Axpona 2015 Pics

Focal is here - just haven't had time to make it to all the rooms yet. No idea on Chord.

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Thanks for the info. Looking forward to it.
I gotta be honest with you Mike, and it might sound ridiculous since we're talking about $200k plus speakers but I have no interest in hearing them with $155,000 amplifiers. While I might spring for the speakers, I am in no way paying $155,000 for amplifiers. I'd rather hear the speakers with something in this stratosphere. If it takes $155K worth of amplifier to make them sound good then thanks but no thanks.

That said, I'm sure the speakers are great and they could sound very good with the Aesthetix. I doubt the Q7s are broken in properly. I think they only just arrived in town yesterday. What were the cables? I thought I saw KS Elation back there? They're good but certainly not great.

How's that for hypocrisy? I don't want your $155k amps but I want them to spend more on cables :P

$6k/meter cables aren't good enough? Ok.
I will definitely get back there today for another listen to see if the speakers have settled in any. I of course was thinking "where the heck is Jeff Fritz when you need him?" A Devialet may have really woken them up.

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Thx for the pictures and comments guys. Looks like AXPONA is becoming a great event.

Realizing that today will be the big day, how crowded was the show on Friday?
I will definitely get back there today for another listen to see if the speakers have settled in any. I of course was thinking "where the heck is Jeff Fritz when you need him?" A Devialet may have really woken them up.

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I was thinking the same thing the whole way home last night...somewhat in jest...somewhat

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Thx for the pictures and comments guys. Looks like AXPONA is becoming a great event.

Realizing that today will be the big day, how crowded was the show on Friday?

There were only a handful of rooms I felt really crowded in. Dan's room had a line both times I went down and it was a smallish conference room. The M project room was always full (very small room though). 4th floor was unbelievably hot and stuffy but overall I didn't think it was too crowded at all. Wish I was going again today. I just might go sit in the Volti room and stretch out all day. It was never crowded when I went

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There were only a handful of rooms I felt really crowded in. Dan's room had a line both times I went down and it was a smallish conference room. The M project room was always full (very small room though). 4th floor was unbelievably hot and stuffy but overall I didn't think it was too crowded at all. Wish I was going again today. I just might go sit in the Volti room and stretch out all day. It was never crowded when I went

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This is the first consumer show that I've attended that opened on a Friday workday morning, in my mind making those additional hours sort of a press event. I thought all things considered, traffic was very good for a Friday, though the additional hours might be better spent keeping the show open until 8pm for consumers who might want to leave work early.

That said over 3000 tickets were presold and organizers expect another 2000 tickets to be sold at the door over the three days. One additional interesting fact. At the audiophile 101 seminar, the organizers asked the audience how many were attending for the first time. Over 1/2 of the audience raised their hands. So it seems the organizers reaching out was getting new blood into the show including women and kids. The show's organizers really expect the show to continue growing and participation by exhibitors was up 1/3 over last year and they are running out of exhibit space and may eventually have to seeks new digs.
Mike and I spent a lot of time in the Volti room at RMAF in 2013. Actually, that's where we both met. In any event, very nice speakers.
I was thinking the same thing the whole way home last night...somewhat in jest...somewhat

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I was thinking "maybe these Sonus Faber Lilium's with ARC GS150's really aren't that good. Maybe it's just such a relief after the Q7 mk2/Aesthetix room next door!" LOL.

The M's with the big Octave tube amps were much better and they were in a normal sized hotel room. I like the fit and finish on the M's much better too. They are even more gorgeous in person quite frankly. The Q's had a nice big room with big ceilings and everything too. Go figure. I'll be back today to see if things have settled down any.

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How does it compare then to RMAF?

Similar. More bigger rooms here I think. Good to see they also stuck the headphone guys in the basement. LMAO.

...just kidding.

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Doing the same thing today. Trent mentioned to me last night that they made a change to the Q7 setup. Curious to hear them again. Will also head to the Tidal room today as i missed it yesterday.

I was thinking the same thing the whole way home last night...somewhat in jest...somewhat

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I was thinking "maybe these Sonus Faber Lilium's with ARC GS150's really aren't that good. Maybe it's just such a relief after the Q7 mk2/Aesthetix room next door!" LOL.

The M's with the big Octave tube amps were much better and they were in a normal sized hotel room. I like the fit and finish on the M's much better too. They are even more gorgeous in person quite frankly. The Q's had a nice big room with big ceilings and everything too. Go figure. I'll be back today to see if things have settled down any.

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Thanks for all of the photos and comments. I didn't want to comment in the middle of the posts yesterday so as not to break up the flow. Some interesting looking gear.
I haven't been around to all the rooms yet, but in general I am impressed with the show. The YG/Kronos room was a standout. Really enjoyed both Vivid rooms as well.
Is that a hint you might be thinking of switching camps Mike? ;)

no; I was only offering an alternative to the big Solutions. one that I live with and appreciate every day. if we are going to project ultimate amplifier choices for the Q7 MkII then the 458's should be in that mix.

and a friend had used the 458 dart mono's on the original Q7's while he had the Q7's and I'm told that was the best Q7 amp match those that heard it had experienced. I never had the opportunity to hear that combo myself.

I pinch myself every day that I'm fortunate enough to be able to enjoy my MM7's with the 458's.

taking nothing away from the Magico Q7 MkII.....or any other uber speaker.
I haven't been around to all the rooms yet, but in general I am impressed with the show. The YG/Kronos room was a standout. Really enjoyed both Vivid rooms as well.

Ian, is that the GTT Audio room w YG/Kronos?
Where's Myle's posts? He usually posts during the show and then a nice summary on his FB page....