Did you ride today?


New member
Apr 8, 2013
State of Confusion
I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread dedicated to the days ride. How many miles did you do, how was the weather, how many dogs chased you, how many bars you stopped at, etc... I get motivation from all of you out there riding in all types of weather. It makes me get off my bum, strap on my helmet and get peddling.

Today started out as cold and overcast. It cleared up about 2:00 and became very humid. After an hour or so, the wind came in and made things downright perfect for a ride. I did a quick little out and back of 17.5 miles. Half paved roads and half dirt roads. I like riding dirt roads and this time of year is perfect for it with the rain making things hard and fast. Towards the middle of summer I throw on some 28's and ride mostly concrete due to the dry, dusty, sandy factor. For now though it's a little heaven on earth.

So what about you. Did you ride today?
Outside on weekends, trainer indoors every AM before work, good for controlled intervals. Also the only time I listen to my old klipsch! Relaxes me for the grinding day ahead...
I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread dedicated to the days ride. How many miles did you do, how was the weather, how many dogs chased you, how many bars you stopped at, etc... I get motivation from all of you out there riding in all types of weather. It makes me get off my bum, strap on my helmet and get peddling.

Today started out as cold and overcast. It cleared up about 2:00 and became very humid. After an hour or so, the wind came in and made things downright perfect for a ride. I did a quick little out and back of 17.5 miles. Half paved roads and half dirt roads. I like riding dirt roads and this time of year is perfect for it with the rain making things hard and fast. Towards the middle of summer I throw on some 28's and ride mostly concrete due to the dry, dusty, sandy factor. For now though it's a little heaven on earth.

So what about you. Did you ride today?

Sounds like a great ride. The dirt trails sound fun. Not much of that around here.

I road 70 this morning. Doing IM Raleigh 70.3 on Sunday. Bib # 400 if you want to see how this Land shark did. Have some great rides Gentleman it is a great time of year for it.
Sounds like a great ride. The dirt trails sound fun. Not much of that around here.

I road 70 this morning. Doing IM Raleigh 70.3 on Sunday. Bib # 400 if you want to see how this Land shark did. Have some great rides Gentleman it is a great time of year for it.

70 this morning, wow! One of these days I'll make myself get out early and put some miles in. Discipline, discipline, discipline. Good luck on Sunday. I'll check the results to see how you did. :)
Wow, you guys put in some decent miles!

Good luck with your races this weekend guys!:cool:
Just got back from my ride. Garmin didn't work about 40% of the ride.:mad: Maybe the rain from the other day. I'm guessing I did about 35-40 miles.

Helped a fellow cyclist who had 2 flats! He fixed his tires, but used up all his C02 tubes on one tire, so the front was pretty flat. Portable hand pump to the rescue! (I love my GatorSkin tires!:D)
Did a Quebec sanctionned race this weekend in the Charlevoix region (very hilly), 15.8k TT on Saturday morning, 12.7k hill climb on Saturday afternoon (the last 5k was the climb with a max 24% incline), 76k road race on Sunday (very hilly with short steep inclines, many in the 15-20% range). Finished it off! I DFL'd (dead fuc..ng last) although technically I did not considering 6 abandonned out of a peloton of 36 in my age category (50-59):). It was carnage in the younger age group with over 40% who abandonned in some categories. The route was partly to blame but also the weather, 7 degrees celcius with rain :( which started after we had left.

It was epic!:snicker:

Sounds like a great ride. The dirt trails sound fun. Not much of that around here.

I road 70 this morning. Doing IM Raleigh 70.3 on Sunday. Bib # 400 if you want to see how this Land shark did. Have some great rides Gentleman it is a great time of year for it.

I didn't post your results here just in case you're going incognito, but you kicked some ass! 42nd. overall in your division! :woot:

Nicely done.
Did a Quebec sanctionned race this weekend in the Charlevoix region (very hilly), 15.8k TT on Saturday morning, 12.7k hill climb on Saturday afternoon (the last 5k was the climb with a max 24% incline), 76k road race on Sunday (very hilly with short steep inclines, many in the 15-20% range). Finished it off! I DFL'd (dead fuc..ng last) although technically I did not considering 6 abandonned out of a peloton of 36 in my age category (50-59):). It was carnage in the younger age group with over 40% who abandonned in some categories. The route was partly to blame but also the weather, 7 degrees celcius with rain :( which started after we had left.

It was epic!:snicker:


Nice! :D

Show those young bucks what we old men can do!
Just got back from my ride. Garmin didn't work about 40% of the ride.:mad: Maybe the rain from the other day. I'm guessing I did about 35-40 miles.

Helped a fellow cyclist who had 2 flats! He fixed his tires, but used up all his C02 tubes on one tire, so the front was pretty flat. Portable hand pump to the rescue! (I love my GatorSkin tires!:D)

Nice job Allen. I really hate getting back from a ride to find out that the GPS didn't work for half of it or so...:mad:
I was out of town over the weekend and when I got back yesterday I had some new toys to play with. It was beautiful today, other than some wind, so I went out and put in 21 miles. I actually felt really good and now I see that you guys put the hurt on me miles wise. I need to step it up a notch. :D
I was out of town over the weekend and when I got back yesterday I had some new toys to play with. It was beautiful today, other than some wind, so I went out and put in 21 miles. I actually felt really good and now I see that you guys put the hurt on me miles wise. I need to step it up a notch. :D

You know what they say, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Also the bike can help you rid of some of the stresses that life can trow at you, . BTW nice turntable you got there Doug, welcome to the Clearaudio family, they do make really nice turntables.

You know what they say, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Also the bike can help you rid of some of the stresses that life can trow at you, . BTW nice turntable you got there Doug, welcome to the Clearaudio family, they do make really nice turntables.


Dan, riding definitely has a way of clearing the head of daily stress, that's for sure. I'm really liking the Concept. It's a nice no-nonsense table and it sounds great!
I didn't post your results here just in case you're going incognito, but you kicked some ass! 42nd. overall in your division! :woot:

Nicely done.
Congrats, Etunes!:woot:

Nice! :D

Show those young bucks what we old men can do!
24%?! That's brutal! As Doug says, congrats on showing the young bucks who's boss!:cool:

Nice job Allen. I really hate getting back from a ride to find out that the GPS didn't work for half of it or so...:mad:
Went for a ride on Sunday, too, about 35 flat miles. Almost got tapped by a car that didn't see me stopped at a red light! Grrrr! Stay safe, guys!

Doug, with your new TT, I don't expect you to be leaving your house any time soon!:audiophile:
John or Allen, do you use a mount like this for your Garmin? I'm wondering if it works better than the stem mount. I like the idea of it being off the front.

I was skeptical of those at first, but I now have a K-edge that I love. Definitely helps keep the head up. Highly recommend getting one!:coolyeah:
Went for a ride on Sunday, too, about 35 flat miles. Almost got tapped by a car that didn't see me stopped at a red light! Grrrr! Stay safe, guys!

Doug, with your new TT, I don't expect you to be leaving your house any time soon!:audiophile:

Drivers are so distracted these days it's a wonder more riders aren't hit. I was riding along a straight stretch of road in the middle of the day about three feet right of the solid white line and almost got clipped by someone. There was nobody else on the road. He didn't even get over one inch and was actually riding right down the solid white line!!! :mad::mad::mad:

Summers in MI are short, and the winters seem to get longer every year. You learn to get out and do stuff while you can. The 'table will be there to keep me warm when the snow is flying again! :)