Axpona 2019 Official Pics & Commentary Thread


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Let’s take some great pictures and provide some good commentary this year!

All the reports will be greatly appreciated. Should be a cracking show. Mike, if possible, would love to see some videos especially of the Magico M6 and M3 rooms and new the new DAG HD preamp. Many thanks and enjoy the show:yahoo1:
Be safe and have a great time! Looking forward to seeing cool gear.

PS Audio Ted Smith Signature DAC

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This is hard work. Hard, hard work.

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Audio Industry Reception. AWESOME!

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John Atkinson receiving a much deserved award.

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John Atkinson would make a good Aussie - holding beer & award at the same time & not spilling a drop.

John has been so supportive of my store, the Florida Audio Expo and more. He’s awesome in my books.

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From I have read from Paul on their forum still quite a bit of finalizing to do on the finished look. I would have preferred that they stay with the open back for the midrange and tweeter per Arnie's original plan but they are trying to cater to the "closer to the rear wall" crowd also though I'm not sure how a speaker that large or it's two larger brethren are going to do in a smaller room setting.