I prefer the Ansuz on my K03 over the Alpha Digital, LOL! Like Jock says, holographic mids, weightier, making vocals oh so tangible and real. Night night/day difference, but certainly discernible. Wow.

Time to revisit this thread...

Good for you!

For even more giggles, if your system is running from a power distributor - try placing the Ansuz C as the distributor feed. That provides a very nice upgrade for systems I've tried it in.

That said, I also own the K-03 and it is very fussy about the power cord. Wrong cord and the K-03 quickly becomes lean.
Yes, I saw your thread, Ralph. The Ansuz complements it nicely. Have to see where I go from here...:wacko:
I wonder if the Ansuz SC have a grounding effect that mitigates resonance propagation inherent in Raidho's (particularly the D series) just like using very low gauge wiring to feed a high current amp dampens waive form resonance. If this is true, it makes Ansuz a logical choice over loom synergy in fact it may be mandatory given the Raidho's peculiar behaviors at high SPL.
Revue of Ansuz Mainz POM on NoMono (DK)

The Danish web Hi-Fi magazine NoMono has tested four high End mains cables. Here is some of the positive words they gave Ansuz.

One of the last year's most controversial topic in our world is the impact of power cords on our beloved hi-fi-system. We have tested a few different cables, and comes with a - for some readers - perhaps surprising result.

We have heard the following argument a million times: If there are several miles to the nearest transformer station, how should ONE measly meter copper cable then make a difference?
One can also try to reverse the problem, and claim that it is the first meter from your system out to the outside world that perhaps is much more important than the other several miles copper wires, and which gives an audible improvement!
We dare to claim that as mentioned above, the last meter (or two) actually is more crucial than the many miles of electric wire. For what is it that drives your system? It is, of course, in the end, power/electricity that is been transformed into acoustic energy, right from your socket to your speakers, and the cleaner the better, we believe.

Ansuz Mainz POM
Ansuz cheapest power cable, performes with a direct, beautiful, musically, and ultra-precise sound. We are been exposed to, both in width and in depth to a nice panoramic sound. The music plays with a deep bottom, and an excellent dynamics. The smiles on the faces of the listening panel is large. When we hear -or should we say - enjoy the music. For it is just music, and not technique which we enjoy with this cable. We think less of the system's performance, and more at artist's ditto.

This cable is their cheapest, but it is still a “must-have” for all music lovers - it is actual that good!

...try to listen to the intro of Manu Katche's "Running after Years". With Ansuz POM, you can clearly hear that the little drum is not been hit the exact same way the first couple of times. Impressive that a power cable can reveal as many details, and mean so much for the overall experience. Alternatively, put your ears to" Wandring Aloud" from Jethro Tull's Aqualung Live. It's like being there yourself.

It is incredible how good the timing in your music suddenly gets! All of a sudden, we listen to music, and not to the technology.

Read the complete revue at NoMono (in Dansih)
Thanks for posting the review Wizard.

I was particularly interested to read the quote from Michael Børresen re the efforts Ansuz have gone to with earthing and low inductance of their cables. The review did not mention it but I also believe the Ansuz cables exhibit very low capacitance as well (vs. industry peers).

I have a number of Ansuz POM power cords in my system and think very highly of them. I stand by my earlier review of the Ansuz POM. When comparing it with the Nordost Valhalla I noted

kiwi_1282001 said:
[...] In contrast, the Ansuz P whilst not as resolving at the Valhalla appears to be a more balanced cable. The strength of the Ansuz is the quiet and effortless nature in which it encourages the reproduction of music. Unlike the Valhalla which has the system dependant potential to sound hollow, tin like and artificial the Ansuz P is more even handed, real and musical and as such the beauty of the Ansuz P is its ability to make poorer recordings more accessible. Soundstage depth and instrumental localisation are superb with this cable. [...]
Hi all,

Just returned from a visit to a friend - I'm slightly tired, here being 1:00 AM and the Lagavulin good (and plenty). His system is a small brother of mine: all Chord electronics (but with a digital source, so no spinning things whatsoever) and Raidho C1.0 speakers.

I used to like the sound but it was slightly "scalpel-like", not something to listen to for more than a couple hours. Now, he changed his Nordost Valhalla speaker cables for Ansuz A Speakz and all fell into place: there was as much detail, as much micro (and macro) dynamics but much more music in the music.

So, Ansuz rulez... Still have to compare them with same priced Siltech cables, but they sure burry Nordost (unless you're a vegan, of course, and like all your things "light") :evil:
I've received a couple of questions about Ansuz cables and in particular cable mixing.

We'd obviously all love a full loom of Ansuz Diamond - but that is simply cost prohibitive for many; so the natural question tends to be where is the sweet spot and the value spot in the Ansuz cable range and if money is tight where should the priority of spend go?

There will be different opinions on these questions but over the past six months of ownership I've formed my own opinion on them.


The Ansuz POM's are ridiculously good for the money and on performance par (IMHO) with the Nordost Reference range. While both cables proffer speed and dynamics their attributes in other regards are quite different with their respective signatures discussed in my earlier review, but suffice to say I'd happily exchange Valhalla for Ansuz POM in my system as this resulted (during my evaluations) in a more organic sound painted against a much blacker back drop.

There is a natural tendency for audiophiles to "rubbish" entry level offerings in any product range, but to rubbish POM simply because it sits on the bottom of the Ansuz Acoustic product portfolio would be a serious error in judgement.


The gong goes to Ansuz C. Yes, Ansuz D is better again but at 2 to 3x the price depending on whether we are talking speaker, interconnect or power cable, the Ansuz C offers far better "bang for your buck." When comparing Ansuz C to my Nordost Odin cables performance was very close indeed with Odin being a bit more spirited and Ansuz C being more earthly.


So, you can't afford that diamond "uptown girl" - what do you do? I've now had opportunity to explore many different combinations of Ansuz cables and have made a few interesting observations.

First, focus maximum resources on your systems heart and foundation. The "heart" of your system is your power distribution and by extension your distribution of ground. Get that foundation wrong and your audio system will under-perform vs. its potential. Power distribution is broadly considered as everything "AC" between your house switchboard and your components - but for the purpose of this update I will focus on what lies between your room’s power socket and your AC distributor.

You will read elsewhere that if you can afford just one Ansuz D then buy a power cord and place it at the input of your AC distributor. This I found partially true. The challenge is many audiophiles have other components between the wall socket and the distributor. These components range from mains conditioners to QRT field generators and the presence of these demands multiple power connections and power cords. Annoyingly, to get the absolute best from Ansuz D you require multiple Ansuz D power cables – the more the merrier and the better the resultant sound….

Back to more affordable then! If budget is limited I recommend focussing on your systems heart and initially buy one Ansuz C power cord for the input to your distributor and Ansuz POM power cords elsewhere. If your budget is greater place Ansuz C power cords at all junctions between your wall socket and the mains distributor. If you budget is greater again connect an additional Ansuz C from your distributor to your source.

Some may be surprised that I have not mentioned interconnects or speaker cables. They are important – just not nearly as important as the system foundation (power cables) – in my observation and opinion. Once the AC foundation is sorted, then I'd turn my attention to upgrading speaker cables followed by interconnects.

Equally I have not mentioned Ansuz A. My feeling is that this product sits in no man’s land – clearly markedly inferior to Ansuz C and yet little better than POM.

Finally, the system foundation also includes your mains distributor and resonance control devices. The mains distributor quality is surprisingly of the highest importance. I’ve observed great results with the Nordost Qbase and the Ansuz Mainz distributors. Make the investment early in one of these to unlock your audio systems potential.

Hope this helps – at least while that uptown girl remains ….er… Distant.
Great write up Ralph. I completely agree with getting the AC foundation first. I wanted speaker cables and IC's in the worst way, but focusing 100% on power was recommended to me.

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Great write up Ralph. I completely agree with getting the AC foundation first. I wanted speaker cables and IC's in the worst way, but focusing 100% on power was recommended to me.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Thanks Mike. Looking forward to reading your further thoughts on Ansuz cables and also on the Jeff Rowland S2.
