Shout-Out For Ayre!


New member
Nov 9, 2013
Eastern Shore, MD
Not too long ago, I bought an AX-7 IA. It was dealer demo, and the dealer explained to me that I could send it to Ayre, and get the e(volution) upgrade...for a mere $250. I took it with a grain of salt, as either a) the dealer was low-balling the price, to entice me toward a purchase or b) the "upgrade" must not involve much.

So I send it off to Ayre, and asked that...since it was used; they put it on the bench, and give it the once-over. Make sure everything is up to spec, since they have it anyway.

What I didn't mention...was that one of the "heat-screens", on top of the unit; was a little "detached". Either it was that way from jump, as demo...or it happened in shipping. If I'm being honest...I didn't mention it, because I guess I was hoping they'd see it; and sort of fix it for free as a But if they charged me, then so be it.

When Michael Wiedmaier told me my unit was ready; I was sure to ask, about the 2 issues. Yes, they gave it the once-over on the test bench; and...the glue was drying, as we spoke (typed), from the repair to the screen. So when I opened the attached bill...I wasn't sure what to expect, in the way of a final tally.

In addition to $250...would there be a) "miscellaneous" other fees from the upgrade, b) fees for the bench time, c) fees from the repair. NOPE; it was $250...and, they cover the return shipping!

WhoTH does that?? I mean...bench time alone, is usually over $100/hour; and there's a minimum. And I'm told, and have read; the evolution not insignificant at all.

As you all may know; the AX-7e may not end up staying. I'm purging a lot of gear...all of it I thought was very good; in the hopes of streamlining and marrying to something instead. But I have to say: the K-5xe MP, I thought was a great pre-amp; and the AX-7 (and I can only assume the 7e even more-so), was damn good as well. And on top of that...the customer service; at least in this exemplary!

Thanks to MW, and thanks Ayre! :thumbsup:
I wish they had better dealer representation in Australia. If only they knew, Ayre would sell product here. I like Ayre, they make great products but I won't deal with Advance Audio/Audio Connection who dealer represent them here.
Ayre has always been fair with me and done the repairs in a timely manner that is not easy with a border to cross Canada to USA which always slows things down they have still been fast. I have upgrades done on my MXR KXR and DX5 now the 250 dollars you paid makes me jealous the MXR and KXR to the 20s was a bit more than that . That said their was a big change in what I got from each unit. Ayre puts a lot into customer service . They seem to put a lot of effort into keeping customers happy plus it is a good product to start with. Punching well above its weight class in a lot of cases .
Not too long ago, I bought an AX-7 IA. It was dealer demo, and the dealer explained to me that I could send it to Ayre, and get the e(volution) upgrade...for a mere $250. I took it with a grain of salt, as either a) the dealer was low-balling the price, to entice me toward a purchase or b) the "upgrade" must not involve much.

So I send it off to Ayre, and asked that...since it was used; they put it on the bench, and give it the once-over. Make sure everything is up to spec, since they have it anyway.

What I didn't mention...was that one of the "heat-screens", on top of the unit; was a little "detached". Either it was that way from jump, as demo...or it happened in shipping. If I'm being honest...I didn't mention it, because I guess I was hoping they'd see it; and sort of fix it for free as a But if they charged me, then so be it.

When Michael Wiedmaier told me my unit was ready; I was sure to ask, about the 2 issues. Yes, they gave it the once-over on the test bench; and...the glue was drying, as we spoke (typed), from the repair to the screen. So when I opened the attached bill...I wasn't sure what to expect, in the way of a final tally.

In addition to $250...would there be a) "miscellaneous" other fees from the upgrade, b) fees for the bench time, c) fees from the repair. NOPE; it was $250...and, they cover the return shipping!

WhoTH does that?? I mean...bench time alone, is usually over $100/hour; and there's a minimum. And I'm told, and have read; the evolution not insignificant at all.

As you all may know; the AX-7e may not end up staying. I'm purging a lot of gear...all of it I thought was very good; in the hopes of streamlining and marrying to something instead. But I have to say: the K-5xe MP, I thought was a great pre-amp; and the AX-7 (and I can only assume the 7e even more-so), was damn good as well. And on top of that...the customer service; at least in this exemplary!

Thanks to MW, and thanks Ayre! :thumbsup:

GLWS for the Ayre and the next amp you are getting ready to buy! :D
I've purchased an Ayre preamp on Agon (K5xe-MP) for a reasonable price and love it! It has a warm tonality to it which complements a lot of modern recordings off of digital masters but still staying pretty transparent. I coupled that recently with a Parasound JC3+ phono from a great guy on Agon and the two combined are truly a great taste of the high end at a somewhat reasonable price. When I go to RMAF I'll be searching out the Ayre room to hear more...
All my electronics are Ayre...and Michael/Ayre has always been wonderful to answer questions, do updates....nothing ever needed repair. Great company, great sound.
Ha, didn't know you had one on Agon for sale! It's a great preamp. Don't let it go! A great versatile piece to have around IMO.:audiophile:
+1 for Michael at Ayre-- how other companies should deal with customers--he's terrific!

I'd like to echo the Ayre approach to customer service. I purchased an Ayre KX-R Twenty Pre-amp Ayre VX-R Twenty Stereo Amp and an Ayre Codex. When shipped and installed I had issues with all 3 units at different within first 30 days of installing. The issues were substantial enough to send back both the Pre-amp and Amp. Michael and Alex from Ayre were fantastic getting me through this process. I could tell that NO ONE had ever had these types of problems - "pop in volume ladder control, and loss of P/S on one channel in the amp" At first I was disappointed and concerned about the quality but they just asked to "give them a chance" - they kept in constant communication - Alex called me from an airport returning from the High End Show in Germany when he heard I had an issue. They turned the units quickly and am I am thrilled that I gave them a chance, the results are astounding. Also a quick shout to John Rutan from Audio connection in Jersey for the setup (stunning) and the support replacing win loaner equipment within hours of failure. Ayre is a stand up company that takes care of their customers.
Glad to see these experiences have happy endings. I'm committed to Ayre as my destination gear. I fell in love with the sound and any interaction with the company has been stellar. I feel the sound that I get from Ayre combines the best of solid state and tubes. Totally non-fatiguing sound that makes me happy. I know others may disagree but that's the beauty of this hobby, err obsession. We can all find something that makes us happy and enjoy the music that we love.
I love Ayre gear. Not sure I'll be able to hold out much longer. Time to get the "R" gear. The "5" gear is amazing. I can't imagine the Reference stuff. Like the perfect synergy of tube and SS sounds.

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I can only chime in here: when I got the /20 upgrade for my power amp it turned our one channels had taken a hit. Ayre replaced the entire channel, no questions asked.

In my humble opinion Ayre is just outstanding in terms of long term value of your purchase. Purchase, upgrade paths, customer service - simply exemplary.

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I own the R twenty equipment . Sound is as warm as tubes but in SS package. I can highly recommend it. I did post on myDAC shootout where I selected a Lampizator B7 over the QX5 though.
Lampizator does sound amazing from my experience but I still want to hear the QX5 at home.
All digital sounds different in each system. I've never heard the QX5 to sound anything but excellent. I've heard most of the other contenders, but not all in this range. There are a few at over 18k that I like a bit better, but not much and certainly not for the money (I couldn't afford more than the QX5 unless I felt it was really worth it).

I'm with Mike. I was a tube guy and now I'm just an Ayre guy. I auditioned and purchased from Johnny at Audio Connections also as many know. If I lived in the south, I'd get it from Mike after meeting him. Just a great guy with tons of passion. The only amp that I like better with Vandersteen's is Richard's amp. Since he designed it, it should work better, but it's also costlier. I personally like the new R/20 series better than Boulder, D'Agastino, Constellation, Solution and Tidal. I've also yet to hear a tube amp be able to do all that the Ayre can do. Best of both worlds, it just nails it. Love the upgrade program too.
Congrats on the AX-5 Twenty. After trying a bunch of gear, my Ayre seems to suit me fine.