My Avantgarde Duo XD - simply incredible....

Wow Joe, congrats on the Duo XD!! I was half hoping you'd buy the Uno Fino XD so I could pick them up from you in six months at half price :) LOL
When you move up to Trios, I will happily take your Duos off your hands...

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Congrats on your new babies. Looks like these may be keepers.
If so then please don't list all your other gear on Agon at the same time or you'll flood the market. LOL
Hahahaha, too funny.

I need to think about my other speakers. Maybe just set ‘em up downstairs :)
Huge Congrats again Joe. I know we been talking about this for a long time and I’m so glad you got them finally :). So happy for you. Welcome to AG club !
Joe, you inspired me to rip to my server just now the new Dave’s Picks Grateful Dead release. CD’s came in mail this week. Glorious 1976 Capitol Theatre release.

Love my whole setup. Curious where Joe ends up in the end with amp and preamp. I’m Thrilled with Triodes and VAC preamp. The one area I could see really splurging on next is a DAC change. Have Berkeley Ref DAC. Not unhappy. I’ll move to another thread soon, but curious if any AG and tubes lovers can recommend the most natural, sweetest DAC on the market for 30k or less. I like organic and sweet but not colored. That is the one area I could most see making a jump. Is MSB the real deal?

Sorry to hijack. Back to Joe! You have thousands of hours of bliss ahead of you in the next year. I am sure of it!!! And I love Luxman.

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Thank you, no need to worry. As soon as I can recoup some cash, I’m thinking dacs too. I’m also not unhappy with my Bricasti. Thinking about what the upgrade to it will cost but I need to break in my speakers and just get familiar along with a final setup. I have a way to go but it’ll be fun.


Thank you for making the decision easier. It helped a lot.
Glad you are happy Joe. The AGs are wonderful speakers. Enjoy!

Thanks Mike. I remember Mark was glued to Mike’s system with his Mezzo. I know you both love his AG setups.
Joe, you inspired me to rip to my server just now the new Dave’s Picks Grateful Dead release. CD’s came in mail this week. Glorious 1976 Capitol Theatre release.

Love my whole setup. Curious where Joe ends up in the end with amp and preamp. I’m Thrilled with Triodes and VAC preamp. The one area I could see really splurging on next is a DAC change. Have Berkeley Ref DAC. Not unhappy. I’ll move to another thread soon, but curious if any AG and tubes lovers can recommend the most natural, sweetest DAC on the market for 30k or less. I like organic and sweet but not colored. That is the one area I could most see making a jump. Is MSB the real deal?

Sorry to hijack. Back to Joe! You have thousands of hours of bliss ahead of you in the next year. I am sure of it!!! And I love Luxman.

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Hey Justin. I’m very happy with my Lampizator.

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Thank you. So far the Luxman MQ300 takes the cake. I have a few in rotation but I think this will be the one going forward.

Wow, awesome setup. Hard to beat this horns/ 300B combo.

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Wow, awesome setup. Hard to beat this horns/ 300B combo.

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Everything is so clear but smooth and sweet too.

Very cool Joe.


Thank you. Maybe a GAT2 with the Luxman could be THE combo.

Wow Joe! Congratulations. I know you've been thinking about these for awhile. Enjoy!

I have but was having trouble making the leap. I remember your description of what you heard visiting Mike and I knew that’s what I wanted. It’s absolutely wonderful.
Thank you so much Ken.

I’m sure your system with the MSB dac must be awesome.

You’re welcome Joe. I listened to the Duo XD’s on the videos and they appear to have amazing nuance and delicacy. They must sound very special in your room.

The Select II DAC is a relevatory component. I’m set for life for a source.

I'd like to sit down and hear a set of AG's in someone's system. I've only heard them at shows, although I heard nothing wrong with them, I also didn't walk out lusting for a pair. It must be the associated quipment or room, looking at Joe's other speakers and gear I think we like similar sounds. In addition to speakers I really like the Bricasti DAC.

Joe, if you audition DAC's I'd encourage a listen to Lampizator from your comments of what you like about your Duo's. My friend has had a variety of Lampi, moving up the chain, and to me have been consistent with an engaging and lifelike presence. Typically, somewhat larger sound stage and bold, yet the latter holds true.

Congrats on another winner to the stable :)
I'd like to sit down and hear a set of AG's in someone's system. I've only heard them at shows, although I heard nothing wrong with them, I also didn't walk out lusting for a pair. It must be the associated quipment or room, looking at Joe's other speakers and gear I think we like similar sounds. In addition to speakers I really like the Bricasti DAC.

Joe, if you audition DAC's I'd encourage a listen to Lampizator from your comments of what you like about your Duo's. My friend has had a variety of Lampi, moving up the chain, and to me have been consistent with an engaging and lifelike presence. Typically, somewhat larger sound stage and bold, yet the latter holds true.

Congrats on another winner to the stable :)

Come on over.

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